Monday, July 19, 2010


A wise man once said that the word “Politics” is a good way to describe what governmental business really is. “Poly” means “many,” and there are many politicians in our day and age. And, “tics” reminds us of “ticks” which are “blood suckers!” Need I say more?

Thinking of politics, and how the American people are being raped by their elected officials who pass laws the majority of the American people don’t want, or agree with, I thought about “political words,” and why they are what they are, and I couldn’t help but wonder where they come from. And, as I pondered those words and broke them up, I found some surprising things. I guess you could say in the words themselves were some interesting “subliminal messages” or at least some “thought provoking” ideas.

For example, there is the much hated word “tax.” Nobody likes taxes! That is of course nobody except politicians! They love them, because usually they don’t pay them. And if they do, they are the ones who get to decide where to spend them!

Let’s break the word “tax” up. Take the first letter, “t.” Why, that’s a cross! And we know what happens on crosses, don’t we? Someone suffers! The next two letters together spell “ax,” which reminds us, of course, of the big metal tool that’s used to cut something to pieces. Yep, “tax” is really a “positive” word, huh? NOPE! It conjures up rather negative thought patterns.

Then there is the word “Congress.” “Con” is Spanish for “with.” And “Gress?” Well, when I think of another word that ends in “gress,” all I can come up with is “transgress.” Interesting, or mere coincidence?

Breaking up the word “President,” we find “Press,” “I” and “Dent.” Well, our current president really has “impressed” the news media, as he receives their praise quite often. I guess you could also say he has “put a dent” in our personal freedoms, and really “pressed” our backs against the wall with this whole health care thing, by forcing it upon us without our consent.

Then there is the word “Washington.” The other day my grandmother had the news on, and one of those political types was giving a press conference in front of a big seal with the words, “White House Washington D.C.” His body blocked some of the words though, and the camera cut off the rest, and all I could read was “White Washing!” That about says it all!
Can you think of any other political words like those I've given? I'd like to hear 'em. Share 'em with me!

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