Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why I'm not a Communist!

I've been hearing a lot lately about Communism. Hollywood stars openly embrace it, schools and secular colleges teach it, and even our government is infiltrated with those who claim to adhere to it's principles and doctrines. It's sad that those who claim to be Americans openly embrace such a system that they know little about.
As I mowed the yard the other day, I thought about the evils of Communism, and why I personally choose not to embrace such an athiestic system.
Why I'm not a Communist...
Communism leaves no room for God. In fact, it always gets rid of God and the Bible. History proves this, as every communist nation that ever existed has thrown God out as soon as possible. (See Russia, Vietnam, China, etc.).
Why is communism against God? The answer is simple: Because communism is a secular form of government that seeks to exalt man instead of glorifying God. It brags on what mankind can do as it works together through brute force, will power, and might.
It is really nothing more than secular humanism, which is the arch-enemy of a belief in God.
I choose to refuse communism, because I believe in and trust in God! And, because Communistic ideals would make me have to believe in and trust in man instead.
Communism takes away the rights of the people, as it tries to make all men equal. It gives you no choice to live your life as you choose, rather to do what's good for the "commune."
As I visited Nicaragua years ago, I was appauled at what I saw in that once communistic nation. The thing that really got me was how everyone had the same house and the same exact furniture. As I walked the streets, the houses left their doors open and I looked into house after house and saw everyone had the exact same chairs, sofas, T.V.'s tables, etc. Why? Because they were given to them by the government, and everyone got the same thing. If someone didn't like what they were given, they could decide to take it or leave it. But they could not have anything different than what others had.
I wouldn't ever want to live in such a situation! One of the greatest joys in life is being able to CHOOSE what you want. It's wonderful to be able to choose your own clothes, your own car, your own house, your own furniture, etc. CHOICE is a great thing. And what's better is when you have diversity of things so you can choose what you like. Choice is what makes us who we are!
Communism takes away one's right to CHOOSE, as it plays God and forces everyone to be the same. (Like robots).
Communism also takes away one's right to work in the job they desire. For under communism, a person's trade or profession is chosen for them based on tests. They are then given the job that best suits the community, whether the person likes that job or not. How nice it is to be able to choose your profession!
No one can deny that communism rapes people of their freedoms. When communism reigns, people have no individual rights. They are only viewed as one of the collective, and individuals who have no right to think and act of their own accord and free will. They are slaves to the system, and must do what's best for the state, not what's best for themselves and their family.
Under communism, groups like the KGB, keep people in check by threating them if they don't go along with the program. Disobedience leads to concentration camps, torture, and even terrorizing others to get what they want.
Who in their right mind would want to live in a society where you never know who is watching you, and you never know when they might come after you for anything?
Communism takes away freedom and gives you utter fear in it's place.
Communism is a bloody religion. History proves that communist dictators are the bloodest people that have ever lived. Stalin murdered an estimated 20 million of his own people. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara murdered countless innocent victims in cold blood in their revolution. And what about Philpot, Mao, and others, who mercilessly commited holocaust against those who refused to go along with their tyrannical system.
Communism lives and thrives on the blood of the innocent. It cannot even begin execpt by revolution, which leads to horrible blood shed.
I don't want to die, or see others die, that's why I don't want to be a part of a Communist governement, which continually tortures and brutally murders it's citizens.
I'm a non-conformist Christian. I don't look at others and then try to do what they are doing. I look to God's word and ask, "What does God want me to do?"
Under communism, that would be impossible. For Communism gets rid of God and the Bible and tells it's subjects they must worship and obey the state, doing everything they are told.
This rejection of God leads to the degradation of society and the inevitable destruction of good, godly morales. Which leads to people falling into the sins of fornication, stealing, murdering, drunkeness, hatred, and more.
Communism not only corrupts the morales of its citizens, but it also destroys love. Under such a system, people learn to get ahead by lying and playing others to get what they want. They become selfish and learn to lust instead of to love. (Love says "What can I DO for others?", while Lust says, "What can I GET from others?").
Truly, Communism does away with love, which is to care more about others than yourself. It produces hateful carnal people who oftentimes are no more than animals, with the selfish instincts of self-gratification, self-preservation, and self-propagation.
Not only this, but communism leaves no room for people to be nice to others, as the Bible teaches us. Under communism it is, "Do unto others before they do unto you!"
Who would want to live in such a system that leaves you always looking over your shoulder, and leaving you mistrustful of your fellow man.
The Bible teaches us how to live, and we are supposed to have the fruits of the spirit, as we put others before ourselves. These fruits of the spirit are foreign to communism, and have no place in such a diabolical, and anti-biblical system.
I'm not a communist, nor do I want to be. I'd rather die than be a communist, and sadly, if the world chooses communism, that's probably exactly what will happen. I'll probably be a martyr for the cause of Christ because of my adamant stand against such an evil form of government.
Surely, only the devil himself could have come up with such a degrading and anti-Christian system of government that corrupts the youth, destroys liberty, and damns the soul.
While I still have the right and the ability to CHOOSE, I choose NOT TO BE A COMMUNIST! How about you?

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