Sunday, June 27, 2010


There are two words that have indubitably been melded together in the English language: “conspiracy” and “theory.” These two have been used so often together by liberals, unbelievers, and news commentators, that it’s almost impossible to say the word “conspiracy” without someone’s mind automatically adding the word “theory” or “theories” to it.

No one wants to believe in conspiracies. No one really wants to believe that man is inherently evil, and capable of plotting detestable ill towards others. But they are sadly mistaken. Man at his best state is altogether vanity (Ps. 39:5). He is sinful in nature (Rom. 3:23 and 5:12) and capable of unspeakable atrocities, wickedness, and ungodliness.

As a Christian, I’ve been called a “conspiracy theorist” on more than one occasion when talking about the devil’s plan of a “NEW WORLD ORDER,” and Satan’s anti-biblical system designed to either persecute or enslave others under his soon coming rule.

With this in mind, I looked up the words conspiracy and conspiracies in the Bible. What I found was very interesting. Did you know you can’t even be a Christian unless you believe in Conspiracy Theories? For they are found throughout the pages of the Bible.

In our King James Bible, the word “conspiracy” is found 10 times. “Conspired” shows up 19 times, and the word “conspirators” is mentioned once.

Of each reference of conspiracy or conspirators who have conspired against someone, it is never for the good. It’s always with the desire to steal, kill, or destroy others. In the Bible, conspiracy is not a good thing!

From the first mention of conspiracy in Genesis 37:18 where we find Joseph’s brothers cunningly crafting a plan against him, as, “…they conspired against him to slay him,” to the last mention in Acts 23:13 where forty men conspired to kill the Apostle Paul, we find CONSPIRACIES all throughout the Bible!

The greatest conspiracy was that of killing our Lord Jesus Christ. Much of Bible prophecy speaks of the wicked and ungodly men who conspired together against our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to crucify him at Calvary. They wanted him dead because he exposed their criminal and sinful activities. Who were they? LOST RELIGIOUS LEADERS who conspired together to dupe the masses, and milk them for everything they could get. They were the true conspirators.

But it is not only in Bible times that we find conspiracies. In fact, they have existed and still do exist all throughout history. One would be very gullible to believe that there are no conspiracies around today against others to steal, kill, or destroy. People every day in every walk of life connive and scheme different ways to scam others and defraud them so they might prosper. This is something that cannot be denied! There are even laws on the books in which a criminal can be tried for “conspiracy.”

So why is it then that when someone begins to expose real conspiracies that he is automatically labeled a “crackpot” or a “waco?” Why are people automatically branded as “conspiracy theorists” without anyone even investigating what they claim is true or false? Why can’t people of today discern between conspiracy fact and conspiracy fiction – or better stated – conspiracy truth or conspiracy theory?

I think you know the answer. People nowadays are afraid to study, because they might find out what they’ve been taught is a lie. No one wants to believe a lie! And, no one ever wants to find out they’ve been lied to and deceived. So, people are often content with what they know and don’t look kindly to questioning the source. The old saying rings true: “Ignorance is bliss!

But there is a problem. When a person is a Bible believer, he begins to love truth, and he finds he must have it at all costs. Thankfully, the word of God is truth (2 Sam. 7:28, Ps. 19:9, Rev. 21:5, etc.), and this leads to him studying it more and more. Why? For the truth will set you free (John 8:32)!

Are there conspiracies today? If so, where are they, and who are they that put them out? The answer to that is simple. Any one or any organization that throws out the Bible must have a reason for doing so. There is something they want you to know other than the truth, so they are actively trying to get it (the Bible) out of the way so they can be looked at as the authority instead of God. They are the true conspirators, conspiring against God and his word!

As I read through the Bible, I clearly see why men don’t desire to think about “conspiracies,” and quickly label those who talk about them as "conspiracy theorists" to discredit them or to keep from facing the truth.
The following verses do well to show us the reasons why modern sinful man would rather believe a LIE than the truth:

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. (Psa 119:165)

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

Our first verse shows us two things about those we are not born again bible believers. 1. They have no PEACE, and 2. They are greatly OFFENDED. For if someone truly loved God’s law (the Bible), then they would be happy (have peace) and not be easily offended when they heard the truth. (We live in a day in age in which people not only hate truth, but they are actively hostile towards it!)

Our verses above in 2 Thessalonians also shows us man would rather believe a lie instead of the truth for two reasons: 1. They receive not the LOVE OF THE TRUTH, and 2. They have PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. In other words, they ENJOY THEIR SIN and they HATE HEARING THE TRUTH ABOUT THEMSELVES AND THEIR SINS!

People such as this despise hearing about conspiracies, especially when they are true. For they don’t care about what others are doing. All they really care about is themselves. And all they truly enjoy is their sin.

Thus, when someone tries to tell them the truth, they immediately label that person a “Conspiracy Theorist,” a "Nut," a "Crack Pot," and a "Waco." But what if what the person is saying is true? And what if Satan is the true "conspiracy theorist" as he is trying to get people to turn from trusting in God to trusting in man?
If you are a Bible Believer, that’s the only conclusion you can come to! Satan is the true conspirator against God and man. He lives only to destroy and decieve. He comes up with Theories like "Evolution" and "The Big Bang" to cause people to disbelieve in the existence of God.
If you are one of those who calls others "Conspiracy Theorists," you need to read your bible, and see how many real conspiracies there really are. You need to put on your truth goggles and begin to look at things differently. You must look for conspiracies against truth. You must practice DISCERNMENT and learn how to separate the good from the bad. What’s good, you must practice and preach, and what’s bad, you must preach against and shun.

There are true conspiracies out there, and you need to know what they are. For Satan is busy building his kingdom, and is conspiring against all of us. His greatest desire is to keep people from hearing the truth about salvation, so they might get saved. Satan not only wants people to die, but to further suffer eternal damnation in Hell in what the Bible calls the Second Death.

Conspiracies do exist. And in Christianity, Satan has been busy conspiring with his legions of the damned to deceive Christians on the three most important pillars of the Christian faith: Salvation, Sanctification, and the Scriptures.

Satan has changed the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone in the finished blood atonement of Jesus Christ to “another gospel.” It’s a gospel of works, in which a person trusts in their own ACTIONS instead of solely in the ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ.

The Devil has also been active in teaching things foreign to the Bible when it comes to the doctrine of sanctification, or holy living. Many a Christian does not live a holy, spirit-filled, separated life for Christ, rather they are worldly and riddled with the world and it’s anti-biblical teachings.

When it comes to the Bible, there is only one—The King James 1611! But Satan has conspired against this too, making hundreds upon hundreds of other versions, which their producers claim are based on the older and better texts. But as you study the facts, you find these same new versions take out thousands of words, and even whole sentences, verses, and passages. They are corrupt Bibles based on the critical texts of man, instead of the pure and preserved texts of God.

Without understanding there really are conspiracies out there, people will continue to be gullible and believe lies. This is why it’s so important to STUDY and learn for yourself what is true and what is not. Don’t deal with “Conspiracy Theories” but rather “Conspiracy facts!”

And when you find a lie, expose it openly, and boldly proclaim the truth!

2 Tim 2:14-16 explains it best:

14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. 15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Economic Downfall of man

Man is a depraved creature. His has a sin nature inherited from his disobedient parents Adam and Eve. As a depraved being, man can do nothing right. He might begin well, but he’ll always end up in mess as he spirals downwards.

As we study the economic history of the world, we find yet another thing that man has messed up in these last days. And we find man’s greed and depravity has led to their hatred towards God. Truly the love of money is THE ROOT of all evil! (And not the root of all "evils," as the new versions of the bible say).

In the Bible, we find true riches. The first man in the Bible that God calls rich is his friend Abraham. In Genesis 13:2, we read: “And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.

Here God tells us what true riches are. They are GOLD, SILVER, and CATTLE.

