Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm pretty sure my Dad's favorite word was "Nebulous." He would always say that when someone would talk around the point, they were being nebulous."
When I'd write my prayer letters to send to churches, and I used the words "some," and "many," he'd always say, "Those terms are 'nebulous,' and non-descriptive. You shouldn't use them. You need to be specific!"
I hated that, but after a while, I found myself agreeing with him. And I BELIEVE THE PROBLEM WITH THE WORLD TODAY IS PEOPLE ARE NOT SPECIFIC ENOUGH!
Everyone seems to talk around the point instead of getting to the point. They say a lot of words, but don't really say much with their words.
My Dad always said, "There is simply no substitute for clear and effective communication!"
I've always liked that. It's just so true! I truly believe there is no problem that cannot be fixed by sitting down and talking it out! That is, of course, if reasonable people are willing to have a courteous discussion. They might not agree, and can leave agreeing to disagree, but they should be willing to talk to each other reasonably!
With this in mind, I was watching the news the other day (My grandmother leaves it on all day long, listening to it.) On one of the programs, (which resembled a talk show instead of a real news show), they were questioning a doctor about different diseases and their causes. The guest continually kept saying things like, "Studies recently done show..." and "Recent lab results prove..." But never did he ever document or tell where those studies were done, and when.
He then used the "they card." By that, I mean he began saying things like, "Well, THEY say that diabetes is caused by..." and "In recent journals THEY claim cancer is caused by..."
For thirty minutes or more, this blow hard of a doctor answered all their questions like he knew what he was talking about. But never, not even once, did he ever tell us who the THEY was!
Yet we viewers were supposed to sit there and take all he said as the gospel truth, because he was a well known doctor, and he supposedly knew what he was talking about. We weren't even allowed to question him, because he knew "THEY" and what "THEY" said about it.
It's hard for me to believe a man like that! It's even harder to believe anything he says, because I don't know who the THEY is that he's quoting!
I call it "The Nebulous They Syndrome." Have you ever met anyone like that, who always keeps taking about the nebulous THEY, as though we are supposed to know who the THEY really is?
They say things like, "Well, you know what THEY say..." or "Don't do that or THEY will see you!"
Who are those THEY? When you find out, please let me know! I'd really like to know!
That's why when I'm talking to someone, and they bring up the nebulous "THEY," I like to stop them and say, "Wait a minute! Who's THEY?!"
Sometimes they get mad, but it's definitely worth having them stop and think about those nebulous whoevers that they are talking about.
My Dad always used to say, "Your pronouns don't have anacedents!" By that he meant if you are talking about a THEY, there should ALWAYS be a sentence or two back that should describe exactly who the THEY are. Sadly, so many people nowadays don't define who "THEY" are. This leads to so much confusion.

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