Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why Are We Here?

One of my Dad's favorite things to ask people was the following question: "So, can you tell me the meaning of life in three words or less?"
It was always so funny to me to hear him ask this and see how it caught people completely off guard, especially, when they had no idea whatsoever how to answer such a simple and direct question--a question which history and science says is the greatest question of all time!
History proves not too many people know how to answer this question. Philosophers have been trying to answer this question for centuries, and there are libraries full of their words. But, the thing I loved about my Dad was how he could make things so simple, and he could use only a few words sum it up so nicely. That is say in just three words what the Philosophers couldn't say in a thousand pages (and most of them didn't even get it right!)
So, let me ask you, dear reader, the same question, "What's the meaning of life in three words or less???"
Don't know how to respond? Or maybe you can't whittle it down to only three words. So, let me show you what my Dad said, and what he always showed people. He took them to the King James Bible. More specifically, he turned directly to Rev 4:11, in which the four and twenty elders are praising God. I quote them as they say: "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
Can you spot the three words that give us the meaning of life? My Dad always pointed to the words "for thy pleasure," and said, "According to this verse, the only reason we are created and exist in this world is to please God! We are here FOR HIS PLEASURE."
Doesn't that just make sense? It does of course unless you don't believe in God. Then of course, you are only here for one thing: FOR YOUR OWN PLEASURE. Or to put it simply into three words: "To please yourself."
You can go to the great libraries of the world and search for decades and even millenia for the meaning of life, or you can go to just one verse in the King James Bible, and answer the question in just three short little words. The choice is up to you. Follow men, or follow God. But what it all boils down to is this:
Most men are more interested in pleasing themselves instead of pleasing God.
Which one are you?

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