Sunday, December 5, 2010

The End is Near!

So, I'm sitting here at home today sick as a dog and unable to go to church. While I sit here fighting a sore throat, cough, and feverish aches and pains, I can't help but reflect on the news I've digested in just the last week or so. And, I can't help but come to the conclusion that the rapture must be very near, as the end of the world as we know it is coming at an even more accelerated rate.
For example, I'm sure you've heard of the bailout of Ireland. They were "too big to fail," yet their economy failed anyway. Thus, they took a loan of billions against their better judgment. And now it looks like Greece, Portugal, Spain, etc. will all follow suit.
Now, who in their right mind doesn't know that when you loan someone thousands of billions of dollars, there isn't some "strings" attached? This is a takeover of foreign governments by globalists who plan to bring in their new world order. No surprise really, as this is what God said would happen in the last days as the anti-christ is given free reign to rule for seven years. But we are now seeing this kingdom being birthed. Global economies are on the brink of collapse, including the United States, and they have no way to defend themselves. Under the M.A.E.D. (Mutually Assured Economic Destruction) plan of days gone by if one goes down they all go down, and they are sure going down quickly. Is it no wonder our lawmakers are spending money like it's going out of style? It's because it is!!!
But that's not all. If that were all there were for me to prove the world's growing close to an end some would scoff and say I'm crazy. But that's not all in the news. There's much more!
The news recently reported of a man who went to JAIL for not paying his income tax (Wesley Snipes), while another man who did the very same crime is not. Instead, he's only "censured." (That would be Senator Charlie Rangel). Where is justice in this? Why doesn't the law affect ever citizen equally no matter whether they are members of the uber-elite or not? It's because Mr. Rangel was a Senator, and because of this, I guess he was above the law.
Then there is the upsurge of the communist movement in America, and their rampant desire to hold a violent revolution in this country to get their goals met. Do you feel safe knowing they are plotting your destruction?
Of course you know about the new "Health Care" law, which makes you get health insurance against your will, or fine you if you don't (something that's completely un-constitutional), but have you heard about the new Food Law which the "lame duck" congress has just passed, which takes away your right to plant a garden or keep seeds, or sell fruits and vegetables to others. Who would intentionally want to take food out of your mouth, and make it a crime to grow it for your own private consumpiton, all under the guise of "Safety?"
And then there's the TSA "gropping" of passengers at the airport. Why, I never thought I would have seen the day when the government would have gotten to third base with you before you even boarded an airplane. And they won't even buy you dinner!
Still not convinced that the end is near for the United States of America? Well, haven't you heard about the senator speaking on an open mike and saying, "It's all rigged!"? What, you haven't heard that? Why not? It's all over the internet.
Oh, that brings us to the other thing. The FCC has recently announced that even though the supreme court is against it, they believe they have the power to regulate the internet, and take down any site anytime they want to, if they feel it is inappropriate. (So much for the freedome of speech). They, as well as Google's Youtube, has already done it to Alex Jones and others. So I hope you get to read this, because it might not be up very much longer!
If that's not enough to discourage you and make you wonder what in the Sam Hill is going on, I got up this morning and read the paper (The Pensacola News Journal), and found an article in which public schools are now "Banning books." Yep, that's right. Kind of reminds you of NAZI Germany, doesn't it? All they lack is starting to burn those banned books.
Now, here's the kicker. My wife and I went to Walgreens a week or so ago, and I saw the latest issue of Newsweek Magazine. Care to guess who was on the cover? It was Obama, under the title of: "The God of All Things." So now Obama has been exalted not to sainthood, but to Godhood by the liberal news media. What on earth is going on?
Even Hilter didn't say he was God. He referred to himself only as the Furher, or the Christ. Imagine the "audacity" it takes for someone to refer to Obama as GOD, and not just God, but THE GOD of ALL Things. Surely, the world as we know it is going to hell in a handbasket. There is not only economic decay, but moral and spiritual destruction as well. And it's only getting worse.
Now, I'm no doomsday sayer, nor am I trying to start a revolution. I'm just trying to point out to you what's going on in this world, and hoping you'll do what I'm doing, PONDER the situation and act accordingly. How do you act accordingly? Well, if you aren't saved, GET SAVED! If you are, PREACH THE GOSPEL to all your friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. for Jesus is coming soon! He has to. Things in this world are at it's worst. All signs point to his soon appearing. Even so, COME LORD JESUS!!!


  1. Things are indeed bad, and will only get worse. It is very strange to be living here at the "end" of this time (I hate using that word, because so many people have the mistaken assumption that the world is going to end, instead of Christ reigning on this earth for 1,000 years). There has definitely been a tightening of the noose for the truth. Very slow and slick. Most Christians are so full of sin they can't see how they are slowly allowing their freedoms to be taken away, and that their light will soon be extinguished. Things have gotten so corrupt that only Jesus Christ coming back can straighten it out! Thank God for the blessed hope! Life would be too dismal without it, for sure.