If you have all three of these, then truly you are rich. Gold and Silver will buy you anything you want. And Cattle will give you meat, milk, clothing, and more. You can even tie animal skins together for making tents, which is what many of the ancients like Abraham did. Yes, with gold, silver, and cattle, you are truly rich and have everything you need!

Gold and silver were used for currency, and throughout earth’s history we find people minting coinage of these precious metals, and using them to buy and sell.

This early GOLD STANDARD, worked well for thousands of years. All sales transactions were done in a timely fashion and a person was paid with something that was actually worth something! It had VALUE. And the fact that all men have an affinity for gold or silver proves this. We all have an inherit GOLD LUST, as we all desire those precious metals.
God said riches are GOLD and SILVER. But as we study the history of man, we see men turning from God’s economic set-up of gold and silver to other forms of currency. The ancient Spartans, for example, (which were really early Communists!) decided their currency would be IRON, and they used that heavy metal to mint their coins. What was their thinking? They wanted to be isolated from other nations, and they didn’t want people to carry too much money with them (it would have been too heavy). So they used iron, knowing it would keep people from wanting to associate and integrate with them.

But, as time went on, gold and silver ruled the world in all other nations as the standard form of currency. But man’s depravity eventually led to greedy men mixing gold and silver with copper and other metals, to make their coins go farther. Finally, men began to wake up to the fact their coins weighed less, and they demanded a standard coin that was pure metal, with a constant weight.

In Europe the “THALER” quickly rose as the standard because of it’s consistency of always being minted with the same amount of gold and silver. It is from this word (Thaler) that we get our word “Dollar.”

As you study the history of the United States, you’ll find that Spanish coins were used most frequently in the early days, in both gold as silver, because they had to be minted under strike guidelines to make sure each coin had the same amount of gold and silver.

Eventually, Americans began producing their own coinage. Of course they were GOLD and SILVER (with some copper for pennies). And these gold and silver coins were traded throughout or country based upon the GOLD STANDARD the government set up.

Because gold and silver is so heavy, and therefore hard to carry in large quantity, the idea was set up to print paper documents which would be traded for the gold or silver coins. These were I.O.U.’s, and were to be turned into the banks for face value in gold and silver.

But man’s depravity always shows it’s ugly head. And certain men of the baser sort (i.e. bankers), began to print more papers than they had gold or silver to back them. This led to much mistrust (and rightly so) among the common people. And if you’ll study your American history, you’ll see great economic collapse in our country in it’s early years for this very reason.

Still, gold and silver ruled the day, and as long as you had that, you could buy and sell. Paper currency was nothing more than toilet paper.

Gold and silver coins continued right up until the late 1800’s, being circulated all over, especially with the Comstock Load, and the many independent gold and silver miners throughout the land. Paper currency was still printed, but known as GOLD CERTIFICATES. Each note said, “Payable on demand to the bearer the sum in gold.” And because these notes were backed by something tangible, they were used quite often.

However, in the early 1900’s something happened. THE GOLD STANDARD was rejected, and done away with by our government. Instead, our country was put on the SILVER STANDARD. Notes were then called “SILVER CERTIFICATES,” payable on demand in silver to the bearer.

Then in 1933, Roosevelt did a tricky thing. He outlawed gold coins! Under penalty of law, a person had to turn their gold unto the government!

If that wasn’t bad enough, eventually, we went off the silver standard all together. And the Federal Reserve Bank began printing nothing but green dollar bills which they called NOTES. These had nothing to back them, no silver, and no gold. But people had been using paper bills for so long, they just circulated the notes as if they were real money.

In 1964, the federal government stopped minting silver coins. And in 1984, they stopped making pennies out of pure copper.

Do you see a pattern here? Someone, and I’ll let you figure out who, has bankrupted our nation, and taken away our real wealth. They have taken the Gold and Silver and given us FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES (i.e. greenbacks) in return that are seemingly worthless.

Luckily, Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s passed a law allowing people to own gold again. But to get it, they had to pay high prices for it. (As I right this, gold is worth over $1200 dollars an ounce!)

So let’s recap. America went off the GOLD STANDARD in the early 1900’s. It went off the SILVER STANDARD not shortly there after. And through my studies, the world as a whole followed suit, choosing to pattern their economies after that of the United States.

So what “standard” if any is the world on today? The answer to that might surprise you. The standard today is O-I-L!

That’s right! Oil has replaced gold and silver and copper. The government has set up an economic system based on that black slimy stuff under your feet! Ever hear of OPEC? It's an organization which makes OIL the standard of economies world-wide.

So, as we look through the annuals of time and see the “standard” that GOD set up being taken away by sinful, wicked men, we clearly see the depravity of man. GOLD is a type of heaven (where the bible says there are streets of it everywhere!) SILVER, in the Bible, is a type of Redemption. But instead of these, man decided they wanted something else. And what did they choose? The most filthy and dirty thing they could think of: OIL. They chose the darkest and blackest thing on earth (a type of sin)! Something they had to dig out of the ground, and something that burns up (a type of hell)!
Will the world ever get on the gold standard again? You bet it will, but not anytime soon. The Bible prophecies that very soon there will be a great time of TRIBULATION, in which Satan will do away with oil all together and set up HIS OWN STANDARD, in which people will have to submit to his rule, and take the MARK of the Beast. Only those with that mark will be able to buy or sell. What is that "mark?"
From what I understand it's a lithium powered microchip which will be inserted into the right hand or the forehead of people (as the Bible says will happen). The only problem is if such a chip were to break, while under the skin, the individual would grow very sick and most likely will develop a black "mark" on their skin (just as the Bible prophecies as well).
But thankfully, the Tribulation period is only prophecied to be 7 years long. After that, The Lord Jesus Christ will return and defeat the devil at the battle of Armageddon. And I'm certain that while he rules and reigns for 1000 years, the economic STANDARD of the world will again be SILVER and GOLD!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why I'm not a Communist!

