Sunday, June 27, 2010


There are two words that have indubitably been melded together in the English language: “conspiracy” and “theory.” These two have been used so often together by liberals, unbelievers, and news commentators, that it’s almost impossible to say the word “conspiracy” without someone’s mind automatically adding the word “theory” or “theories” to it.

No one wants to believe in conspiracies. No one really wants to believe that man is inherently evil, and capable of plotting detestable ill towards others. But they are sadly mistaken. Man at his best state is altogether vanity (Ps. 39:5). He is sinful in nature (Rom. 3:23 and 5:12) and capable of unspeakable atrocities, wickedness, and ungodliness.

As a Christian, I’ve been called a “conspiracy theorist” on more than one occasion when talking about the devil’s plan of a “NEW WORLD ORDER,” and Satan’s anti-biblical system designed to either persecute or enslave others under his soon coming rule.

With this in mind, I looked up the words conspiracy and conspiracies in the Bible. What I found was very interesting. Did you know you can’t even be a Christian unless you believe in Conspiracy Theories? For they are found throughout the pages of the Bible.

In our King James Bible, the word “conspiracy” is found 10 times. “Conspired” shows up 19 times, and the word “conspirators” is mentioned once.

Of each reference of conspiracy or conspirators who have conspired against someone, it is never for the good. It’s always with the desire to steal, kill, or destroy others. In the Bible, conspiracy is not a good thing!

From the first mention of conspiracy in Genesis 37:18 where we find Joseph’s brothers cunningly crafting a plan against him, as, “…they conspired against him to slay him,” to the last mention in Acts 23:13 where forty men conspired to kill the Apostle Paul, we find CONSPIRACIES all throughout the Bible!

The greatest conspiracy was that of killing our Lord Jesus Christ. Much of Bible prophecy speaks of the wicked and ungodly men who conspired together against our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to crucify him at Calvary. They wanted him dead because he exposed their criminal and sinful activities. Who were they? LOST RELIGIOUS LEADERS who conspired together to dupe the masses, and milk them for everything they could get. They were the true conspirators.

But it is not only in Bible times that we find conspiracies. In fact, they have existed and still do exist all throughout history. One would be very gullible to believe that there are no conspiracies around today against others to steal, kill, or destroy. People every day in every walk of life connive and scheme different ways to scam others and defraud them so they might prosper. This is something that cannot be denied! There are even laws on the books in which a criminal can be tried for “conspiracy.”

So why is it then that when someone begins to expose real conspiracies that he is automatically labeled a “crackpot” or a “waco?” Why are people automatically branded as “conspiracy theorists” without anyone even investigating what they claim is true or false? Why can’t people of today discern between conspiracy fact and conspiracy fiction – or better stated – conspiracy truth or conspiracy theory?

I think you know the answer. People nowadays are afraid to study, because they might find out what they’ve been taught is a lie. No one wants to believe a lie! And, no one ever wants to find out they’ve been lied to and deceived. So, people are often content with what they know and don’t look kindly to questioning the source. The old saying rings true: “Ignorance is bliss!

But there is a problem. When a person is a Bible believer, he begins to love truth, and he finds he must have it at all costs. Thankfully, the word of God is truth (2 Sam. 7:28, Ps. 19:9, Rev. 21:5, etc.), and this leads to him studying it more and more. Why? For the truth will set you free (John 8:32)!

Are there conspiracies today? If so, where are they, and who are they that put them out? The answer to that is simple. Any one or any organization that throws out the Bible must have a reason for doing so. There is something they want you to know other than the truth, so they are actively trying to get it (the Bible) out of the way so they can be looked at as the authority instead of God. They are the true conspirators, conspiring against God and his word!

As I read through the Bible, I clearly see why men don’t desire to think about “conspiracies,” and quickly label those who talk about them as "conspiracy theorists" to discredit them or to keep from facing the truth.
The following verses do well to show us the reasons why modern sinful man would rather believe a LIE than the truth:

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. (Psa 119:165)

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

Our first verse shows us two things about those we are not born again bible believers. 1. They have no PEACE, and 2. They are greatly OFFENDED. For if someone truly loved God’s law (the Bible), then they would be happy (have peace) and not be easily offended when they heard the truth. (We live in a day in age in which people not only hate truth, but they are actively hostile towards it!)

Our verses above in 2 Thessalonians also shows us man would rather believe a lie instead of the truth for two reasons: 1. They receive not the LOVE OF THE TRUTH, and 2. They have PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. In other words, they ENJOY THEIR SIN and they HATE HEARING THE TRUTH ABOUT THEMSELVES AND THEIR SINS!

People such as this despise hearing about conspiracies, especially when they are true. For they don’t care about what others are doing. All they really care about is themselves. And all they truly enjoy is their sin.

Thus, when someone tries to tell them the truth, they immediately label that person a “Conspiracy Theorist,” a "Nut," a "Crack Pot," and a "Waco." But what if what the person is saying is true? And what if Satan is the true "conspiracy theorist" as he is trying to get people to turn from trusting in God to trusting in man?
If you are a Bible Believer, that’s the only conclusion you can come to! Satan is the true conspirator against God and man. He lives only to destroy and decieve. He comes up with Theories like "Evolution" and "The Big Bang" to cause people to disbelieve in the existence of God.
If you are one of those who calls others "Conspiracy Theorists," you need to read your bible, and see how many real conspiracies there really are. You need to put on your truth goggles and begin to look at things differently. You must look for conspiracies against truth. You must practice DISCERNMENT and learn how to separate the good from the bad. What’s good, you must practice and preach, and what’s bad, you must preach against and shun.

There are true conspiracies out there, and you need to know what they are. For Satan is busy building his kingdom, and is conspiring against all of us. His greatest desire is to keep people from hearing the truth about salvation, so they might get saved. Satan not only wants people to die, but to further suffer eternal damnation in Hell in what the Bible calls the Second Death.

Conspiracies do exist. And in Christianity, Satan has been busy conspiring with his legions of the damned to deceive Christians on the three most important pillars of the Christian faith: Salvation, Sanctification, and the Scriptures.

Satan has changed the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone in the finished blood atonement of Jesus Christ to “another gospel.” It’s a gospel of works, in which a person trusts in their own ACTIONS instead of solely in the ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ.

The Devil has also been active in teaching things foreign to the Bible when it comes to the doctrine of sanctification, or holy living. Many a Christian does not live a holy, spirit-filled, separated life for Christ, rather they are worldly and riddled with the world and it’s anti-biblical teachings.

When it comes to the Bible, there is only one—The King James 1611! But Satan has conspired against this too, making hundreds upon hundreds of other versions, which their producers claim are based on the older and better texts. But as you study the facts, you find these same new versions take out thousands of words, and even whole sentences, verses, and passages. They are corrupt Bibles based on the critical texts of man, instead of the pure and preserved texts of God.

Without understanding there really are conspiracies out there, people will continue to be gullible and believe lies. This is why it’s so important to STUDY and learn for yourself what is true and what is not. Don’t deal with “Conspiracy Theories” but rather “Conspiracy facts!”

And when you find a lie, expose it openly, and boldly proclaim the truth!

2 Tim 2:14-16 explains it best:

14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. 15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

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