Wednesday, June 2, 2010

America's Greatest Enemies

I've been watching "America: The Story of Us" on the History Channel. Although it leaves out a lot of history, it is interesting. It also tries to portray the American Spirit of HARD WORK, and ENJOYING THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOUR.

As I watched this, I thought about the three biggest threats against America, her spirit, her way of life, and her capitalistic ideals.

These three greatest enemies are:




We fought against all three of these in separate wars. In World War II, we fought the NAZI's, which were National Socialists. In Korea and Vietnam, we fought against the Communists, which were hell bent on taking over and taking away the rights of others. And now after 911 we are in a heated battle against Terrorism, brought to our soil by "Radical Islam."

With this is mind, it baffles me that Americans could elect a president who is pro-socialist, pro-marxist, and pro-islam! He's the very thing we Americans fought against to preserve our freedoms! (Memorial Day really made me think more about this. I wonder how our veterans feel about it.) No wonder we see our rights being taken away so quickly!

A friend sent me an email with a youtube video for you to watch about our prez. I don't know much about how to paste youtube videos, but you should look up the following video entitled:


It's by OriginalSavageChick, and is worth a watch to show you Obomers ties to Socialists, Communists, and Islamists. (I hope you find it, as they keep trying to take it down).

Why doesn't the news media report the truth about our commander in chief you might ask???

I know why! It's because most of them went to colleges that taught them SOCIALISM and MARXISM. And the old addage is right, "Birds of a feather flock together!"

Well, it's about time somebody exposes SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, and ISLAM, for those diabolical tri-fectas are "fundamentally opposed" to the United States and capitalism.

Please spread the above mentioned video!!! More people need to know the truth!

We also need to preach against Communism, Socialism, and Islam, as they all have one thing in common. THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY OUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS!

Communism wants us all to have one thing in common--live poor!

Socialism wants us all to be social, in that we all have to do the same thing--what the government wants us to do instead of what we want to do!

And even the word Islam means "submission." Upon threat of death, you are forced to follow that religion.

Do any of those systems sound like "the land of the free and home of the brave" to you?

I trow not!

God help us! We are becoming the very thing our forefathers fought against.

I remember in the 1980's my father and his friend talking. I remember dinstinctly what my Dad's friend said word for word as they talked about the cold war, Russia, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. He said, "America is becoming more communistic and Russia is becoming more capitalistic."

How sad.

I've studied Communism a lot. Without a doubt, Marx was a complete idiot! His idea of doing away with private property is silly. It's not only against God, who gives us the right to defend what's ours, but it's against nature itself. Every bird has its own nest, every fox its own hole, every mammal its own cave or den.

Communist countries are the scariest places on earth! The Gestapo, KGB, and other organizations spy in their own citizens, who continually live in fear of being picked up and taken away, never to be seen again.

Do we really want to live that way? I don't!

Years ago I got a set of tapes by Stuart Crane, an economist, and lecturer on history from an economical standpoint. If you get a chance, you should get those tapes and listen to them. His attitude is, "Follow the money trail!" And, he shows the history of America and her many wars from the standpoint of "who benefits?" He clearly shows those who benefit are those who are in control, and everyone else is just a pawn to them.

In Communism, Socialism, and Islam, the only people who benefit are those in charge who get rich off of others, and enjoy living off of those they have enslaved.

WAKE UP AMERICA! Fight the devil's trinity of evil!!! Pray for our country, and do all you can to preserve our way of life!

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