Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Greatest Tool of the Devil

Probably the greatest tool the Devil has in his arsenal is his ability to pit people against each other. Satan is a master at making people hate one another, and he's had over 6000 years to perfect his strategy of instilling so much hatred in people's hearts that it leads to physical violence, and if he's lucky: quarrels, fist fights, skirmishes and even outright war.

Satan enjoys sowing seeds of discord among men, to the point that in anger he lashes out at others with unbridled restraint, and hurts or even kills others he doesn't like, or agree with. (See Cain and Abel for case in Point.)

Sadly, the Devil doesn't have to do much, as men are sinners by nature, and thereby easily manipulated to do wrong. But Satan knows just how to harden a man’s heart and use man’s anger for his glory.

The Devil’s desire is for men to get their eyes off God and on the things of the world. Once he sees their hearts are full of lust for the things they see around them, he seeks to get them to look not at themselves, but at others, with a great desire to have what everyone else does.

also loves for men to get their eyes off themselves and onto others, for it's much easier to see the faults of others rather than your own shortcomings. Eventually, men become accustomed to looking only at the evil in others and never focus on the evil in themselves, making them think they are righteous and everyone else is not. And this too leads to confrontation as self-righteous people usually are vocal when they see others do things in ways they think should not be done.

One of Satan's favorite methods is to use man’s pride. He loves to compel men to compare themselves, which inevitable leads to them thinking they are better than everyone else, and often leads to them no longer treating others equally and cordially, rather making them snobs, unfriendly, and cold towards others.

The Devil loves to force men to live together in tight quarters or in city ghettos, where they can be in each others way and became hostile towards one another. (As the old saying goes, "Familiarity breads contempt.") And he loves for them to backbite, ridicule, and poke fun at each other until bitterness breeds in their hearts, dividing the group and pitting one side against another. Usually this is when hostilities and clouds of war form as inevitably one side provokes another into a fight.

And usually one group forces another group into submission as serfs, servants, or vassals.

Over time, this forced subjugation breeds feelings of anger, bitterness, and hatred stir in the hearts of men as they look upon those above them as harsh taskmasters who take advantage of them and their labour.

The devil loves carnage, and he enjoys seeing people devour one another. So much does he thrive on the suffering of others, that it appears his only comfort in Hell will be in watching those he's damned there with him burn in agony at his side.

Satan loves to use man's pride to provoke hostility. Whether it be through social class, education, looks, or position, the devil deceives men into thinking they deserve something. This leads to them thinking they are more valuable then others and therefore entitled to more. This always leads to sin, as the "elite" or "entitled" will take whatever means neccesary for them to get what they feel should be theirs, even take what they want from others, leaving them with nothing.

This ties in well to the modern system of "Communism," which uses class warfare to turn different classes of people against each other so that revolution might ensue and governments be toppled, opening the way for Satan's man to take control.

Once in power, the Devil loves to use propoganda to make all people believe the way he wants them to. He greatly prospers from the mob rule mentality, or turning the crowds against the innocent to murder them cruelly without compassion (as the Jews did to Jesus in screaming Crucify him, Crucify him!)

And once he has the majority on his side, gains great pleasure by using fear and intimidation, to squelch any opposition to his diabolical agenda, even using his agents to capture and torture those who expose his evil plans (like the agents of the Spanish Inquisition, or Hitler's Gestapo, or the Russian KGB).

While enthroned Satan uses his power to cruelly torture, savagely murder, and painfully execute those he hates. (See the holocaust of the Jews in WW II, or Stalin's mass murder of his own people in WW II).

Sadly, it's not Satan who does all this himself. No, he has his minions working for him, and he uses men to carry out his persecution on others. It is they who do the dirty work, without conscience, oftentimes cruelly and savagely murdering others without guilt or remorse.

Yes, Satan's greatest tool is to simply coach man to follow their own carnal fleshly desires, until they become so wicked, so vile, so depraved, that they can willingly engage in the most outrageous and ungodly practices without thinking before hand of the consequences.

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