Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Blogs!

I hate being sick! But I also hate doing nothing. So as I sat sick this week, I decided I'd do something. And, I spent some time figuring out how to set up some blogs. Yep, that's right, I didn't set this blog up by myself. A friend did. I only have been posting to it. But Now after learning some things, I've figured out how to set up, design, and maintain a blog from scratch! How cool is that!
So I've set up several new blogs, with info I think is important for people to read. They are:
The Confederate Baptist at: http://confederatebaptist.blogspot.com/

The Valera 1602 Purified at: http://valera1602purified.blogspot.com/

And, the last one is Real Conspiracy at: http://real-conspiracy.blogspot.com/

The Confederate Baptist was a magazine my third-great grandfather published and edited. I always wanted to resurrect that and publish it again, and since I don't have the money to do so, why not just make it a blog? I also would like people to submit articles for my perusal. If I like 'em, I'd be happy to post 'em.

The Valera 1602 Purified Blog is give people info about the Spanish Bible Issue and why the 1602 Purified is the best Spanish Bible available today.

Finally, the Real Conspiracy Blog I set up to inform people about some things, they probably don't know. So many people today have their heads in the sand and they don't know what's really happening in our world. They further don't understand how it falls in line with Satan's plans to mame, kill, and destroy, as he sets up his kingdom on earth and rules in the Tribulation.

In this blog, I want to focus more on the SPIRITUAL conspiracies, and not just the PHYSICAL ones which run rampant in the world today. I also ask you to help me by posting some links, websites, videos, newspaper articles, etc. I hope this blog will be interactive, and a place people will go for good, sound information. I also hope they will practice DISCERNMENT as they read what's posted there, and will line up everything they read with the King James Bible.

So that's my new blogs. You can see them by clicking over on the left of this page under "Other Blogs and Websites."

God bless!

Robert R. Breaker III

1 Sam. 12:24!

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