I've been hearing a lot lately about Communism. Hollywood stars openly embrace it, schools and secular colleges teach it, and even our government is infiltrated with those who claim to adhere to it's principles and doctrines. It's sad that those who claim to be Americans openly embrace such a system that they know little about.
As I mowed the yard the other day, I thought about the evils of Communism, and why I personally choose not to embrace such an athiestic system.
Why I'm not a Communist...
Communism leaves no room for God. In fact, it always gets rid of God and the Bible. History proves this, as every communist nation that ever existed has thrown God out as soon as possible. (See Russia, Vietnam, China, etc.).
Why is communism against God? The answer is simple: Because communism is a secular form of government that seeks to exalt man instead of glorifying God. It brags on what mankind can do as it works together through brute force, will power, and might.
It is really nothing more than secular humanism, which is the arch-enemy of a belief in God.
I choose to refuse communism, because I believe in and trust in God! And, because Communistic ideals would make me have to believe in and trust in man instead.
Communism takes away the rights of the people, as it tries to make all men equal. It gives you no choice to live your life as you choose, rather to do what's good for the "commune."
As I visited Nicaragua years ago, I was appauled at what I saw in that once communistic nation. The thing that really got me was how everyone had the same house and the same exact furniture. As I walked the streets, the houses left their doors open and I looked into house after house and saw everyone had the exact same chairs, sofas, T.V.'s tables, etc. Why? Because they were given to them by the government, and everyone got the same thing. If someone didn't like what they were given, they could decide to take it or leave it. But they could not have anything different than what others had.
I wouldn't ever want to live in such a situation! One of the greatest joys in life is being able to CHOOSE what you want. It's wonderful to be able to choose your own clothes, your own car, your own house, your own furniture, etc. CHOICE is a great thing. And what's better is when you have diversity of things so you can choose what you like. Choice is what makes us who we are!
Communism takes away one's right to CHOOSE, as it plays God and forces everyone to be the same. (Like robots).
Communism also takes away one's right to work in the job they desire. For under communism, a person's trade or profession is chosen for them based on tests. They are then given the job that best suits the community, whether the person likes that job or not. How nice it is to be able to choose your profession!
No one can deny that communism rapes people of their freedoms. When communism reigns, people have no individual rights. They are only viewed as one of the collective, and individuals who have no right to think and act of their own accord and free will. They are slaves to the system, and must do what's best for the state, not what's best for themselves and their family.
Under communism, groups like the KGB, keep people in check by threating them if they don't go along with the program. Disobedience leads to concentration camps, torture, and even terrorizing others to get what they want.
Who in their right mind would want to live in a society where you never know who is watching you, and you never know when they might come after you for anything?
Communism takes away freedom and gives you utter fear in it's place.
Communism is a bloody religion. History proves that communist dictators are the bloodest people that have ever lived. Stalin murdered an estimated 20 million of his own people. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara murdered countless innocent victims in cold blood in their revolution. And what about Philpot, Mao, and others, who mercilessly commited holocaust against those who refused to go along with their tyrannical system.
Communism lives and thrives on the blood of the innocent. It cannot even begin execpt by revolution, which leads to horrible blood shed.
I don't want to die, or see others die, that's why I don't want to be a part of a Communist governement, which continually tortures and brutally murders it's citizens.
I'm a non-conformist Christian. I don't look at others and then try to do what they are doing. I look to God's word and ask, "What does God want me to do?"
Under communism, that would be impossible. For Communism gets rid of God and the Bible and tells it's subjects they must worship and obey the state, doing everything they are told.
This rejection of God leads to the degradation of society and the inevitable destruction of good, godly morales. Which leads to people falling into the sins of fornication, stealing, murdering, drunkeness, hatred, and more.
Communism not only corrupts the morales of its citizens, but it also destroys love. Under such a system, people learn to get ahead by lying and playing others to get what they want. They become selfish and learn to lust instead of to love. (Love says "What can I DO for others?", while Lust says, "What can I GET from others?").
Truly, Communism does away with love, which is to care more about others than yourself. It produces hateful carnal people who oftentimes are no more than animals, with the selfish instincts of self-gratification, self-preservation, and self-propagation.
Not only this, but communism leaves no room for people to be nice to others, as the Bible teaches us. Under communism it is, "Do unto others before they do unto you!"
Who would want to live in such a system that leaves you always looking over your shoulder, and leaving you mistrustful of your fellow man.
The Bible teaches us how to live, and we are supposed to have the fruits of the spirit, as we put others before ourselves. These fruits of the spirit are foreign to communism, and have no place in such a diabolical, and anti-biblical system.
I'm not a communist, nor do I want to be. I'd rather die than be a communist, and sadly, if the world chooses communism, that's probably exactly what will happen. I'll probably be a martyr for the cause of Christ because of my adamant stand against such an evil form of government.
Surely, only the devil himself could have come up with such a degrading and anti-Christian system of government that corrupts the youth, destroys liberty, and damns the soul.
While I still have the right and the ability to CHOOSE, I choose NOT TO BE A COMMUNIST! How about you?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Devil's System

We live in a world in which the devil is in charge. This is made clear in 2 Corinthians 4:4, which speaks of satan as the "god of this world." (Notice the little "g" on "god." He might be the "prince and power of the air," and in charge in this earthly realm, but God is still on the throne and only allows him that power for a short time longer).
As the CEO of this world, the devil has been very busy setting up things exactly the way he wants them to be run. He's set up a SYSTEM (or maybe we should say many different systems) in which he is honored, and others can only prosper if they play by his rules.
Without going into the entire history of the world, and without going through the many different ways in which satan works, I'll briefly mention the four greatest tools satan has at his disposal:
Let's look at each of these, and see if we can glean a bit on how Satan works, and how HIS SYSTEM benefits those who willingly submit themselves to it's embrace.
Satan learned years ago that in order to rally people to his cause, he had to make himself look smarter than anyone else. With over 6,000 years of experience, there is no doubt the devil is very wise. Yet his wisdom is "sensual," "earthly" and "devilish." (See James 3:15-17).
Just as the Devil deceived Eve using knowledge (the lure of knowing both good and evil), satan is still active today making people think they are missing out if they don't learn more KNOWLEDGE. Sadly, the knowledge he extends is the knowledge of his system instead of the knowledge of the Bible and God's way of salvation.
The devil has been active in dispersing false wisdom since the very beginning, and twisting truth so that people will deceive a LIE rather than the truth. John 8:44 confirms this, calling him a "LIAR" from the beginning. And in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we read of the devil deceiving the whole world, making them believe a LIE rather than the truth.
Satan is a master at making the truth sound silly and a lie sound believable. It's only with the word of God (the King James Bible) that we can see through the devil's lies.
The World Education System today is a prime example of how satan works. People are endoctrinated in colleges to believe things like EVILUTION, GLOBAL WARMING, and many other unprovable theories. They are further taught that God is dead, and that no one should be heard unless they are "learned" and have proven themselves wise by earning a secualr "degree." For only those with titles behind their names are truly "wise in the world," as they are a part of the Education System that satan has set up. But what saith the scriptures?
Psa 62:9 Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of HIGH DEGREE (i.e. Ph.D's, etc.,) are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
1 Cor 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
GOD is the creator of this world, and is wiser than man. He is also much wiser than the devil. Thus, to find true knowledge and wisdom, a sinner should turn to God and His textbook, the Bible, to learn true wisdom and not to a Satanic Educational System that attacks God, glorifies sin, and exalts man as the final authority.
2. ACCOUNTING or ECONOMIC PRINCIPALS (i.e. Credit system).
The old saying is, "He who has the money has the power!" Further, it's been stated, "Money gets you power and power gets you money!"
The devil knows this, and has been actively engaged in securing both wealth and power in order to forward his agenda. Satan's greatest tool in controling the world is controling the world's BANKING SYSTEM, which he's set up to enslave the masses under his control.
How so you might ask? Well apart from getting the world off of the gold and silver standard, he's been actively working towards a money-less society in which even paper money is useless. His goal is to make money a MARK in which a person must wear in their forehead or hand (as prophecied in the book of Revelation)--known as the MARK OF THE BEAST.
The way satan has worked at his goal, was to substitute the CASH system for that of CREDIT. When you pay for goods or services with cash, all is well. Transactions are made securely, and the economy booms. Money is passed hand to hand.
But when it comes to credit, that's a different story. The "buy now and pay later" mentality leads to much abuse. Credit card companies charge interest, or usury, something God was against Israel doing to their neighbors. It further leads to the tempation of buying all you can when you want it which leads to people falling into debt, something God is also very much against.
In Romans 13:8, we are commanded, "Owe no man any thing..."
God does not wish us to rack up outrageous debt that we can't pay off, for this is the road to "serfdom."
When a person owes a debt to someone else, they are endebted to that person. They then remain enslaved to that person until they pay off their debt.
Prov 22:7 makes this abundantly clear when it says, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
Satan's economic system has been in place for years. With credit cards like VISA (which by the way stands for VATICAN INTERNATIONAL SALES ASSOCIATION), satan has set up a system in which people that are with out can get what they want by buying on credit. But then with massive inflation, they can't pay back what they've run up, and in short fall even farther into debt. (Did you know over 90% of Americans live in massive debt.)
It's easy to see how when the anti-christ takes over and brings in the mark of the beast how easily he'll find those who want to take it. I imagine (and I'm just guessing here), that he'll probably come in promising complete forgiveness of all debts if people will just take the mark of the beast. And those who don't go at the rapture will be more than happy to take what they perceive as an offer of kindess, although it enslaves them even the more into the devil's new economic system in which no one can buy or sell without that mark.
Clearly satan knows a thing or two about money. That's why it's important to do your best to live outside his system, and free from debt if at all possible!
In the Bible, salvation is a free gift of God offered to anyone who will receive Jesus Christ as Saviour by faith in his Shed Blood at Calvary.
In Religion, salvation is by one's own works that they do for Jesus, as they hope God will accept them based upon their own goodness.
It must be noted that Religion is not salvation! Salvation saves, religion enslaves! For religion makes a person a complete slave to the masters of that organization and it's sacraments, rituals, and religious rites. If a person doesn't do exactly what his or her religion says, they are threatened with eternal damnation. This leaves the follower in constant doubt and fear of whether or not they DID enough to make it to heaven. Only satan could devise such a horrible religious system!
Salvation is the exact opposite of religion. It's resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ knowing he DID enough for you to pay for your sins and give you eternal life!
You'll remember it was the RELIGIOUS CROWD that murdered and crucified Jesus Christ. It was the RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS of the Jews who turned the people against Jesus, and throughout church history it was the RELIGIOUS PRIESTS and RELIGIOUS DOGMATISTS that murdered untold millions in masacre after masacre, in the Inquisition, and more.
Religion has always been an enemy of Jesus Christ and his true followers and it always shall be. And who is the greatest enemy of Jesus Christ? The devil. Would it not then stand to reason that satan was behind the world's greatest religions, setting himself up a world church that he will rule and reign over in the tribulation, as the bible prophecies? No, it's not too far fetched, it's a reality.
If you know anything about history at all, you know that for thousands of years, at least after the time of Christ, time and again the church and state have joined forces and carried out mass murder on those who won't go along with their system or their agenda.
Satan has been active in politics since the very beginning and is still working behind the scenes to bring in his own "NEW WORLD ORDER."
The Bible prophecied this would happen. In Revelation, we are told the beast and the false prophet (a mixture of religion with politics) would take over the world and rule for seven years in the time known as the TRIBULATION. But thankfully the book does not end there. We are told the Lord Jesus Christ himself will return and at the battle of Armageddon, defeat the devil, and set up his own kingdom in which he'll rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years!
As we look at the politics of the world today, we see the push to the devil's ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. The old "League of Nations" and the new "United Nations" are a move towards that agenda. Further we hear constant talk of the "Global community" and the need for "Global interdependence."
Our modern politicians no longer care about what we want, but are actively engaged in bringing about a globalist agenda to unite the world into one single government with 10 seperate regions (just as the bible prophecied).
From the Masons, to the Skull and Bones, from the Illuminati, to the Council on Foreign Relations, there is a satanic conspiracy to bring about A ONE WORLD SYSTEM. It will be SATAN'S SYSTEM, in which there will be a ONE WORLD EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, a ONE WORLD FINANCIAL SYSTEM, and a ONE WORLD RELIGION, all united by and governed by the devil under the guise of the anti-christ.
In short the devil's system encorporates the FINANCIAL, the FEDERAL, and religious FAITH.
But there is one system I have not yet discussed, and that's the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM of the world.
I personally believe that this whole "health care" bill which was recently passed in America (against the overwhelming opinion of the American people), will pave the way to the giving of the "chip" to those in the tribulation. In other words, as it mandates all to have their own doctor, I believe the government will use doctors to inject the RFID chip (which will be the mark of the beast) under the skin of everyone who does not go at the rapture. Similar laws have been passed all over the world, and similar health care systems have been set up, so that no one can be free to refuse to take the mark. They will be enslaved to the medical system, and forced to submit to the lethal injection (for the Bible teaches if someone takes the mark of the beast, they can't be saved).
Satan has worked hard to bring the world to the time and place it is in now, ready to accept a one-world regime. Satan's Systems have worked time and again, and done well in bringing everything into place for the mark of the beast to be given soon to the entire world. All that's waiting is for the rapture of the church, and then it's coming in.
Are you ready? If not, get saved! Go at the rapture! Because if you don't, you'll not only be up against the devil's system, but you'll be against the entire world!
And if you are a true Christian, then why not speak out? Tell others about what's going on. People need to know we are in the end of the church age, and time is very short!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Through recent events, I've learned first-hand how much power a person can attain by simply playing the “victim.”

