Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Who should give rights, GOD or GOVERNMENT?

Those who know the story of the tower of Babel know how easy it is for men to get together and try to kick God out. For those of you who don't know the story, you should really read Genesis chapter 11. There, you'll find a bunch of people from all over the world (I guess you could call them the "New World Order" of their time) coming together to build a tower to the heavens. Why would they do such a thing? It's clear in the context that they desired to kick God out and take over his position. They wanted to be gods. Or maybe I should say it this way, "They wanted their own government to be set up instead of God's."

What happened next? It's a great story! God confused their languages, and they had to disperse! Let that be a lesson to you, GLOBAL GOVERNMENT that seeks to dethrone GOD always BRINGS CONFUSION and will always be judged by GOD HIMSELF!

Thinking on this topic, I thought about our current system of Government. It's supposed to be a government, "...Of the People, By the People, and For the People." However, the greatest thing it had going for it was that it began by honoring God.

In the Declaration of Independence, we can't read two paragraphs without seeing God mentioned twice:

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's GOD entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights..."

Not only was God honored as the CREATOR, but he was also recognized as the GIVER of RIGHTS. But oh how times have changed! Instead of listening to and obeying God's word, and finding out what rights man has according to God, the government has been systematically busy in taking away our GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS, and replacing them with GOVERNMENTAL-GIVEN RIGHTS, and in so doing, they themselves have tried to become god.

What are some examples you might ask? Let's see. We are supposed to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, according to the very same document I quoted above (the declaration of independence). Well, the government didn't like those! So, they have given the women the right to ABORT her baby (i.e. take way its RIGHT to LIVE!) They have taken away our LIBERTIES and continue to do so on a regular basis, while claiming only they have the right to give you certain liberties. For example, prayer in the schools is taken away. But, shouldn't men have the RIGHT to pray to the very same God that our government was founded on, believing in Him to give us Rights?

When it comes to "the pursuit of happiness" this too has been changed. Originally, Jefferson wrote "life, liberty, and PROPERTY." But for some reason he scratched out the last part and changed it to "the pursuit of happiness." This is quite possibly the worst thing Jefferson ever did in his entire life! Unwittingly he took away our property rights, and is helping the Communists who don't believe in the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to own property (see also Karl Marx, and his hatred towards property rights).

Instead of having the right to own property and defend it (i.e. with guns), the Government years ago has come along and put a PROPERTY TAX on what's yours. Do you really think it's really yours? Then just don't pay it for a few years and see what happens! Why, they will come take it away from you and you'll be left with nothing!

Nope, nothing is really yours anymore. You are just renting what you have from the government. I like God's system better, because he at least GIVES your homestead to you and lets you keep it. He even commands you to leave it to your children (and God doesn't even demand any inheritance tax!).

So, you have GOD, giving us rights, and then you have the government overthrowing, taking away, and/or weakening those rights, and then in their place giving us rights that they say we should really have. For example, they are saying healthcare is a RIGHT. I've even heard other politicians say all Americas have a RIGHT to housing.

And what about the governments creation of Animal RIGHTS, tree RIGHTS, ect. ? You'd be hard pressed to find those in the Bible. (God said man has dominion over the animals. That means MAN has the right to HUNT/KILL/ and EAT them when he wishes!)

What we have is a political war against GOD! Our founding fathers would be appauled! They believed in God, and founded the government based upon their belief in Him, gladly proclaiming that any rights they do have are because of HIM.

How different is our government now, then when it was founded. WHAT HAPPENED?

Isn't it obvious? POLITICIANS who founded our country believed in GOD, while POLITICIANS today don't, and are actively hostile towards anyone who mentions Him. They have their own agenda, and God doesn't fit into it. (If this doesn't prove there is apostasy, which the Bible prophecied would happen in the last days, I don't know what does.)

Do you have any more examples of our GOD-GIVEN rights being trampled and GOVERNMENTAL-MADE rights being substituted in their place? I'd like to hear 'em.

1 comment:

  1. I have always found this subject very interesting. We have very few rights anymore, and you're right...we don't own property, we are renting it from the gov't. They are very slick in their terminology.
    I have also read much about the beginning of America, and I wonder why God blessed a nation that was founded in rebellion against the king of England. Hmmm. I think it was probably because America was (overall) a safe haven for Jews(JerUSAlem), as well as fitting things in his timetable of events. I am very thankful for the small measure of freedom we have enjoyed (especially as a female!), but these are things that I spend time thinking about. Very interesting post.
