Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

I can't remember who taught it to me, whether it was my Dad, my High School, my Bible Teacher, or my secular college professor, but I do remember exactly what he said. In speaking about the Communists, he said, "The way communists work is by taking two steps forward and one step back!"
He further said when Communists do something that others are angry with, they quickly back off. And when they do, those who were angry think they've won, as the Communists backed down. But the truth is the Communists are the real winners, as they are left one step ahead of where they began.
So, Communists never really do lose momentum. Although they appear to be lose ground, they press on with two steps forward and one step back.
Doing this over and over, Communists eventually make enough steps to gain full control as they take over completely. But why can't people see this?

As I look at my own country, the United States of America, I can't help but look at the Democratic party, which have many ties to Communist groups, and how they are now working. They are running wide open passing laws left and right as quickly as possible, even though the majority of the American people are against them. Bailouts, healthcare, food "safety," "Dream acts" and more are all things most Americans are very much against. For they feel it takes away their freedoms, and/or gives too much freedom to others who don't deserve it.

But what do the Democrats do? They press on, not caring what happens, for even if some of their laws are declared unconstitutional, they have gotten them through and they are able to get their agenda done in the mean time. In other words, they take two steps forward, and one step back.
Over the last two years, Dems have rushed their agenda through congress and passed many laws. But America spoke in the elections. Did the dems pack up and go home for the holidays? Nope, as a "lame duck" session they keep doing the same thing! They rammed through "food safety," (which makes it illegal to keep seeds or have your own garden), net neutrality, (which makes them able to shut down any website they don't like), and more. They are also trying to pass the "dream act" which will grant citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who now reside in our borders. Care to guess who they will vote for in the next election if they are granted citizenship? If you said, "Republican" you are dead WRONG!
With all this happening, it makes me wonder if the rapture is not near. For the laws are changing so quickly, and they all seem to point to one thing--THE TRIBULATION PERIOD!
For the food safety makes it illegal to own your own seeds or plant your own garden. That means if you want food, you have to go to the government to buy it. And how do you buy it, without the mark of the beast? And how better to give the mark of the beast to all people then to force them to have their own healthcare doctor who will inject the chip under their skin? And what better way to shut down any opposition to their agenda then to control the internet and be able to shut down anyone who exposes their plan. And finally, why wouldn't you want a "dream act" to make everyone who's "illegal" legal so they too can get under healthcare and get the mark?
God help us! Even so come Lord Jesus!

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