It’s not what you have gone through, it’s what people think you’ve gone through that counts. And if you can give a good sob story, it’s easy to sway others to join your cause. The sadder the story, the more you can get from others by playing “The Victim Card.”

This is exactly what’s been done in politics in America over the last 50 years, and has even lead to the American people adopting this same practice.

Whether you know it or not, there is a "victim mentality" in our country which has led countless millions of people to claim they have been victimized and that they should be entitled to compensation for widespread villany of others. Call it social justice or what ever you like, it is a powerful way to make others do what you want them to do.

This power comes not by dominance or force, but by pretending to have been persecuted. It plays upon the emotions of others instead of the actual evidence at hand. (God help us when people stop looking at FACTS, and start going by their FEELINGS!)

By pretending you have been defrauded, and making yourself look like a casualty, it’s easy to “guilt trip” others into feeling sorry for you. And once that’s done, it’s even easier to just extend your hand and receive the “gift” they give out of guilt instead of out of love.

Jesus was the first victim. His death on the cross lead to Christianity spreading far and wide. But he was a true victim, and not a pretender like we see today. But we still see the POWER of Christianity as it started with a true victim.

But nowadays, no one is actually DYING for or GIVING THEIR LIFE FOR OTHERS in a self-less sacrifice as a substitutionary victim for the sins of others. Nay, instead most people nowadays are SELFISH, and are claiming their lack of material goods makes them the victim as: “They don’t have as much as everyone else,” or “They don’t think they have what they think they are entitled to.”

They are “social victims” who can’t get ahead because of some reason or another, and so we are supposed to help them whether they deserve it or not.

Well, I’ve learned over the years, there are some people that just don’t deserve help! My Dad always taught me, “We don’t reward bad behaviour.”

But I see people all over doing just that, as they feel sorry for and reward others who claim to be victimized. Sadly, these psuedo-victims have never truly suffered, or especially not as much as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They play upon the emotions of others, and choose to rape and plunder others instead of actually suffering themselves.

Another thing I’ve found about “the modern victim” is they are completely ungrateful. Their sense of “entitlement” has led them to think they deserve even more then others. This leads to them thinking that when they do receive charity, it was something owed to them, and not a gift at all. It’s easy to be thankful when someone gives you something you don’t deserve. But it’s hard to be thankful when you feel someone is holding out on you and when you get what’s their’s you grudgingly feel you should have gotten it a long time ago.

This “What’s yours is mine mentality” makes the giver the real victim. For the receiver takes out of hatred, demanding what they feel is their’s, instead of allowing the giver to practice charity, and giving out of their heart. This leads to the taker becoming a “leech” who sucks the blood out of the giver. He’s a parasite who tries to live off his host, because he becomes comfortable in his supposed “victimization.”

Further, this “victim mentality” kills kindness. As it makes it almost sinful to be nice to others, because they judge your kindness, thinking your are only doing it because you should have done it long ago, and you are doing it only to appease your conscience.

In this cruel and wicked world, it’s harder and harder to be nice to others. Especially when they are not grateful for what’s given them. In fact, their mentality and doctrine leaves them completely ungrateful for anything at all.

They usually cry over and over, “I deserve more than this!” But as my Dad used to always say, “Truly, the only thing you deserve is HELL, everything else is just the grace of God!.”

The old adage is, “A little kindness will get you anywhere!”

But with the spirit of this age, where others feel they are entitled to what you have, and you should give it to them because they are the victim, it’s almost more profitable to not be nice.

I’ve learned first hand recently that you can spend your whole life being nice to someone and showing kindness to them, but if they have “the victim spirit of entitlement” all your kindness amounts to a hill of beans, and will always be forgotten.

Not only that, they will hate you, persecute you, and speak evil against you. In short, THEY MAKE YOU THE ACTUAL VICTIM, WHILE CLAIMING YOU ARE THE BAD GUY!

So there you have it. To win, you have to prove to others you are the victim. It’s almost who plays the victim card first is the one who will succeed in our crazy and mixed-up society.

