Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baptist Bastards

It's amazing to me to see how much the Pharisees of old have in common with apostate modern-day Fundamentalists. Instead of just sticking to preaching the Gospel, many modern Fundamentalists have become political, and are busy building their own little "kingdoms." Because of their rampant "groupism," infighting has arisen (just like between the Pharisees and Saducees of old) within the Independent Baptist Movment (my own denominational affilitation), and many individuals are judged not based upon their love for Christ and preaching of the Gospel, but by what "camp" they adhere to.
For this reason, it's common to hear a Pastor ask a Missionary, "Which camp are you in?"
When I'm asked this question, I always like to answer the same way, "I'm without the camp with Jesus! And that's right where I want to be!"
I'm not interested in Christian politics. Nor do I want to be a member of any Christian "camp." I just want to be a follower of my Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy word.
Being on my own has been a blessing, as I've been able to look in on modern Fundamentalism from the outside. And what I continually see are many Pastors, Missionaries, and laymen who are busy following MEN and their made-up doctrines, instead of just following the MAN Christ Jesus and His doctrine found in the Bible. In other words, just as the Pharisees of old, modern Fundamentalism has been more about man worship and politics than Jesus worship and doctrinal purity.
As I watch modern fundamentalist Independent Baptists, I see them following not only certain men, the founders of their groups, but I see them oftentimes following the teachings of that man rather than simply following the word of God. This had lead to even more fighting within the various Indpendent Baptist groups, as they say things like, "You aren't one of us, as you don't do things the way we do!"
Pride then enters in, and eventually the movement a preacher starts almost becomes a "cult" as the founder of that group or camp becomes exalted by his followers. After his passing, and sometimes even before, they worship him by hanging "pictures" of the founder all over, (many times his picture is even painted on large murals).
Usually a Bible School or Bible Instititute is founded, and buildings are built and named after the founder, or their friends. (Sounds just like what the Pharisees did, doesn't it?)
Eventually, as graduates from the various schools go out as Pastors, Missionaries, etc., we find a social brotherhood binding these students together. They then unite based upon their education and their collegiate university, and then attack others who didn't go to their school or learn what they were taught. This gives them the "secret society" mentality, where they think they are the only ones who know the truth, and they become loyal to their school and their teachers, rather than to Christ alone. Once again, the system propogates man worship rather than God worship.
The highest form of the education they can attain is a "doctorate" and many seek to attain this much coveted title. Once attained, they are esteemed higher in the eyes of others in their group, and deemed worthy of praise. They are then given many pulpits to preach in, and more honor is bestowed upon them by others. (But wasn't it the "doctors" of the law that murdered Jesus Christ?)
Some, who have been deemed to have done something "praiseworthy" and "notable," are given "honorary doctorates," which means they are allowed to be called "doctor" even though they didn't earn the title according to the rules of earning it. (Can you say Hypocrites!) And, usually, the reason a man is given an honorary doctorate by a certain Bible School, is so that school can boast about who it identifies with; all in hope$ of $ecuring more $tudent$ in the future so they can brag about their enrollment. (Doesn't this sound like the Pharisees to you? It does to me!)
Without a doubt, modern apostate Fundamentalism is Phariseeical in nature, and is guilty of man worship, which pits Christians against each other, rather than binding them through the unity of the cross.
Now that we've see some of the blantant comparisons of modern Fundamentalism with that of the sanctimonious Pharisees of old, we must then ask the question, "If the Pharisees were lost religious people who taught their own doctrines instead of God's, could it be that Modern Fundamentalism could be the same thing?"
This is a question that many Fundamentalists and Independent Baptists refuse to ask, much less discuss. Like the Pharisees of old, they can not even entertain the thought that they might be guilty of preaching false doctrine, nor could they think for a minute that those within their ranks could be lost and on their way to Hell. They believe they are saved, so they think all others in their group must be as well. After all, they are all serving God, right?
But what did Jesus say about those Pharisees who went out of their way to set up political schools to train men in their own doctrines?

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Matthew 23:15)

With such similarities between modern Fundamentalism and the Pharisees, could we not then apply this verse to the modern Independent Baptist movement of today and their phariseeical practices of men worship, politics, and school loyalty? I believe we can and we should.

It's not only possible that a person can be an Independent Baptist Fundamentalist and be lost, but it's more common than most people think. Both my wife and I were in and out of Fundamentalist Baptist Churches our whole life, and we weren't saved.

I've even met personally several Independent Baptist Pastors who graduated from well-known Fundamentalist schools who were never born again. They got saved while they were pastoring. And each one of them told me they were going through the motions and doctrines they were taught in Bible School, but they never realized they were lost until God dealt with them from the Scriptures, and they trusted Christ Jesus later. They were Baptist BASTARDS.

I know what you are thinking: "How on earth can a guy be an Independent Baptist and still be lost?" And, "How on earth can a man graduate from an Independent Baptist Bible College and still be lost?"

That's a good question. It's because they go to those schools and never hear the Gospel preached one time. When they go, the professors automatically assume they are saved, otherwise they wouldn't be there to study how to be a Pastor, Missionary, Evangelist, etc. So they are taught what to do in the ministry. They are not taught how to be saved and know it.

