Saturday, July 31, 2010


We live in some very strange and confusing times! And I honestly can't look at the news without wondering what on earth is going on. Stories just don't make any sense anymore. It's almost as if 2+2 no longer equals four, instead it equals 3 or 5.
For example, I'm reading the news and trying to figure out how the Department of Justice can let some racists Black Panthers who want to "kill white babies: go scott free, while at the same time going after the state of Arizona and their new illegal immigration enforcement law claiming it might allow racial profiling. If racism is wrong, then shouldn't those Panthers go to jail, and shouldn't the Arizona law, which over and over again speaks against racial profiling, be okay? It just does not make any sense! Does not compute! Especially since the Arizona law is nothing but a copy of the Federal Law!
Then you have people in Washington passing laws that they don't even know what they say! Nancy Pelosi said about one of the new bills, "We have to pass the law so we can find out what's in it!"
How does that make any sense at all? Who in their right mind would sign a contract without reading the fine print? I mean, honestly, would you sign your name to something you've never read???
Then you have the whole cities of refuge thing, which are entirely illegal, (and made so by Bill Clinton in the 1990's). But instead of enforcing the law, Washington D.C. goes after those who try to enforce it, telling them they aren't allowed to (like in Arizona). I just don't understand that! What's going on? How can they focus on not enforcing laws when their job is to enforce them???
I further read lately that almost all the states are bankrupt and Arnold Swarzanegger is actually telling his employees that they must take three days a month off without pay. How on earth does this help things? Shouldn't people who are willing and able to work do so?
Through the whole presidency of Barack Obama, my head has been swimming, and I've been trying to figure out what's going on, and I just can't do it. Nothing makes sense!
For example, how on earth did he get elected? His middle name is Hussein. (Which by the way, I read recently that political historians don't want his middle name recorded in historical documents. Why?) Wasn't Hussein the name of the man America went to war with? Wasn't the bad guy Sadam Hussein? That's like a guy named Adolf or Hitler running for president of the United States of America after World War II. There is no way he would have been elected!
But old Barry, um, I mean Barack became president, and since then we've been on a roller coaster of events that make no sense whatsoever. For example:
We are told we need HEALTH CARE, and the biggest champion of a national health care system was Ted Kennedy. But then suddenly he dies, leaving a seat open in congress. But even though he's dead, it gets passed, and everyone is happy. Everyone that is but the American people who are overwhelmingly against it! Why are they against it? Because England and Europe tried the exact same thing, and IT DIDN'T WORK! It was a catastrophe! And then a few days ago, I hear about England trying to reform their health care system and going back to one like ours was before the bill passed. WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!
We are continually told there are some companies in America that are "to big to fail" and politicians bail them out by giving them our tax payers dollars, not once but two or three times. But then a few weeks ago, we hear of a new financial bill being passed, who's sole purpose is to "Keep the government from ever having to bail out companies again!" So, I'm just thinking to myself here, um, WHY DID WE HAVE TO BAIL THEM OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE? Why should we give them our money? Don't we give them enough of our money when we buy their product???
This administration is full of environmentalists who assure us the earth is going to be destroyed and it's all our fault, and we need to sacrifice for "Mother Earth." Talk of Cap and Trade runs rampant, and we are told we must consume less energy. But then there is a natural disaster in which a company from BRITAIN has a massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Instead of the president and others doing all they can to help with the clean up, they won't even talk to the CEO of the company! And, instead of opening drilling up in Alaska, which is much cleaner, all drilling in the Gulf is stopped! How on earth does this make sense??? It's the BRITS fault, but now we can't drill because of them.
Honestly, I don't understand. It makes no sense at all!

I guess the old saying holds true: "If it doesn't make sense, there is a buck in it!"
So what do we do? There is nothing we can do but try to make sense of it all, but then again, they won't even let us do that! Everything done so far makes no sense whatsoever!
The thing that keeps bothering me is something I heard in the news a few years ago about the Congressional cafeteria going bankrupt. One news commentator said at the time, "If our government can't even run a cafeteria, how on earth are to we to expect them to run our country!"
That's always stuck with me. For, from the last I've heard, our government now controls 70% of our economy. Lord help us!
It's almost as if this whole thing was planned from the beginning...
Um, whoops, sorry. I got off into a little "conspiracy theory" there. What I meant to say was, "Wow, isn't it weird how all this stuff is happening by complete and total accident?" (sarcasm).
When I lived in Honduras, the thing that bothered me the most was the beauracracy. People who worked for the government knew absolutely nothing, and they were happy with their good paying jobs, jobs which they knew they couldn't lose, so they did their best to do as little as possible. I can't tell you the number of times I had to go to a government office in Honduras, and I was told to come back later by someone who just didn't feel like working that day. Or how many times I tried to get something done, and a beauracrat filled the papers out wrong, or printed my document incorrectly, causing me to have to go back and redo everything all over again at great expense to me.
I can't resist telling this story, as it plainly illustrates just what kind of people most beauracrats are. Once, I had to get a license for something, and on the license I had to have a fingerprint. I asked the man behind the desk, "Which finger do I use?"
He replied, "Any one, they are all the same!"
To which a lady in back who overheard came out and responded, "What? Are you crazy? Each finger is a different pattern!"
An argument quickly ensued, and the man actually said, and I quote, "Not they aren't. Everyone has the same finger and toe prints on all ten fingers and toes!"
For twenty minutes they argued, and I didn't stick around to find out who won. I got my card and got out of there. But can you imagine a person not knowing that every finger and ever toe in the entire world is unique and different? There are your beauracrats.
Nothing seems to make sense anymore. To me, simple is better. Yet our government tries to make it so complex. This always leads to a complete and total mess, not to mention to confusion and bankruptcy.
I fear our country will soon become the same as a third world nation, especially sense politicians say things like, "The way to produce jobs is give more money to welfare." and "We must spend our way out of debt!" (Both acutal quotes from politicans. Doesn't make sense, does it?)
Even so, come Lord Jesus!

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