But I chose not to be a victim. I trust my Saviour Jesus Christ, and thank him for being a victim for me. And I’ll follow his example of doing nice to others, even if it gets me crucified, just as it did for him.

Note: After writing this and reading it over again, the thought entered my head, “Some crazy person who pretends to be a victim is going to read this and think I'm writing against black people, or poor hispanics or something, and that I'm a racist.” How silly! As I sat down and wrote this, I was thinking about most of the white folks I know! So curve your racism, bro! A’aight?

Friday, June 4, 2010

The End is Near!

So I woke up this morning, just like any other morning, tired, depressed, and not wanting to deal with life. I went through my daily routine, kissing my wife, kissing my child, and saying good morning to my grandmother.
While my wife went to make breakfast, I thought I'd sit down and check my email and read the news on my computer. But what I found gave me cold chills and made my heart start racing. TRULY, THE END IS NEAR!
In one email a friend sent me a website entitled "" in which there are reports of guillotines (that's right, GUILLOTINES) being ordered and shipped to different locations around America. Being a Bible-Believer, I've read in the book of Revelation that those who do not accept the mark of the beast during the tribulation will be BEHEADED!
Scary that they should already be distributing these devices all over America. The Rapture must be soon!
Then I look at the following headline, "Something Has Just Hit Jupiter." I click on it and read, "Veteran amateur astronomers Anthony Wesley of Australia and Christopher Go of the Philippines have independently observed an impact event on Jupiter. The strike occurred at 20:31 UT on June 3rd and produced a bright flash of light in the giant planet's cloudtops."
Again, reading my Bible, and being taught in Bible school about how Satan worship is tied in with the planet Jupiter, I was astonished. For in Acts 19:35 we read of those who worship "an image" that fell down from the planet Jupiter.
My old Bible School president and teacher always said that the anti-christ would somehow be related to Jupiter, and might even be an image itself which falls down from there.
Can you say S-C-A-R-Y?
Then I read more about the many earthquakes that have come this year alone, more than any other time in history, and how Jesus said in Matthew 24:7 there would be earthquakes "in diverse places" in the last days.
Then I read about the Israel "flotilla" thing and how those crazy palestinians were armed to the tooth as they headed toward Israel. Then I read about the whole North Korean attack on South Korean, the Iran "nuke" thing, and more, which brought to mind the words of Jesus in Luke 21:10, "Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."
Then I read about a "one world flag" being put on the back of our driver's licenses instead of the American flag, and that set me thinking more about the New World Order. I used to call it the "coming New World Order," but I don't think I can call it that anymore. It's not coming, IT'S ALREADY HERE!
Knowing my Bible, the Bible clearly prophecies that after the rapture of the church, the anti-christ will reign over the whole earth for seven years before Jesus returns again at Armageddon, and defeats him.
It appears that everything is in place, and all is ready for Satan's rule in the tribulation. All that lacks is the rapture.
I believe it's coming soon. So why don't other Christians believe so as well? Why do they all seem to be setting the date way off in the future? Some say 2029, others 2033, others even 2037. Why can't they see how close it really is?
I remember in 1988, my best friend's Mom was reading a book entitled, "88 Reasons Why Jesus is Coming in '88."
Of course the author was wrong, but there was such a sense of urgency back then. I saw they sense of urgency increase in the early and even the late '90s. But after 2000, it seems like it has tapered off. Many Christians just don't think about the rapture anymore, or if they do, they want to think it's something their children will experience and not them themselves.
I'm going to go read my Bible now. Hope you do the same! ; )

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Satan's kingdom revealed in documentaries.

The most important thing a Christian needs to learn after he is saved is that the world is not his friend, and the world is definitely not what he thought it was. This world is the domain of the Devil, and it's his playground. He runs it and he enjoys having his way. The Bible even tells us he is called the "god of this world" in 2 Cor. 4:4.
As the god of this world (notice the little "g"), Satan has his hands into everything, and enjoys using his tools to lead people to the dark side. It never baffles me to see that things I just thought were just plain worldly, were really "satanic" in origin and practice. Whether you believe it or not, there truly is a "Satanic Conspiracy" in this world in which the demons of hell are spiritually influencing the minds of the masses.
Just as the Bible teaches, there is a battle between Satan and God for your soul. The Lord Jesus Christ has done all that's necessary on Calvary for you to be saved, but the Devil does all he can to keep you from realizing that. He even goes so far as to have his legions of devils to extend their slimey claws into everything they can to lead you astray from the truth. They use Music, Media, Movies, Education, Religions, politics, video games, secret societies, and more. For all they want is to damn souls to hell!
I don't know if you've ever thought about it or not, but the only joy the Devil will ever have is laughing at people in Hell with him, because they had a chance to get saved, but the Devil didn't!
The older I grow, the more I see how Satan has his hands into everything, and the more we need to separate from the world.
As I thought on these things, some friends sent me some Christian documentaries, knowing how much I like them. One of them was an expose on Yoga. I'd never really studied it much, but this video opened my eyes to just how evil it is!
This documentary showed that Yoga in America began with the Beatles, who used their fame to teach Trancendentalism to the young. (i.e. meditation). They did just that and the "hippie movement" was birthed with sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.
Most hippies used drugs as they explored Eastern Mystiscism and meditation. This lead to them to study Yoga as well.
What is Yoga? As you study it out, and go to the source of it in Hinduism, you find that Yoga is a means to move your body in order to open your mind. Your spine is called the Serpent, and you open yourself up to your own personal spirit guide through breathing and repeating a mantra, in order to have him lead you to enlightenment. As you get higher in the study of it, you find Yoga's main theme is to find yourself and realize you are a god.
Does anyone else out there see a problem here???
Sounds just like Genesis chapter three to me where Satan (the serpent) deceived Eve, claiming she could KNOW something and be like GOD.
Yoga further leads to finding your own personal "spirit guide." Could this not lead to being "demon possessed?" I believe it can and it does!
Finally, Yoga (Hinduism) teaches reincarnation, which leads a person to not fear death, nor think about their eternal soul's destiny.
Yoga then is Satan's instrument to get man's mind, body, and soul. It even allows him access to possess a person.
The video even showed how some "Christians" are now mixing Yoga with Christianity. But how can someone mix the things of God with the things of Belial? Instead of naming Hindu gods, they do yoga in the name of Jesus. But isn't there another Jesus of which the Bible speaks of? Yes there is! (See 2 Cor. 11:4)
Could it be these "Christians" could be giving place to the Devil? No wonder the church is in such a horrible state today!
I recently watched another documentary from my friend entitled, "Hollywood's War Against God." It was very informative, and started with the ancient gnostics and what they taught and believed. It showed they all thought WISDOM or SECRET KNOWLEDGE was the most important thing, and only they knew the truth. Because of this, they worshipped the female goddess of wisdom they called "Sophia" (the Greek word for wisdom). They further believed that one could become his own "god" (notice the little "g" again), as he grew in knowledge.
It further tied Gnosticism in with Satanism, as the two have much in common.
The documentary then showed many modern films like the Davinci Code, the Matrix, V for Vendetta, and others and showed the blatant Satanism in them and how they have ties to Aleister Crowley.
Years ago, before I was even a Christian, I used to listen to Rock Music. But my Dad gave me a comic book by Jack Chick entitled, "Spellbound." The literature showed how witches and warlocks had infiltrated the music industry and have been actively engaged in corrupting the minds of the youth with backmasking, hidden subliminal messages, and more.
I even remember a friend of mine and I taking Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" on tape, and taking the tape apart and playing it backwards. I remember distinctly hearing the spine curling words clearly, "My sweet Satan."
But at the time, I remember I shrugged it off as "coincidence" and not as the Satanic inspiration that it is.
There is no doubt Satan is behind the Rock 'n Roll movement. Even the term itself speaks of the sex act of fornication.
My friend also gave me a documentary of 10 hours long by a pastor exposing Rock Music. It not only showed many of the lyrics of modern main-stream Satanic bands, but gave biographies and quotes of the artists, in which they stated they were practicing Satanists!
But even though the information is out there, many Christians can't believe that their favorite rock song is "Satanic."
My friend also sent me a documentary about secret societies, witchcraft, and Satanism. It was very interesting as it exposed their practices.
Most secret societies believe in being "born again." That is in their initiation, they have the initiate being stripped, and then put into a coffin. They are then "reborn" as a member of the society. (This is obviously a false type of the new birth of a Christian).
In Satanism and witchcraft, the higher one gets, the more he comes in contact with demons. And his communion with them eventually leads to the act of Sodomy. Aleister Crowley, who is known as the most wicked man in the world, and who christened himself "The Beast," practiced homosexual acts on children claiming it gave him power.
Interestingly enough, a friend of mine told me about a new video game he purchased in which the beginning of the game was an "initiation." Afterwards, in the game the player could chose to have gay sex with another man if he so desired.
Parents, you ought to be very careful letting your children play video games! I remember before I was saved, we used to play "Final Fantasy." In the game were the names Odin, Shiva, and other pagan gods. I thought about this later and how that game was made to prepare children to accept things like Yoga, pagan mysticism, and more.
Certainly Satan has his hands in everthing. But many Christians still live in disbelief. Even though they know there is a Satan, they somehow think he's sitting on couch somewhere eating bon-bons and drinking mint juleps, and relaxing. They don't seem to realize he's actively engaged in going after the youth with many a Satanic lure.

