Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bat Christian?

My friend sent me this, and I've got to say I have mixed emotions about so-called "Christian Films" or "Christian Movies," especially when they take the things of the world and try to copy them. It's almost like you are taking the world and trying to Christianize it. But isn't that just as bad as the world trying to make the church wordly? Either way, the things of the world mix with the things of Christianity. But, shouldn't those things be separate? Is not the church commanded to be separate from the world and to be holy?
That's why when my friend sent me the following video, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Should Christians make parodies of wordly videos? What's next? The "Christian Academy Awards?" I can just see it now. Instead of an "Oscar" they'll be giving out "Joshua" statutes. And instead of church, Christians will go to "Theaters" on Sundays, with the offering being taken out front at the ticket window. Where will it stop???
Anyway, let me know what you think. Click on the following link and go down to where the video is for "Bat Christian." It's fifteen minutes long. And you'll either laugh, or cry, or both, like I did.

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