Thursday, June 3, 2010

Satan's kingdom revealed in documentaries.

The most important thing a Christian needs to learn after he is saved is that the world is not his friend, and the world is definitely not what he thought it was. This world is the domain of the Devil, and it's his playground. He runs it and he enjoys having his way. The Bible even tells us he is called the "god of this world" in 2 Cor. 4:4.
As the god of this world (notice the little "g"), Satan has his hands into everything, and enjoys using his tools to lead people to the dark side. It never baffles me to see that things I just thought were just plain worldly, were really "satanic" in origin and practice. Whether you believe it or not, there truly is a "Satanic Conspiracy" in this world in which the demons of hell are spiritually influencing the minds of the masses.
Just as the Bible teaches, there is a battle between Satan and God for your soul. The Lord Jesus Christ has done all that's necessary on Calvary for you to be saved, but the Devil does all he can to keep you from realizing that. He even goes so far as to have his legions of devils to extend their slimey claws into everything they can to lead you astray from the truth. They use Music, Media, Movies, Education, Religions, politics, video games, secret societies, and more. For all they want is to damn souls to hell!
I don't know if you've ever thought about it or not, but the only joy the Devil will ever have is laughing at people in Hell with him, because they had a chance to get saved, but the Devil didn't!
The older I grow, the more I see how Satan has his hands into everything, and the more we need to separate from the world.
As I thought on these things, some friends sent me some Christian documentaries, knowing how much I like them. One of them was an expose on Yoga. I'd never really studied it much, but this video opened my eyes to just how evil it is!
This documentary showed that Yoga in America began with the Beatles, who used their fame to teach Trancendentalism to the young. (i.e. meditation). They did just that and the "hippie movement" was birthed with sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.
Most hippies used drugs as they explored Eastern Mystiscism and meditation. This lead to them to study Yoga as well.
What is Yoga? As you study it out, and go to the source of it in Hinduism, you find that Yoga is a means to move your body in order to open your mind. Your spine is called the Serpent, and you open yourself up to your own personal spirit guide through breathing and repeating a mantra, in order to have him lead you to enlightenment. As you get higher in the study of it, you find Yoga's main theme is to find yourself and realize you are a god.
Does anyone else out there see a problem here???
Sounds just like Genesis chapter three to me where Satan (the serpent) deceived Eve, claiming she could KNOW something and be like GOD.
Yoga further leads to finding your own personal "spirit guide." Could this not lead to being "demon possessed?" I believe it can and it does!
Finally, Yoga (Hinduism) teaches reincarnation, which leads a person to not fear death, nor think about their eternal soul's destiny.
Yoga then is Satan's instrument to get man's mind, body, and soul. It even allows him access to possess a person.
The video even showed how some "Christians" are now mixing Yoga with Christianity. But how can someone mix the things of God with the things of Belial? Instead of naming Hindu gods, they do yoga in the name of Jesus. But isn't there another Jesus of which the Bible speaks of? Yes there is! (See 2 Cor. 11:4)
Could it be these "Christians" could be giving place to the Devil? No wonder the church is in such a horrible state today!
I recently watched another documentary from my friend entitled, "Hollywood's War Against God." It was very informative, and started with the ancient gnostics and what they taught and believed. It showed they all thought WISDOM or SECRET KNOWLEDGE was the most important thing, and only they knew the truth. Because of this, they worshipped the female goddess of wisdom they called "Sophia" (the Greek word for wisdom). They further believed that one could become his own "god" (notice the little "g" again), as he grew in knowledge.
It further tied Gnosticism in with Satanism, as the two have much in common.
The documentary then showed many modern films like the Davinci Code, the Matrix, V for Vendetta, and others and showed the blatant Satanism in them and how they have ties to Aleister Crowley.
Years ago, before I was even a Christian, I used to listen to Rock Music. But my Dad gave me a comic book by Jack Chick entitled, "Spellbound." The literature showed how witches and warlocks had infiltrated the music industry and have been actively engaged in corrupting the minds of the youth with backmasking, hidden subliminal messages, and more.
I even remember a friend of mine and I taking Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" on tape, and taking the tape apart and playing it backwards. I remember distinctly hearing the spine curling words clearly, "My sweet Satan."
But at the time, I remember I shrugged it off as "coincidence" and not as the Satanic inspiration that it is.
There is no doubt Satan is behind the Rock 'n Roll movement. Even the term itself speaks of the sex act of fornication.
My friend also gave me a documentary of 10 hours long by a pastor exposing Rock Music. It not only showed many of the lyrics of modern main-stream Satanic bands, but gave biographies and quotes of the artists, in which they stated they were practicing Satanists!
But even though the information is out there, many Christians can't believe that their favorite rock song is "Satanic."
My friend also sent me a documentary about secret societies, witchcraft, and Satanism. It was very interesting as it exposed their practices.
Most secret societies believe in being "born again." That is in their initiation, they have the initiate being stripped, and then put into a coffin. They are then "reborn" as a member of the society. (This is obviously a false type of the new birth of a Christian).
In Satanism and witchcraft, the higher one gets, the more he comes in contact with demons. And his communion with them eventually leads to the act of Sodomy. Aleister Crowley, who is known as the most wicked man in the world, and who christened himself "The Beast," practiced homosexual acts on children claiming it gave him power.
Interestingly enough, a friend of mine told me about a new video game he purchased in which the beginning of the game was an "initiation." Afterwards, in the game the player could chose to have gay sex with another man if he so desired.
Parents, you ought to be very careful letting your children play video games! I remember before I was saved, we used to play "Final Fantasy." In the game were the names Odin, Shiva, and other pagan gods. I thought about this later and how that game was made to prepare children to accept things like Yoga, pagan mysticism, and more.
Certainly Satan has his hands in everthing. But many Christians still live in disbelief. Even though they know there is a Satan, they somehow think he's sitting on couch somewhere eating bon-bons and drinking mint juleps, and relaxing. They don't seem to realize he's actively engaged in going after the youth with many a Satanic lure.

With music, movies, mechanical devices (i.e. computers, T.V.s, etc.), media (books like Harry Potter) and more the Devil is busy blinding the eyes of them with believe not the gospel (2 Cor 4:4).

He's had 6000 years to perfect his tactics. Why then does it seem most Christians don't seem to realize this? They all seem to be in denial.
But the Devil is real and he is still deceiving millions. I'm just so glad my God is bigger than he is! And he's delivered me from the power of Satan.
How about you?

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