With music, movies, mechanical devices (i.e. computers, T.V.s, etc.), media (books like Harry Potter) and more the Devil is busy blinding the eyes of them with believe not the gospel (2 Cor 4:4).

He's had 6000 years to perfect his tactics. Why then does it seem most Christians don't seem to realize this? They all seem to be in denial.
But the Devil is real and he is still deceiving millions. I'm just so glad my God is bigger than he is! And he's delivered me from the power of Satan.
How about you?

The Law by Frederic Bastiat

This is the first of my book reviews...
I've recently read the book entitled "The Law," by the Frenchmen Frederic Bastiat, and I was amazed at how intelligent this man was in his knowledge of different forms of government. his book was first published in French in 1850 in the form of a pamphlet, and it is still very pertinent today. If you have not read this book, you must get a copy!
In 1853, the book was translated by an unidentified Englishman, and published in English.
The book focuses in on the importance of LAW, and why men need it so badly. The book also shows laws should come from a Creator, for if not, laws will become corrupt, and be used for evil instead of good.
Mr. Bastiat's favorite word, it appears, is "plunder. And he does a great job of showing how without law, others plunder their neighbors. Under just laws with just rulers, they do not. But, and this is where we are in America today, under unjust rulers, laws are perverted so that they can plunder the masses.
He further shows how socialism is a bad form of government that is nothing short of legal plunder.
Mr. Bastiat was so intelligent, he exposes people like Rousseau as the fakes they are, and gives real logical reasons for how and why a government must work.
Of Rousseau he says, "The followers of Rousseaus's school of thought--who consider themselves far advanced, but whom I consider TWENTY CENTURIES BEHIND THE TIMES--will not agree with me on this..."
Bastiat calls socialism nothing short of "legal plunder." He further attackes the "seductive lure of socialism" and shows how it tries to bring a man to its submission, as it takes away his freedom and right to choose.
I quote Mr. Bastiat, "Here I encounter the most popular fallacy of our times. It is not considered sufficient that the law should be just; it must be philanthropic. Nor is it sufficient that the law should guarantee to every citizen the free and inoffensive use of his faculties for physical, intellectual, and moral self-improvement. Instead, it is demanded that the law should directly extend welfare, education, and morality throughout the nation. This is the seductive lure of socialism. And I repeat again: These two uses of the law are in direct contradiction to each other. We must choose between them. A citizen cannot at the same time be free and not free."
Doesn't this sound like it applies directly to us today, and what we are going through in our current political system?
Bastiat continues by speaking of "fraternity." As I read this, I thought about all the "Labor Unions" in the world today, and how they are trying to take over under the slogan of "workers of the world unite!"
Bastiat's words are so powerful when he writes, "Mr. de Lamartine once wrote to me thusly; 'Your doctrine is only half of my program. You have stopped at liberty; I go on to fraternity [i.e. unions].' I answered him: 'The second half of your program will destroy the first. In fact, it is impossible for me to separate the word fraternity from the word voluntary. I cannot possibly understand how fraternity can be legally enforced without liberty being destroyed, and thus justice being legally trampled underfoot."
This statement should send cold chills up your spine! For the current administration is busy taking over the private sector and setting up unions which are subservient to the powers that be!
Bastiat further speaks of the importance of the ownership of private property, (something socialists and communistis are against), as well as how "Socialists wish to play God."
His words, "Socialists look upon people as raw material to be formed into social combinations. This is so true that, if by chance, the socialists have doubts about the success of these combinations, they will demand that a small portion of mankind be set aside to experiment upon."
Sounds exactly like what Hitler and the Nazi's did, doesn't it? This guy Bastiat is a prophet!
He continues writing under the following headings:
The Socialist Despise Mankind
Socialists Ignore Reason and Facts
Socialists Want to Regiment People
The Socialists Want Forced Conformity
The Socialists Want Dictatorship
The Socialists Reject Free Choice
Bastiat hits the nail on the head time and again. He even has a small section in his pamphlet entitled, "The Leader of the Democrats," in which he atacks Rousseau again for his illogical political ideas.
I just thought it was funny that he mentioned Socialists and Democrats so closely knit together. It's almost like he wrote his book in our day and not in the mid 1800s. He was a true Conservative.
Under a section called, "The Doctrine of the Democrats," Bastiat states, "The strange phenomenon of our times--one which will probably astound our descendants--is the doctrine based on the triple hypothesis: the total inertness of mankind, the omnipotence of the law, and the infallibility of the legislator. These three ideas form the sacred symbolof those who proclaim themselves totally democratic. The advocates of this doctrine also profess to be social...But so far as they are social, they regard mankind as little better than mud...But when the [Democratic i.e Socialist] legislator is finally elected--ah! then indeed does the tone of his speech undergo a radical change. The people are returned to passiveness, inertness, and unconsciousness; the legislator enters into omnipotence. Now it is time for him to initiate, to direct, to propel, and to organize. Mankind has only to submit; the hour of depotism has struck.."
Does that not sound like the Pelosi, Reid, Obamer agenda, which continually goes against the will of the people, while claiming it is doing what's best for the people?
Bastiat continues with a wealth of well-thought-out, logical, and impecable wisdom under the headings of "Socialists Fear all Liberties," "The Basis for Stable Government" and "Justice Means Equal Rights."
I won't further give away the book, as I urge you to read it for yourself. But it's amazing how well it's written and how much of the book applies to us today. (The copy I have is only 74 pages long, so it's an easy read).
Suffice it to say, Bastiat went through a Revolution in France, and he saw his country destroyed.
What destroyed it? Socialism. That is why he wrote this book to warn others of the dangers of such a system, or any other political system that takes away liberties, enslaves the populace, and takes away their God-given rights. And, for over 150 years Frederick Bastiat has been dead-on right!
So why haven't you heard about this book? Why hasn't it been taugth in every school in America? I think you know the answer to that.
The old addage really is true, "The only thing men never learn from history is that men never learn from history!"
That's why you need to read, study, and disperse information to others!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

America's Greatest Enemies

I've been watching "America: The Story of Us" on the History Channel. Although it leaves out a lot of history, it is interesting. It also tries to portray the American Spirit of HARD WORK, and ENJOYING THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOUR.

As I watched this, I thought about the three biggest threats against America, her spirit, her way of life, and her capitalistic ideals.

