Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Devil's System

We live in a world in which the devil is in charge. This is made clear in 2 Corinthians 4:4, which speaks of satan as the "god of this world." (Notice the little "g" on "god." He might be the "prince and power of the air," and in charge in this earthly realm, but God is still on the throne and only allows him that power for a short time longer).
As the CEO of this world, the devil has been very busy setting up things exactly the way he wants them to be run. He's set up a SYSTEM (or maybe we should say many different systems) in which he is honored, and others can only prosper if they play by his rules.
Without going into the entire history of the world, and without going through the many different ways in which satan works, I'll briefly mention the four greatest tools satan has at his disposal:
Let's look at each of these, and see if we can glean a bit on how Satan works, and how HIS SYSTEM benefits those who willingly submit themselves to it's embrace.
Satan learned years ago that in order to rally people to his cause, he had to make himself look smarter than anyone else. With over 6,000 years of experience, there is no doubt the devil is very wise. Yet his wisdom is "sensual," "earthly" and "devilish." (See James 3:15-17).
Just as the Devil deceived Eve using knowledge (the lure of knowing both good and evil), satan is still active today making people think they are missing out if they don't learn more KNOWLEDGE. Sadly, the knowledge he extends is the knowledge of his system instead of the knowledge of the Bible and God's way of salvation.
The devil has been active in dispersing false wisdom since the very beginning, and twisting truth so that people will deceive a LIE rather than the truth. John 8:44 confirms this, calling him a "LIAR" from the beginning. And in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we read of the devil deceiving the whole world, making them believe a LIE rather than the truth.
Satan is a master at making the truth sound silly and a lie sound believable. It's only with the word of God (the King James Bible) that we can see through the devil's lies.
The World Education System today is a prime example of how satan works. People are endoctrinated in colleges to believe things like EVILUTION, GLOBAL WARMING, and many other unprovable theories. They are further taught that God is dead, and that no one should be heard unless they are "learned" and have proven themselves wise by earning a secualr "degree." For only those with titles behind their names are truly "wise in the world," as they are a part of the Education System that satan has set up. But what saith the scriptures?
Psa 62:9 Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of HIGH DEGREE (i.e. Ph.D's, etc.,) are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
1 Cor 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
GOD is the creator of this world, and is wiser than man. He is also much wiser than the devil. Thus, to find true knowledge and wisdom, a sinner should turn to God and His textbook, the Bible, to learn true wisdom and not to a Satanic Educational System that attacks God, glorifies sin, and exalts man as the final authority.
2. ACCOUNTING or ECONOMIC PRINCIPALS (i.e. Credit system).
The old saying is, "He who has the money has the power!" Further, it's been stated, "Money gets you power and power gets you money!"
The devil knows this, and has been actively engaged in securing both wealth and power in order to forward his agenda. Satan's greatest tool in controling the world is controling the world's BANKING SYSTEM, which he's set up to enslave the masses under his control.
How so you might ask? Well apart from getting the world off of the gold and silver standard, he's been actively working towards a money-less society in which even paper money is useless. His goal is to make money a MARK in which a person must wear in their forehead or hand (as prophecied in the book of Revelation)--known as the MARK OF THE BEAST.
The way satan has worked at his goal, was to substitute the CASH system for that of CREDIT. When you pay for goods or services with cash, all is well. Transactions are made securely, and the economy booms. Money is passed hand to hand.
But when it comes to credit, that's a different story. The "buy now and pay later" mentality leads to much abuse. Credit card companies charge interest, or usury, something God was against Israel doing to their neighbors. It further leads to the tempation of buying all you can when you want it which leads to people falling into debt, something God is also very much against.
In Romans 13:8, we are commanded, "Owe no man any thing..."
God does not wish us to rack up outrageous debt that we can't pay off, for this is the road to "serfdom."
When a person owes a debt to someone else, they are endebted to that person. They then remain enslaved to that person until they pay off their debt.
Prov 22:7 makes this abundantly clear when it says, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
Satan's economic system has been in place for years. With credit cards like VISA (which by the way stands for VATICAN INTERNATIONAL SALES ASSOCIATION), satan has set up a system in which people that are with out can get what they want by buying on credit. But then with massive inflation, they can't pay back what they've run up, and in short fall even farther into debt. (Did you know over 90% of Americans live in massive debt.)
It's easy to see how when the anti-christ takes over and brings in the mark of the beast how easily he'll find those who want to take it. I imagine (and I'm just guessing here), that he'll probably come in promising complete forgiveness of all debts if people will just take the mark of the beast. And those who don't go at the rapture will be more than happy to take what they perceive as an offer of kindess, although it enslaves them even the more into the devil's new economic system in which no one can buy or sell without that mark.
