Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm very put out with the modern "news" we get today from sources such as magazines, newspapers, television, radio, and more. The media must really think the American people are all a bunch of dopes! For we really don't get much real news. Instead, we get a lot of GOSSIP, OPINION, EDITORIALS, and FEEL GOOD STORIES.
If you watch CNN, CNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, etc. You'll not get much news that matters. But you will get a lot of gossip! I'm so very sick of Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, Blago, and others. Why not give me some real news about things that are really important?
If it's not gossip about some hollywood starlet, then the news is giving us the latest "crises" and the newest "war on whatever" and the most horrible weather disaster to date. My grandpa used to say, "All cable news is for is to scare old people!" And I'm here to tell you that's exactly what it does! It's almost like it's a propaganda outlet to keep people in constant state of FEAR!
For real news, I, like probably most of America, turn to the Internet. But even there I wonder how much I can believe. At least there are some sites that do their homework, and actually to report well documented and first hand accounts.
I like Worldnetdaily (found at:
The Drudge Report is also quite informative (Found at:
Sometimes I look at Newsmax (Site is:
I also look up Alex Jones sometimes when I want to get depressed and look at how the gobal world governement is taking away my rights and laying out the red carpet for the anti-christ in his soon coming kindgom. (That site is:
Then there is glen beck's website, which is quite interesting at:
But most of the time, I just stay away for the news all together. It's just SOOOOOO depressing.
The saddest thing to me is the "TALK SHOW" like theme of most video news shows. They always have two guests with opposing views and then let them yell at each other. How is that news?
And then they'll call on an "expert" and ask them things like, "What do you think about this?" WHO CARES WHAT THEIR OPINION IS?!?! I've always said, "Opinions are like armpits! Everyone has two, and they all STINK!"
I'm not interested in the opinion of some guy or gal I don't know and what they think about something, or what they think will happen. HOW IS THAT NEWS???????
It's just frustrating in our day and age in an America that's been "dummed down" to get the real scoop. People are no longer studious, nor do they do their homework. The real stories and the most important ones are intentionally overlooked, and we are stuck with days on end of some crazy silver-colored balloon flying through the air!
Would to God the real news was broadcasted every night like the old days, and we might be told what's really happening in our country, and the rest of the world, whether that be via internet, T.V. or radio. And would to God it would be broadcast without any kind of "Slant" or "Spin."
I'm not a liberal or a conservative. I'm a CHRISTIAN who just wants to know the truth, and I've learned I cannot get it from any news organizations, but only from the Bible.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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