These three greatest enemies are:




We fought against all three of these in separate wars. In World War II, we fought the NAZI's, which were National Socialists. In Korea and Vietnam, we fought against the Communists, which were hell bent on taking over and taking away the rights of others. And now after 911 we are in a heated battle against Terrorism, brought to our soil by "Radical Islam."

With this is mind, it baffles me that Americans could elect a president who is pro-socialist, pro-marxist, and pro-islam! He's the very thing we Americans fought against to preserve our freedoms! (Memorial Day really made me think more about this. I wonder how our veterans feel about it.) No wonder we see our rights being taken away so quickly!

A friend sent me an email with a youtube video for you to watch about our prez. I don't know much about how to paste youtube videos, but you should look up the following video entitled:


It's by OriginalSavageChick, and is worth a watch to show you Obomers ties to Socialists, Communists, and Islamists. (I hope you find it, as they keep trying to take it down).

Why doesn't the news media report the truth about our commander in chief you might ask???

I know why! It's because most of them went to colleges that taught them SOCIALISM and MARXISM. And the old addage is right, "Birds of a feather flock together!"

Well, it's about time somebody exposes SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, and ISLAM, for those diabolical tri-fectas are "fundamentally opposed" to the United States and capitalism.

Please spread the above mentioned video!!! More people need to know the truth!

We also need to preach against Communism, Socialism, and Islam, as they all have one thing in common. THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY OUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS!

Communism wants us all to have one thing in common--live poor!

Socialism wants us all to be social, in that we all have to do the same thing--what the government wants us to do instead of what we want to do!

And even the word Islam means "submission." Upon threat of death, you are forced to follow that religion.

Do any of those systems sound like "the land of the free and home of the brave" to you?

I trow not!

God help us! We are becoming the very thing our forefathers fought against.

I remember in the 1980's my father and his friend talking. I remember dinstinctly what my Dad's friend said word for word as they talked about the cold war, Russia, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. He said, "America is becoming more communistic and Russia is becoming more capitalistic."

How sad.

I've studied Communism a lot. Without a doubt, Marx was a complete idiot! His idea of doing away with private property is silly. It's not only against God, who gives us the right to defend what's ours, but it's against nature itself. Every bird has its own nest, every fox its own hole, every mammal its own cave or den.

Communist countries are the scariest places on earth! The Gestapo, KGB, and other organizations spy in their own citizens, who continually live in fear of being picked up and taken away, never to be seen again.

Do we really want to live that way? I don't!

Years ago I got a set of tapes by Stuart Crane, an economist, and lecturer on history from an economical standpoint. If you get a chance, you should get those tapes and listen to them. His attitude is, "Follow the money trail!" And, he shows the history of America and her many wars from the standpoint of "who benefits?" He clearly shows those who benefit are those who are in control, and everyone else is just a pawn to them.

In Communism, Socialism, and Islam, the only people who benefit are those in charge who get rich off of others, and enjoy living off of those they have enslaved.

WAKE UP AMERICA! Fight the devil's trinity of evil!!! Pray for our country, and do all you can to preserve our way of life!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Order of Bible Books

Recently I saw an add on the internet for a King James Bible which had the books rearranged into the order that each book was written, instead of the traditional order of the original King James Bible.

In the ad, they had written something to the effect that the King James translators didn't know much and they were "wrong" in putting the books of the Bible in the order they did. But, were they really?

As an adamant King James Bible Believer, I believe not only are the words of the King James Bible inspired, and preserved, but I also believe that the actual ORDER OF THE BOOKS themselves is inspired and preserved by God for us today. After you read this blog, I hope you'll agree.

The order of the books in the King James Bible was no accident. For if you look at them in the order they appear in the King James, you find they are all given in PRE-MILLENIAL order of history.

For those of you who don't know what I mean by "Pre-millenial," let me explain. There are three views to the coming of Christ. They are:

1. Pre-millenial (or that Jesus will come before his 1000 year reign)

2. Post-millenial (or that Jesus will come after his 1000 year reign)

3. A-millenial (that Jesus will not come and reign for 1000 years, rather he'll return and then destroy the heaven and the earth at his coming and then have the great white throne of judgment right then and there.

Of these three views, only the first one "PRE-MILLENIAL" is biblical. And, it can easily be proven, especially if you read the book of Revelation. For the Bible tells us the rapture will come after the church age period. Then the anti-christ will have seven years to rule on the earth in his kingdom, and then Jesus will come and reign for exactly 1000 years after he defeats the anti-christ at the battle of armageddon.

Now let us look at the order of the King James Bible, and see if you don't think it is in order with these events.


We'll start with the Old Testament.

If we take the first seven books of the Bible and line them up with the first seven churches in the book of Revelation, we see an interesting thing. They correspond with each other...

Genesis = Ephesus

Exodus = Smyrna

Leviticus = Pergamos

Numbers = Thyatira

Deuteronomy = Sardis

Joshua = Philadelphia

Judges = Laodicea

The last of the seven churches is Laodicea, a corrupt church which does what it wants to without Jesus (in fact it has locked Jesus outside! See Rev. 3 for further details). This would most certainly correspond with the book of Judges, in which "everyone did that which was right in their own eyes" (Judges 17:6)
After Judges, we find the book of Ruth. What is the book about? Why it's a love story about a Jewish man who receives unto himself a Gentile Bride. This is a type of the Rapture of the Church!
Then comes 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles. Each of these books speak about kings. But the most notable are King Saul and King David. Which comes first? Why the bad king Saul of course, and then comes the blessed King David. This is a type of the anti-christ (the bad king) coming and reigning for seven years and then Jesus Christ (the good king) coming and reigning thereafter.
Next we find the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Both speak of the rebuilding of Israel and the temple. In the tribulation, the Bible tells us the Jewish temple is rebuilt, just as it was in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah!
Our next book is the book of Esther. The books starts off with a bad woman, who is taken away, and then a Jewish bride replaces her. This is a type of the church (laodicea) being raptured, and then God dealing with the Jews in the tribulation as his bride.
Our next book is JOB, of which there is no better type of the Jews in the tribulation suffering under the rule of the antichrist. The book of Job has exactly 42 chapters. And, as we study the tribulation, we find the last half of the tribulation (which is 42 months or exactly 3 1/2 years) spoken as the time of "Great Tribulation" in which the Jews lose their temple and must flee for their lives.
After comes the book of Psalms, written by David, a type of Christ. Next are the books of Solomon: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. In the Bible, there is no greater type of Christ reigning in the 1000 year millenium than King Solomon, for in his reign there was peace.
Lastly, we have the major and minor prophets which start with Isaiah and end with Malachi. It's been estimated that 90% of the subject matter in these books deals with the second coming of Jesus Christ at armageddon.

So we see the Old Testament books line up with the Pre-millenial teaching of the Church Age, then the Rapture, then the tribulation, and finally the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ.


So how about the New Testament? Do they line up pre-millenially as well? Of course they do.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all tell about Christ Jesus coming, living, and eventually dying for our sins on the cross. (An important note is the New Testament doesn't start until Jesus dies. So one must remember each book talks of events that take place in the Old Testament up until Jesus dies on the cross).
Acts starts with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and continues on with the Acts of the apostles. It tells us about the start of the Church Age.
Romans through 2 Timothy are all books written by the Apostle Paul, and it's his books that we should take our doctrine from for us today in the church age. Paul also wrote the book of Titus, which speaks of the rapture as the blessed hope in chapter two and verse thirteen.
Next comes Paul's epistle of Philemon, which speaks of a slave who ran away from his master, but then returns to him. This would be a type of Israel, who rejected their Messiah (i.e. their master) but in the tribulation they return to him and actually hold sacrifices in the temple.
Hebrews, although written by Paul, has a lot of doctrine for the Jews in the Tribulation, especially in the parts which speak of someone being able to lose their salvation (something that's impossible in the church age.
The Hebrews are the Jews, and if they take the mark of the beast during the tribulation period, "there remaineth no more sacrifice for their sins." (Heb. 10:26)
Next we have James, which many pastors confess they don't know what to do with. But if they'd just read the very first verse, they'd realize that James is doctrinally written to the twelve tribes of Israel. And in the tribulation, that book will help them as they live for Jesus and run from the anti-christ.
Next we have 1 & 2 Peter. Many claim that this book is only written to Christians. But it can and does have a double application to both Christians in the church age, and to Jews in the tribulation.
1, 2, & 3 John have a triple applicatin to both Christians in the church age, Jews in the tribulation, and even to those who live in the millenium.
Next we find Jude, and then the book of Revelation. As you look at Revelation, it's in order starting with the church age, the tribulation, armageddon, the millenial reign of Christ, and ends with the new heavens and the new earth.
The order of the King James Bible is awesome! It's in perfect Pre-millenial order! It proves that the church age is first, then the rapture, then 7 years of tribulation under the anti-christ, then armageddon and Christ's 1000 year reign, and then the new heavens and the new earth.