Clearly satan knows a thing or two about money. That's why it's important to do your best to live outside his system, and free from debt if at all possible!
In the Bible, salvation is a free gift of God offered to anyone who will receive Jesus Christ as Saviour by faith in his Shed Blood at Calvary.
In Religion, salvation is by one's own works that they do for Jesus, as they hope God will accept them based upon their own goodness.
It must be noted that Religion is not salvation! Salvation saves, religion enslaves! For religion makes a person a complete slave to the masters of that organization and it's sacraments, rituals, and religious rites. If a person doesn't do exactly what his or her religion says, they are threatened with eternal damnation. This leaves the follower in constant doubt and fear of whether or not they DID enough to make it to heaven. Only satan could devise such a horrible religious system!
Salvation is the exact opposite of religion. It's resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ knowing he DID enough for you to pay for your sins and give you eternal life!
You'll remember it was the RELIGIOUS CROWD that murdered and crucified Jesus Christ. It was the RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS of the Jews who turned the people against Jesus, and throughout church history it was the RELIGIOUS PRIESTS and RELIGIOUS DOGMATISTS that murdered untold millions in masacre after masacre, in the Inquisition, and more.
Religion has always been an enemy of Jesus Christ and his true followers and it always shall be. And who is the greatest enemy of Jesus Christ? The devil. Would it not then stand to reason that satan was behind the world's greatest religions, setting himself up a world church that he will rule and reign over in the tribulation, as the bible prophecies? No, it's not too far fetched, it's a reality.
If you know anything about history at all, you know that for thousands of years, at least after the time of Christ, time and again the church and state have joined forces and carried out mass murder on those who won't go along with their system or their agenda.
Satan has been active in politics since the very beginning and is still working behind the scenes to bring in his own "NEW WORLD ORDER."
The Bible prophecied this would happen. In Revelation, we are told the beast and the false prophet (a mixture of religion with politics) would take over the world and rule for seven years in the time known as the TRIBULATION. But thankfully the book does not end there. We are told the Lord Jesus Christ himself will return and at the battle of Armageddon, defeat the devil, and set up his own kingdom in which he'll rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years!
As we look at the politics of the world today, we see the push to the devil's ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. The old "League of Nations" and the new "United Nations" are a move towards that agenda. Further we hear constant talk of the "Global community" and the need for "Global interdependence."
Our modern politicians no longer care about what we want, but are actively engaged in bringing about a globalist agenda to unite the world into one single government with 10 seperate regions (just as the bible prophecied).
From the Masons, to the Skull and Bones, from the Illuminati, to the Council on Foreign Relations, there is a satanic conspiracy to bring about A ONE WORLD SYSTEM. It will be SATAN'S SYSTEM, in which there will be a ONE WORLD EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, a ONE WORLD FINANCIAL SYSTEM, and a ONE WORLD RELIGION, all united by and governed by the devil under the guise of the anti-christ.
In short the devil's system encorporates the FINANCIAL, the FEDERAL, and religious FAITH.
But there is one system I have not yet discussed, and that's the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM of the world.
I personally believe that this whole "health care" bill which was recently passed in America (against the overwhelming opinion of the American people), will pave the way to the giving of the "chip" to those in the tribulation. In other words, as it mandates all to have their own doctor, I believe the government will use doctors to inject the RFID chip (which will be the mark of the beast) under the skin of everyone who does not go at the rapture. Similar laws have been passed all over the world, and similar health care systems have been set up, so that no one can be free to refuse to take the mark. They will be enslaved to the medical system, and forced to submit to the lethal injection (for the Bible teaches if someone takes the mark of the beast, they can't be saved).
Satan has worked hard to bring the world to the time and place it is in now, ready to accept a one-world regime. Satan's Systems have worked time and again, and done well in bringing everything into place for the mark of the beast to be given soon to the entire world. All that's waiting is for the rapture of the church, and then it's coming in.
Are you ready? If not, get saved! Go at the rapture! Because if you don't, you'll not only be up against the devil's system, but you'll be against the entire world!
And if you are a true Christian, then why not speak out? Tell others about what's going on. People need to know we are in the end of the church age, and time is very short!


  1. Where do you get your source for Visa to be based in the Vatican? I watched a few of your videos and wonder why you disabled the comments. I think you err in many areas.

  2. Try starting with VI=6 in Roman Numerals.

  3. Visa isn't owned by the Vatican. That's an outrageous accusation. Do you have any evidence to back this up?

  4. I'm sorry to disappoint you but.. the World is owned by the Vatican.
