Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Order of Bible Books

Recently I saw an add on the internet for a King James Bible which had the books rearranged into the order that each book was written, instead of the traditional order of the original King James Bible.

In the ad, they had written something to the effect that the King James translators didn't know much and they were "wrong" in putting the books of the Bible in the order they did. But, were they really?

As an adamant King James Bible Believer, I believe not only are the words of the King James Bible inspired, and preserved, but I also believe that the actual ORDER OF THE BOOKS themselves is inspired and preserved by God for us today. After you read this blog, I hope you'll agree.

The order of the books in the King James Bible was no accident. For if you look at them in the order they appear in the King James, you find they are all given in PRE-MILLENIAL order of history.

For those of you who don't know what I mean by "Pre-millenial," let me explain. There are three views to the coming of Christ. They are:

1. Pre-millenial (or that Jesus will come before his 1000 year reign)

2. Post-millenial (or that Jesus will come after his 1000 year reign)

3. A-millenial (that Jesus will not come and reign for 1000 years, rather he'll return and then destroy the heaven and the earth at his coming and then have the great white throne of judgment right then and there.

Of these three views, only the first one "PRE-MILLENIAL" is biblical. And, it can easily be proven, especially if you read the book of Revelation. For the Bible tells us the rapture will come after the church age period. Then the anti-christ will have seven years to rule on the earth in his kingdom, and then Jesus will come and reign for exactly 1000 years after he defeats the anti-christ at the battle of armageddon.

Now let us look at the order of the King James Bible, and see if you don't think it is in order with these events.


We'll start with the Old Testament.

If we take the first seven books of the Bible and line them up with the first seven churches in the book of Revelation, we see an interesting thing. They correspond with each other...

Genesis = Ephesus

Exodus = Smyrna

Leviticus = Pergamos

Numbers = Thyatira

Deuteronomy = Sardis

Joshua = Philadelphia

Judges = Laodicea

The last of the seven churches is Laodicea, a corrupt church which does what it wants to without Jesus (in fact it has locked Jesus outside! See Rev. 3 for further details). This would most certainly correspond with the book of Judges, in which "everyone did that which was right in their own eyes" (Judges 17:6)
After Judges, we find the book of Ruth. What is the book about? Why it's a love story about a Jewish man who receives unto himself a Gentile Bride. This is a type of the Rapture of the Church!
Then comes 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles. Each of these books speak about kings. But the most notable are King Saul and King David. Which comes first? Why the bad king Saul of course, and then comes the blessed King David. This is a type of the anti-christ (the bad king) coming and reigning for seven years and then Jesus Christ (the good king) coming and reigning thereafter.
Next we find the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Both speak of the rebuilding of Israel and the temple. In the tribulation, the Bible tells us the Jewish temple is rebuilt, just as it was in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah!
Our next book is the book of Esther. The books starts off with a bad woman, who is taken away, and then a Jewish bride replaces her. This is a type of the church (laodicea) being raptured, and then God dealing with the Jews in the tribulation as his bride.
Our next book is JOB, of which there is no better type of the Jews in the tribulation suffering under the rule of the antichrist. The book of Job has exactly 42 chapters. And, as we study the tribulation, we find the last half of the tribulation (which is 42 months or exactly 3 1/2 years) spoken as the time of "Great Tribulation" in which the Jews lose their temple and must flee for their lives.
After comes the book of Psalms, written by David, a type of Christ. Next are the books of Solomon: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. In the Bible, there is no greater type of Christ reigning in the 1000 year millenium than King Solomon, for in his reign there was peace.
Lastly, we have the major and minor prophets which start with Isaiah and end with Malachi. It's been estimated that 90% of the subject matter in these books deals with the second coming of Jesus Christ at armageddon.

So we see the Old Testament books line up with the Pre-millenial teaching of the Church Age, then the Rapture, then the tribulation, and finally the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ.


So how about the New Testament? Do they line up pre-millenially as well? Of course they do.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all tell about Christ Jesus coming, living, and eventually dying for our sins on the cross. (An important note is the New Testament doesn't start until Jesus dies. So one must remember each book talks of events that take place in the Old Testament up until Jesus dies on the cross).
Acts starts with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and continues on with the Acts of the apostles. It tells us about the start of the Church Age.
Romans through 2 Timothy are all books written by the Apostle Paul, and it's his books that we should take our doctrine from for us today in the church age. Paul also wrote the book of Titus, which speaks of the rapture as the blessed hope in chapter two and verse thirteen.
Next comes Paul's epistle of Philemon, which speaks of a slave who ran away from his master, but then returns to him. This would be a type of Israel, who rejected their Messiah (i.e. their master) but in the tribulation they return to him and actually hold sacrifices in the temple.
Hebrews, although written by Paul, has a lot of doctrine for the Jews in the Tribulation, especially in the parts which speak of someone being able to lose their salvation (something that's impossible in the church age.
The Hebrews are the Jews, and if they take the mark of the beast during the tribulation period, "there remaineth no more sacrifice for their sins." (Heb. 10:26)
Next we have James, which many pastors confess they don't know what to do with. But if they'd just read the very first verse, they'd realize that James is doctrinally written to the twelve tribes of Israel. And in the tribulation, that book will help them as they live for Jesus and run from the anti-christ.
Next we have 1 & 2 Peter. Many claim that this book is only written to Christians. But it can and does have a double application to both Christians in the church age, and to Jews in the tribulation.
1, 2, & 3 John have a triple applicatin to both Christians in the church age, Jews in the tribulation, and even to those who live in the millenium.
Next we find Jude, and then the book of Revelation. As you look at Revelation, it's in order starting with the church age, the tribulation, armageddon, the millenial reign of Christ, and ends with the new heavens and the new earth.
The order of the King James Bible is awesome! It's in perfect Pre-millenial order! It proves that the church age is first, then the rapture, then 7 years of tribulation under the anti-christ, then armageddon and Christ's 1000 year reign, and then the new heavens and the new earth.

Thank God for a King James Bible!!!

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