Thank God for a King James Bible!!!

What's Wrong with the Apostle Paul?

When I went to Bible School, I was taught that the Bible was a book to be "rightly divided" (2 Tim. 2:15) and discerned spiritually (1 Cor. 2:14).
I was taught how to look at each verse and its application 1. Historically, 2. Doctrinally, and 3. Spiritually.
I was further taught, and rightly so, that all our Church Age doctrine from the Bible is from the 12 (13 if you include Hebrews) books of the apostle Paul, and we should take all our DOCTRINE for the New Testament church from those books, as Paul was the APOSTLE to the GENTILES (Rom. 11:13).
My Pastor always said, "As long as you follow Paul, you'll never go wrong!"
I've even heard other preachers talk about PAULINE EPISTLES and PAULINE DOCTRINE, and how important they are, as they apply to us today.
But my how times have changed! Now, I'm hearing from some of those very same preachers things like the following:
"If you follow Paul only, then you are throwing out the rest of the Bible."
"If you follow Paul in all, then you are a 'Hyper-dispensational!' "
"You can't follow Paul in everything."
"Paul is okay, but his doctrines are out of date, as they were a different time and a different culture."
I'm finding that to continue believing what I do, and what I was taught, has caused division among myself and others who I thought believed and preached as I do.
So what do I do? Do I chuck Paul in the garbage and follow those men off the deep end into strange doctrines, or do I stand fast in my belief?
The Apostle Paul said it clearly in 1 Cor 4:16, "Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me." And again in 1 Cor. 11:1 he commands, "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."
So, why is Paul so important? And why should we follow him?
First of all, because he preached the Gospel right! He gave us the plan of SALVATION!
God revealed the gospel of the grace of God to Paul! He called it "my gospel." (Rom 2:16; Rom 16:25; 2 Tim 2:8).
Sadly, these men who have turned from Paul, no longer preach Paul's gospel of salvation by faith (See 1 Cor. 15:1-4 to see the Gospel defined by Paul). They preach something different. Usually they say things like:
"1,2,3, Pray after me"
"Repeat this prayer after me"
"Say these words"
"Ask Jesus into your heart"
"Ask Jesus to save you and forgive you your sins"
"Ask God to come into your heart"
"Invite Christ into your life"
But where are any of these modernistic ideas found in Paul's Gospel? Where are they in Paul's writings at all? They just aren't there! You can pray, repeat, ask, and invite all you want to, without believing and receiving by faith. In fact, that's the whole of religious teaching to a sinner--Beg God for forgiveness!
But is a man saved by begging outside of believing?
And, what must a man's faith be in to save him?
Paul gives the answer very clearly in Romans 3:24-25:
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Here we read that redemption is by God's grace (vs 24), but is only received by FAITH IN HIS BLOOD (vs 25), and it is one's faith in the shed blood of Jesus that justifies a sinner before God.
You aren't saved by what you say or what you pray. You are only saved when you obey God by placing your faith in His finished BLOOD ATONEMENT!
Paul makes this so very clear! So are you following Paul and his Gospel, which is salvation by faith in Jesus Christ's blood atonement for our sins? Or, are you preaching "another gospel" that downgrades what Jesus has done for mankind, stressing sinners to come to God outside of the shed blood of Christ?
Could it be the reason so many preachers are departing from Paul is because they aren't SAVED themselves?
Why else is Paul so important? I'm glad you asked. Because Paul tells us about the importance of SANCTIFICATION.
There are many places in the Bible that talk about Sanctification, or living a holy, clean life for Jesus Christ. Peter gives a good command in 1 Peter 1:15-16, "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."
But no one speaks more about the importance of living holy and departing from sin as the apostle Paul. He greatly emphasized the importance of separating one's self from the world, and putting one's body under subjection to God!
Just a few verses he wrote show his hatred towards sin, and his adamant stance against it:
But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints. (Eph 5:3)
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry. (Col 3:5)
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God. (Rom 6:12-13)
Paul not only preached against sin, but he practiced what he preached, sacrificing everything and hazarding his life time and again for the cause of Christ.
Could it be so many are departing from Paul because they don't preach against sin? Could they be so worldly, backslidden, and carnal that Paul's epistles prick their hearts and convict them of their sin everytime they read them? Is this why they attack Paul and others who preach his epistles?
I believe Paul is also important for another reason. Paul encourages Christians to follow the scriptures instead of following men.
In Paul's time, as today, there were many groups of so-called Christians which followed MEN instead of following GOD. These men-followers argued amongst themselves of which one was better and why. When Paul heard of their incesant bragging on each other, he penned words like:
Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? (1 Cor 1:12-13)
For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (1 Cor. 3:3-6)
Paul wasn't not interested in church "politics." He was not a politician, trying to get others to follow him. He wanted people to read their bibles and follow the word of God! Just look at his words...
Rom 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
1 Th 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
2 Tim 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Paul desired his converts to preach THE WORD OF GOD which is able to save man's soul, not the WORDS OF MEN.
So why have so many today turned against Paul? I think the answer is obvious. Today we have another Gospel being preached that doesn't line up with Paul's. We further have another way of living that doesn't match Paul's preaching when it comes to santification, as modern Christians want as much of the world as they can get. And finally, there are many different versions of the Bible nowadays, all attacking the word of God. Very few stick with the Old King James anymore. And even those that do, don't practice what it says. They may claim to be Bible Believers, but they sure aren't Bible readers, and if they are, they certainly aren't Bible doers, for if they were, they would continue following the apostle Paul.
FINAL NOTE: I'm aware that writing this might lead to some calling me a "Legalist" or a "Hyper-dispensationalist." That's alright with me. Men who can't face the truth often childlishly respond by name-calling.
One thing I've learned in the ministry though, is when someone calls you a "legalist," it's because they themselves are LIBERAL!
Further, I've also learned there is really no such thing as a "hyper-dispensationalist." That's just a made up term people use to call others who haven't compromised like they have.
So again, I ask you, what's wrong with the Apostle Paul? Are you one of those who have left Paul and gone with the crowd? Why not read Paul's books in order and then see if you don't learn something. There's nothing like the Apostle Paul to clear up bad doctrine!
1 Thessalonians 49 A.D.
2 Thessalonians 52-54 A.D.
Galatians 57-60 A.D.
1 Corinthians 57-58 A.D.
2 Corinthians 58-60 A.D.
Romans 58-60 A.D.
Ephesians 62 A.D.
Philippians 62-64 A.D.
Colossians 64 A.D.
Philemon 64 A.D.
Hebrews 64 A.D. ? (Probably written much sooner. Maybe first!)
Titus 65 A.D.
1 Timothy 65-68 A.D.
2 Timothy 66-68 A.D.
Why not read these in the order they were written? It might just open your eyes to a lot of truth you might have missed. And, it might just help you to see the importance of SALVATION, SANCTIFICATION, and the SCRIPTURES.