Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Through recent events, I've learned first-hand how much power a person can attain by simply playing the “victim.”

It’s not what you have gone through, it’s what people think you’ve gone through that counts. And if you can give a good sob story, it’s easy to sway others to join your cause. The sadder the story, the more you can get from others by playing “The Victim Card.”

This is exactly what’s been done in politics in America over the last 50 years, and has even lead to the American people adopting this same practice.

Whether you know it or not, there is a "victim mentality" in our country which has led countless millions of people to claim they have been victimized and that they should be entitled to compensation for widespread villany of others. Call it social justice or what ever you like, it is a powerful way to make others do what you want them to do.

This power comes not by dominance or force, but by pretending to have been persecuted. It plays upon the emotions of others instead of the actual evidence at hand. (God help us when people stop looking at FACTS, and start going by their FEELINGS!)

By pretending you have been defrauded, and making yourself look like a casualty, it’s easy to “guilt trip” others into feeling sorry for you. And once that’s done, it’s even easier to just extend your hand and receive the “gift” they give out of guilt instead of out of love.

Jesus was the first victim. His death on the cross lead to Christianity spreading far and wide. But he was a true victim, and not a pretender like we see today. But we still see the POWER of Christianity as it started with a true victim.

But nowadays, no one is actually DYING for or GIVING THEIR LIFE FOR OTHERS in a self-less sacrifice as a substitutionary victim for the sins of others. Nay, instead most people nowadays are SELFISH, and are claiming their lack of material goods makes them the victim as: “They don’t have as much as everyone else,” or “They don’t think they have what they think they are entitled to.”

They are “social victims” who can’t get ahead because of some reason or another, and so we are supposed to help them whether they deserve it or not.

Well, I’ve learned over the years, there are some people that just don’t deserve help! My Dad always taught me, “We don’t reward bad behaviour.”

But I see people all over doing just that, as they feel sorry for and reward others who claim to be victimized. Sadly, these psuedo-victims have never truly suffered, or especially not as much as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They play upon the emotions of others, and choose to rape and plunder others instead of actually suffering themselves.

Another thing I’ve found about “the modern victim” is they are completely ungrateful. Their sense of “entitlement” has led them to think they deserve even more then others. This leads to them thinking that when they do receive charity, it was something owed to them, and not a gift at all. It’s easy to be thankful when someone gives you something you don’t deserve. But it’s hard to be thankful when you feel someone is holding out on you and when you get what’s their’s you grudgingly feel you should have gotten it a long time ago.

This “What’s yours is mine mentality” makes the giver the real victim. For the receiver takes out of hatred, demanding what they feel is their’s, instead of allowing the giver to practice charity, and giving out of their heart. This leads to the taker becoming a “leech” who sucks the blood out of the giver. He’s a parasite who tries to live off his host, because he becomes comfortable in his supposed “victimization.”

Further, this “victim mentality” kills kindness. As it makes it almost sinful to be nice to others, because they judge your kindness, thinking your are only doing it because you should have done it long ago, and you are doing it only to appease your conscience.

In this cruel and wicked world, it’s harder and harder to be nice to others. Especially when they are not grateful for what’s given them. In fact, their mentality and doctrine leaves them completely ungrateful for anything at all.

They usually cry over and over, “I deserve more than this!” But as my Dad used to always say, “Truly, the only thing you deserve is HELL, everything else is just the grace of God!.”

The old adage is, “A little kindness will get you anywhere!”

But with the spirit of this age, where others feel they are entitled to what you have, and you should give it to them because they are the victim, it’s almost more profitable to not be nice.

I’ve learned first hand recently that you can spend your whole life being nice to someone and showing kindness to them, but if they have “the victim spirit of entitlement” all your kindness amounts to a hill of beans, and will always be forgotten.

Not only that, they will hate you, persecute you, and speak evil against you. In short, THEY MAKE YOU THE ACTUAL VICTIM, WHILE CLAIMING YOU ARE THE BAD GUY!

So there you have it. To win, you have to prove to others you are the victim. It’s almost who plays the victim card first is the one who will succeed in our crazy and mixed-up society.

But I chose not to be a victim. I trust my Saviour Jesus Christ, and thank him for being a victim for me. And I’ll follow his example of doing nice to others, even if it gets me crucified, just as it did for him.

Note: After writing this and reading it over again, the thought entered my head, “Some crazy person who pretends to be a victim is going to read this and think I'm writing against black people, or poor hispanics or something, and that I'm a racist.” How silly! As I sat down and wrote this, I was thinking about most of the white folks I know! So curve your racism, bro! A’aight?

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