Sunday, December 5, 2010


I wrote a tract a while back about how I thought the rapture might be in 2010. Well, I WAS WRONG! And, I'll be the first to admit it. It was wishful thinking on my part, and so what. What's wrong with that? I really want the Lord to come back!
But as I was thinking the other day, and looking at the signs of the times, I started wondering about the year 2011. You see, 2011 is EXACTLY 400 years after the King James Bible was first printed in 1611. Now you need to watch that 400 years thing. For as you study the Bible, there are exactly 400 years between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Could it then be that there are exactly that many years between the KJV and the rapture? I'll let you decide. I've got no scripture on it whatsover, but I do have a hunch. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it again. I'm not, nor have I ever dogmatically stated, the Lord will come back on such and such a date. NOPE! But I do like looking at the possibilities of when he might come, and boy is 2011 looking pretty good right now!


  1. I hope you're right, Robert, but I still think there can't be a rapture of the church before the Antichrist is revealed. Maybe just before or at the time when Michael shall stand up. This will be before the great tribulation (wrath).
    Alice Russell
