Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Get America Out of Debt Overnight!

When I was a kid (about 8 or 9), I remember my friend and I used to joke about how to get the United States of America out of debt. He used to say, "Why don't we just give the country back to the Native American Indians, have them declare bankrupcy, and then we'll steal it back from them!"
Now, that's not "politically correct," nor is it a very "nice" thing to say today, but you know how kids think. In our minds, that was a great idea, especially since we stole the country from the Indians in the first place, and because we aren't the ones who got the country in debt to begin with. But of course, that would have been wrong.

So how do we get America out of debt? Especially since the current debt makes each American citizen end up owing over 30,000 dollars apiece.

I've thought about this long and hard, and I believe I've come up with a solution. It's very simple, (almost too simple!) And it would work so easily, it could all be done in just a few minutes time!
Unfortunately, my idea is not an original one. This concept was thought of by John F. Kennedy, and was something he actually thought about putting into practice to get America out of debt during his presidency. Oddly enough, he was assassinated just before he was able to act on it. (Any correlation there? No, probably not. Right?)
The idea is as follows. The United States Consititution under Article 1 and Section 8 gives congress the power to, among other things, oh, why don't you just read it for yourself:
"Congress shall have the power to...coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures..."

According to this, CONGRESS holds the power to coin money, and NOT the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, which is the one now printing our worthless paper money. Why the Congress gave away this power to a PRIVATE BANK like the Federal Reserve, no one knows, but they did, and now we are in debt to this instititution which charges us interest on paper "notes" we barrow from them.

The idea, then, is for the Congress of the United States of America to take back this basic constitutional right, and they could coin one large Coin and place a value on it of the entire United States debt. It then could be presented to the Federal Reserve Bank as PAID IN FULL on the national debt, and then we could tell the Federal Reserve Bank to go take a long walk off a short pier! Congress, then, could continue coining money using REAL and TANGIBLE assests such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, nickel, etc. and etc.

If Congress did this, the United States would immediately be out of debt in one day! And, if they began printing real money, we could be back on the GOLD STANDARD, and would again be the richest nation on the earth!!!

So the question is, why don't they? I'll let them answer that for themselves. That is if they are even interested in getting us out of debt. Seems to me the opposite is true, as they spend our money like its water.

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