Friday, June 25, 2010

The Economic Downfall of man

Man is a depraved creature. His has a sin nature inherited from his disobedient parents Adam and Eve. As a depraved being, man can do nothing right. He might begin well, but he’ll always end up in mess as he spirals downwards.

As we study the economic history of the world, we find yet another thing that man has messed up in these last days. And we find man’s greed and depravity has led to their hatred towards God. Truly the love of money is THE ROOT of all evil! (And not the root of all "evils," as the new versions of the bible say).

In the Bible, we find true riches. The first man in the Bible that God calls rich is his friend Abraham. In Genesis 13:2, we read: “And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.

Here God tells us what true riches are. They are GOLD, SILVER, and CATTLE.

If you have all three of these, then truly you are rich. Gold and Silver will buy you anything you want. And Cattle will give you meat, milk, clothing, and more. You can even tie animal skins together for making tents, which is what many of the ancients like Abraham did. Yes, with gold, silver, and cattle, you are truly rich and have everything you need!

Gold and silver were used for currency, and throughout earth’s history we find people minting coinage of these precious metals, and using them to buy and sell.

This early GOLD STANDARD, worked well for thousands of years. All sales transactions were done in a timely fashion and a person was paid with something that was actually worth something! It had VALUE. And the fact that all men have an affinity for gold or silver proves this. We all have an inherit GOLD LUST, as we all desire those precious metals.
God said riches are GOLD and SILVER. But as we study the history of man, we see men turning from God’s economic set-up of gold and silver to other forms of currency. The ancient Spartans, for example, (which were really early Communists!) decided their currency would be IRON, and they used that heavy metal to mint their coins. What was their thinking? They wanted to be isolated from other nations, and they didn’t want people to carry too much money with them (it would have been too heavy). So they used iron, knowing it would keep people from wanting to associate and integrate with them.

But, as time went on, gold and silver ruled the world in all other nations as the standard form of currency. But man’s depravity eventually led to greedy men mixing gold and silver with copper and other metals, to make their coins go farther. Finally, men began to wake up to the fact their coins weighed less, and they demanded a standard coin that was pure metal, with a constant weight.

In Europe the “THALER” quickly rose as the standard because of it’s consistency of always being minted with the same amount of gold and silver. It is from this word (Thaler) that we get our word “Dollar.”

As you study the history of the United States, you’ll find that Spanish coins were used most frequently in the early days, in both gold as silver, because they had to be minted under strike guidelines to make sure each coin had the same amount of gold and silver.

Eventually, Americans began producing their own coinage. Of course they were GOLD and SILVER (with some copper for pennies). And these gold and silver coins were traded throughout or country based upon the GOLD STANDARD the government set up.

Because gold and silver is so heavy, and therefore hard to carry in large quantity, the idea was set up to print paper documents which would be traded for the gold or silver coins. These were I.O.U.’s, and were to be turned into the banks for face value in gold and silver.

But man’s depravity always shows it’s ugly head. And certain men of the baser sort (i.e. bankers), began to print more papers than they had gold or silver to back them. This led to much mistrust (and rightly so) among the common people. And if you’ll study your American history, you’ll see great economic collapse in our country in it’s early years for this very reason.

Still, gold and silver ruled the day, and as long as you had that, you could buy and sell. Paper currency was nothing more than toilet paper.

Gold and silver coins continued right up until the late 1800’s, being circulated all over, especially with the Comstock Load, and the many independent gold and silver miners throughout the land. Paper currency was still printed, but known as GOLD CERTIFICATES. Each note said, “Payable on demand to the bearer the sum in gold.” And because these notes were backed by something tangible, they were used quite often.

However, in the early 1900’s something happened. THE GOLD STANDARD was rejected, and done away with by our government. Instead, our country was put on the SILVER STANDARD. Notes were then called “SILVER CERTIFICATES,” payable on demand in silver to the bearer.

Then in 1933, Roosevelt did a tricky thing. He outlawed gold coins! Under penalty of law, a person had to turn their gold unto the government!

If that wasn’t bad enough, eventually, we went off the silver standard all together. And the Federal Reserve Bank began printing nothing but green dollar bills which they called NOTES. These had nothing to back them, no silver, and no gold. But people had been using paper bills for so long, they just circulated the notes as if they were real money.

In 1964, the federal government stopped minting silver coins. And in 1984, they stopped making pennies out of pure copper.

Do you see a pattern here? Someone, and I’ll let you figure out who, has bankrupted our nation, and taken away our real wealth. They have taken the Gold and Silver and given us FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES (i.e. greenbacks) in return that are seemingly worthless.

Luckily, Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s passed a law allowing people to own gold again. But to get it, they had to pay high prices for it. (As I right this, gold is worth over $1200 dollars an ounce!)

So let’s recap. America went off the GOLD STANDARD in the early 1900’s. It went off the SILVER STANDARD not shortly there after. And through my studies, the world as a whole followed suit, choosing to pattern their economies after that of the United States.

So what “standard” if any is the world on today? The answer to that might surprise you. The standard today is O-I-L!

That’s right! Oil has replaced gold and silver and copper. The government has set up an economic system based on that black slimy stuff under your feet! Ever hear of OPEC? It's an organization which makes OIL the standard of economies world-wide.

So, as we look through the annuals of time and see the “standard” that GOD set up being taken away by sinful, wicked men, we clearly see the depravity of man. GOLD is a type of heaven (where the bible says there are streets of it everywhere!) SILVER, in the Bible, is a type of Redemption. But instead of these, man decided they wanted something else. And what did they choose? The most filthy and dirty thing they could think of: OIL. They chose the darkest and blackest thing on earth (a type of sin)! Something they had to dig out of the ground, and something that burns up (a type of hell)!
Will the world ever get on the gold standard again? You bet it will, but not anytime soon. The Bible prophecies that very soon there will be a great time of TRIBULATION, in which Satan will do away with oil all together and set up HIS OWN STANDARD, in which people will have to submit to his rule, and take the MARK of the Beast. Only those with that mark will be able to buy or sell. What is that "mark?"
From what I understand it's a lithium powered microchip which will be inserted into the right hand or the forehead of people (as the Bible says will happen). The only problem is if such a chip were to break, while under the skin, the individual would grow very sick and most likely will develop a black "mark" on their skin (just as the Bible prophecies as well).
But thankfully, the Tribulation period is only prophecied to be 7 years long. After that, The Lord Jesus Christ will return and defeat the devil at the battle of Armageddon. And I'm certain that while he rules and reigns for 1000 years, the economic STANDARD of the world will again be SILVER and GOLD!

1 comment:

  1. very interesting. I have a few new thoughts to mull over. I find it interesting that oil is the standard now, considering that it is the result of God's judgment on the earth (the result of dead things from the flood). There's another judgment coming soon!
    I have heard about the microchip you were talking about in this post. Someone told me recently that scientists are working on an invisible tatoo that also holds information. Very interesting times in which we live.