I personally heard from the wife of a famous preacher about how her husband went to one of those big Fundamentalist Bible Colleges. (If I mentioned the name, no doubt you've heard of it). She said her husband went to each and every student in the place and simply asked them this question, "Are you saved and do you know it for sure?"

Quite a few couldn't answer, and this preacher then took them through the plan of salvation and won them to the Lord. After a year or two, the faculty of the school called the preacher in and told him, and this is what they said, "If you continue trying to win students to the Lord, we will throw you out of this school!" (Sounds like something the Pharisees would say, doesn't it?)

Can you believe that? You would think they'd be happy to see someon saved! But no. Instead, they didn't want to look bad. So rather than address the problem, they swept it under the rug and pretended that their ministerial students were all saved, even when many of them were not. A lot of the kids in school were only there just because their parents paid their way! But they were not saved. They were Baptist BASTARDS.

Now, I know what else you are thinking: "But what about modern Schools teaching "Soul winning?" Shouldn't they all be saved if they are active in soulwinng? I mean, how can you win souls if you aren't even saved yourself?"

In Fundamentalist circles, there are many who instruct others on "how to win souls" but they are not taught how to win souls correctly. You see, they instruct sinners to simply preach man's doctrine of the "Sinner's Prayer" and stress sinners to simply "Repeat the prayer after them." But where is this in the Bible? It's not there. This is NOT THE PLAN OF SALVATION! Prayer saves no one! Faith is what saves.

Because of preaching "prayer" alone for salvation, many people are deceived into thinking they are saved by their prayer rather than by faith alone in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. When these sinners who have "prayed the prayer" have no assurance of salvation, they usually pray the pray over again, hoping that will give them the assurance they lack. This leads to many of them praying the prayer over and over again, night after night, hoping somehow they might get assurance. But their lack of assurance, and their continual praying the same prayer proves they are not saved. They are trusting in their PRAYER, and not trusting Christ's PROPITIATION made for them on Calvary to give them forgiveness of their sins.

These "soulwinners" have never even been won themselves. And as they go "soulwinning," they are then not winning souls, rather they are guilty of deceiving them and damning their souls to Hell by not taking the time to explain the true Gospel and clearly presenting the importance of "believing from the heart" rather than "repeating something with the lips."

In other words, they try to make a sinner do something with the mouth rather than the Biblical plan of salvation of trusting only in what Jesus Christ has done for the sinner.

This is very important, for look at what Jesus said to the Pharisees in the following verses:

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. (Matthew 15:8)

He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. (Mark 7:6)

Notice Jesus rebukes the Pharisees. He says they "honor" him, but their heart is far from him. He then calls them HYPOCRITES!

Could it be that there are some in the modern Fundamentalist movement who are the same? Being taught salvation by the Sinner's Prayer instead of the Biblical means of salvation by Believing upon Christ from the heart, could it be that they are LOST?

It's not just a possibility, it's a common problem in the Independent Baptist Movement! And instead of winning souls, they are deceiving them into trusting their "prayers" rather than trusting Jesus's precious blood.

Not only is this problem in the Independent Baptist Movement, but all throughout Christianity today. There are untol countless millions of people who are trusting in what they DO (i.e. repeating a prayer), and are not trusting in Jesus Christ alone and what he DID for them at Calvary. In short, they are spiritual BASTARDS.

This is not a popular message, but it needs to be exposed. Presenting the facts like this leads to the self-righteous to call people like who present the truth: "heretics." It is because they don't want to think for a minute they could be lost, so instead of "examining themselves" as commanded in 2 cor. 13:5, they lash out at those like myself who point out their lost condition. (It must be remembered, the Pharisees were so mad at Jesus exposing their anti-biblical practices, that they crucified Him rather than repent and accept the truth!).

Now, I'm not saying all Fundamentalists or Independent Baptists are lost. There are some good ones who are born again and are active preaching the blood, the Book, and the Blessed Hope faithfully. But I am saying not all of them are born again. There are quite a few who are more interested in man worship, following man's made-up doctrines, and building a kingdom, than they are about preaching and presenting the Gospel clearly. These men are either lost, or if they are saved, they are the ones who are adding to the confusion, as there focus isn't on defending the Biblical doctrine of salvation, rather on propogating their own denominational affiliations. They are then Baptist BASTARDS, who have sold out their spiritual birthrights.

If you are a Pastor, Missionary, Evangelists, or just your average church member. Would you take a look at yourself, your heart, your testimony, and your preaching? Are you saved? If so, are you preaching salvation by faith alone in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ-what Jesus has already DONE-, or are you one of those guilty of confusing sinners and tricking them into DOING something to get saved?

God knows there are too many Baptist Bastards in our world today! Have you ever noticed how most people in different cults (like the Jehova Witnesses, Mormons, Charismatics, etc.) all say they used to be or used to go to Baptist Churches as kids? If they were trained right, why did they turn out so wrong? Could it be they weren't trained right, and they weren't preached the Gospel, and that's why they didn't get saved? I think you know how to answer that.

For more information on this great problem of Phariseeism and the lack of preaching the Gospel correctly, please click on the following:











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