Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ask Who into Where?

One thing that I, as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, can't stand is this modern anti-biblical teaching that's filled churches world-wide in which a Sinner seeking salvation is instructed to simply "ASK JESUS INTO THEIR HEART."
This is not only heretical and illogical, but also very dangerous, for it can lead to a person getting a DEMON rather than getting saved!
I know that might sound very far-fetched to some, but you must understand, NO WHERE IN THE BIBLE IS ANYONE ANY WHERE EVER INSTRUCTED TO ASK JESUS INTO THEIR HEART! It's simply not there. So where does this come from? The answer: From apostate teachings and apostate denominations.
Way back in the 1800's there were the unitarians and universalists who taught the brotherhood of man. They believed we were all "brothers" whether we were saved or not. And they eventually are the ones who started this anti-biblical instruction of "asking Jesus into your heart" claiming that was the only way "Jesus" could live inside of you and dwell in your heart. And though the Bible does tell us that Jesus indeed does dwell inside of believers, it DOES NOT teach that he does so through ASKING. Rather they Bible teaches that Christ dwells in the hearts of believers only through TRUSTING.
Below are a few verses about this...
Ephesians 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts BY FAITH; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love.
Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
In the Bible, when Jesus comes into a person's heart, it is always through FAITH, not by asking." Faith in What? FAITH in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ, his Sacrifice for your sins on Calvary.
This is simple, plain, Biblical salvation. You are saved through faith alone, and not by works. And your faith must be in the blood of Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:25) shed on your behalf for your sins.
Now, with this in mind, let's look at this modern false gospel of "Ask Jesus into your Heart." Is it Biblical? Most certainly not! So, then, what does it do for the Sinner? Nothing, in God's eyes, for it is trying to come to God and seek forgiveness apart from the Blood of Jesus. It does not and cannot save anyone.
So what does it do? The fact is that instructing a Sinner to simply "Ask Jesus into their heart" can be the most damaging thing that any person can ever do, and it might just not only end them up in Hell, but might get them a DEMON as well.
Let me explain...
A few years ago I met a man who used to be a Devil worshipper, and who told me that he had countless experiences with Demons. So I asked the man the following question, "Did you ever know any Demons named Jesus?" The man answered, "Funny you should say that, because oftentimes the Demons would ask me to call them Jesus?"
This lead to me remembering the verse in 2 Cor. 11:4, which speaks of those who preach "another Jesus," which is not the Jesus of the Bible. Could this be those DEMONS who desire to be called Jesus?
I next asked the man how a person gets a Demon. His answer was very disturbing. He said, "To get a demon, a person has to ASK for it!"
This made me ponder well the modern "ask Jesus into your heart" gospel. For if a person asked another Jesus into their heart, a DEMON, he very well could get one! This means "asking Jesus into your heart" could lead to a person getting DEMON-POSSESSED!
I finally asked the man, "What makes Demons flee?" He answered, "Funny you should ask that as well, for the only thing that makes Demons flee is mention of the blood of Jesus Christ!"
So there you have it. If a so-called "Soul-Winner" goes to a lost soul and instructs him to simply "ask Jesus into his heart" then that poor soul could be asking a DEMON to come inside of him!
The only way to make sure a person doesn't get a Demon is to PREACH THE BLOOD ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST for salvation, and FAITH in it alone, for this makes the Demons flee!
Thus, this modern blood-less gospel of "Ask Jesus to come into your heart and life" pleases the Devil greatly, as it's one of his greatest tools for him and his legions to gain acess and entrance into the hearts of the lost.
So I ask you? Is it right to tell people to "ASK JESUS INTO THEIR HEARTS?" Or should we rather instruct them in the Bible way of salvation, which is complete TRUST in the finished work of Jesus Christ (i.e. his shed blood) on the cross of Calvary?

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