Thursday, May 20, 2010


The "THEORY" OF EVOLUTION is probably the greatest tool of Satan in these latter days to turn people against God. It is directly against the Bible and spits in the face of God, the Creator. One Evolutionist says it best when he says, "...the law of Christ is incompatible with the law of evolution... Nay the two laws are at war with each other!" (Quote from Sir Arthur Keith, and his book, "Evolution and Ethics.") Truly, Evolution attacks the God of the Bible, and the God of the Bible laughs at the man-made "theory" of Evolution. These two teachings are diameterically opposed to each other. So which do you believe and why? You cannot be nuetral. Each one, if true, affects you personally in some way. So which do you believe in? Christianity and the Bible are simple and to the point. They state: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Gen. 1:1). It doesn't get more simpler than that. And that's just the first verse of the Bible! Some think it far fetched to believe there is a God. So let's practice "tolerance" and "open mindedness" and look at what Evolutionists teach about the origin of all things, and see if it's "easier to understand," more "able to swallow," and "not religious." From Discover Magazine, April 2002 edition, the question is asked, "Where Did Everything Come From?" The magazine then answers, "The universe burst into SOMETHING from abosolutely NOTHING - zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely NOWHERE. How is that possible? Ask Alan Guth. His theory of inflation helps explain EVERYTHING." It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see that this is not only silly, but COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE! I challenge anyone to grab a hand full of NOTHING, and try to make something out of it! It cannot be done! Then try to make nothing bigger. You can't do it! No, evolutionist theory is highly unbelievable. This is why it's a "religion," because it takes a lot of FAITH to believe such a silly hypothesis. Once again, there are two teachings of the origin of life: 1. God made all things. 2. NOTHING exploded, and that's how we got here! If you agree with number two, then you should really consider committing yourself to a Looney Bin! How can NOTHING explode into SOMETHING??? Think on that for a while! Let's look at the four theories of how we came into existence, and ask ourselves, "Which one takes more faith to believe?" Let's also look at them LOGICALLY, and see if we can't know for sure which is the right one. They are: 1. It has always been here. (An unproveable Theory). 2. It came about accidentally. (The Evolutionist, "Big Bang" Theory). 3. It's not really here, it's just an illusion. (The "Matrix Theory"). 4. It came about Supernaturally. (The Creationist's position). If number one is true, how do we prove it? Isn't science all about "proving" things. Isn't that the definition of the word? Seems to me I read this definition of science somewhere: Sci-ence n. [< scire, to know] 1. Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, etc.

So how can we KNOW for sure it's always been here if we haven't always been here to know if it's true or not. And, don't you have to be able to prove it before it is declared true science? So is there anyone who's been here from the beginning to prove this statement? What? Nobody? Oh yeah, there's God, who's older than all of us, and he says that he created everything. Maybe we should listen to him. What? Not convinced? Okay, let's look at the second one. The universe came about Accidentally? Okay, I'll believe it if you can prove it. Just show me another universe that you accidentally exploded into existence. Anyone? I'm waiting... No, it's impossible to make all this accidentally. And even if you tried, then it wouldn't be an accident! You would have done it on purpose! How about that third one? It's not really here, it's just an illusion. Do I really have to comment on that one? Okay, if you don't think you are really here, pinch your rear end really hard. When you jump up and scream from pain, then you'll know you are really here! That means the first three cannot be PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY, and therefore cannot LOGICALLY be true! That only leaves the forth one. That a supernatural DESIGNER made everything. Let's just call him God, okay. And let's believe him, because he gave us a book (the Bible) in which he told us exactly what he did! You say, I can't believe in that one! Okay, then practice your faith to believe in any one of the other three. But don't call it SCIENCE! It takes faith to believe in God, just as it takes faith not to believe in God and to accept the other three UNPROVABLE theories. However, GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS EVIDENCE TO PROVE HE REALLY DID CREATE ALL THINGS! HE WAS THERE! He's a first hand witness. So shouldn't you believe he created all things? If he really did (and I believe he did), then you had better be very careful! Because if he created YOU, you will have to give account to him someday at the judgment! Don't want to? Too bad. God said, "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (Rom. 14:12) Evolution is further diabolical in that it teaches men came from ANIMALS rather than the biblical account that they came from ADAM (whom God created). This means if evolution is true, and we are just animals, then we have no need for MORALS. To kill, fornicate, steal, and lie are not wrong, and we can participate in those "animal instincts." Why if Evolution is true, then we can live like the devil and do all the bad things we want, because there is not right or wrong, because there is no God and therefore no good or evil! Wow! Sounds like a great world, doesn't it? As we look at Evolution, and the fruits of that diabolical teaching, we see some of the most horrendous massacres and genocides the world has ever seen come from that teaching. Hitler's Germany killed 6 million Jews in the holocaust. Why? They believed in Evolution hook, line, and sinker. And what about those 20 million plus that Stalin murdered in Communist Russia? And what about those Columbine boys who murdered their fellow classmates? Didn't they believe in "Natural Selection? Hmmm. Maybe it shouldn't be called "Evolution" but rather "Revolution." For millions of souls have been murdered in the last hundred years by murderous followers of Evolution who have come to power and used that theory to "liquidate" (word Hitler used in killing the Jews) those who oppose their political regime, and racial ideology. Yep, under evolution, it really is "survival of the fittest." If you want to be an evolutionist, fine. You are more than welcome to believe in whatever you want. Just remember your theory is silly, and has an outrageous bloodstained past. Maybe you should consider Christianity, which teaches LOVE instead of Blood LUST! It was Jesus Christ (God manifested in the flesh) who came to this world and DIED for our sins on the cross. If you accept Him as your Saviour, your sins are forgiven and you can go to heaven with Him! But if Evolution is true, you die and that's the end of you. Maybe you should live it up then, and enjoy all the fun you can! Just remember though, "...It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." (Heb 9:27) Why do men die? Evolution cannot give you the answer. They want you to think everything is evolving into something better. Why then do we still die? Could it be the Bible is true when it gives us not only the origin of LIFE but also the origin of DEATH? Death is because of sin. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH (Rom. 6:23). Care to think this whole Evolution thing over again? Cause it might just be a lie of the DEVIL to keep you from thinking about God, the Bible, judgment, death, and eternal life. Maybe it's not Evolution at all, rather EVIL-UTION!

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