Monday, December 26, 2011


My wife and I aren't very crazy about Christ-mass. We see it for what it is. It's a holiday set up by BIG RELIGION, with many pagan practices, and it has been turned into a holiday set up by BIG BUSINESS who seeks to bilk people out of their money. Further, it has evolved over the years into more of a SECULAR season rather than a CHRISTIAN rememberance. And for this reason, my wife and I desire not to get caught up in the clap trap.
We are not all "Bah-Humbug" however. Nor are we "Puritans" who openly preach against others who celebrate the Holiday. Our attitude is to take the verse of scripture which states: "He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks." (Rom. 14:6).
In other words, if someone regards the day unto the Lord, then they can do so. As for us, we desire not to. It's their business, and what they do is fine with us. We just ask that they don't push themselves and their beliefs on us and we won't push ourselves on them.
But that's where the problem comes in. The whole world DOES push itself and its beliefs on us! And by so doing, they must LIE to us. It's almost like they are only interested in getting us to believe their lies. But this is something we cannot do.
First of all, the word "Christmas" is a made up term. It comes from the melding of two words: "Christ" and "mass." In other words, it is a made up invented CATHOLIC term.
I can celebrate Christ's birth (and I do), but I myself cannot celebrate the "mass." For I'm not Catholic. (Nor am I Protestant. I'm just a Bible Believer). Yet, the whole world wants to use the term, and wants us to use it as well. Why can't we just call it, "Christ's birth day?" Oh, yeah, that would bring us to lie number two!
Christ-mass is celebrated on December 25th. Most people claim it is because that was when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was born. But was he really born on the 25th of December? Was he even born in December? No, the date of December 25th was in ancient times the date of the birth of the pagan God Saturn or Saturnelius (i.e. Nimrod the mighty hunter). And it was THE POPE of ROME who decided to set the date of December 25th as the date that all Christiandom should use to celebrate the Lord's birth.
So when was Jesus really born? That is easy. It was around September. Some state more specifically that it was around the 15th to the 25th of that month. ( I personally think it's around the 21st, when the SUN (i.e. S-O-N) is closest to the EARTH.). There are many ways to prove this, but just read your Bible. No shepherds would be in the fields in December. But they would be in September.
So let's get this straight. December 25th was a date set by the CATHOLIC POPE in which he damanded that we should celebrate the CHRIST MASS. In other words, he's dictating to us what we should do and when we should do it. That would be like me saying, "I believe it is September 21st, and you must celebrate it then only!" Who would listen to me? Nobody.
So why listen to the Pope and his made up day? And how can you be a Bible-Believer and still celebrate the Lord's birth on a day when you know that's not the day he was born? It was the day PAGANS used to celebrate their own god's birth day?
Now on to our next lie about Christmass. It's common this time of year to see a manger with the baby Jesus in it. You see them every where, in people's yards, at churches, etc. But is that a Biblical scene? Did the wise man really come to the MANGER and see the baby Jesus? The answer is a resounding, "NO!" In the scriptures, we read that the wise men showed up later. And they didn't show up at the manger. They showed up somewhere else. Someone has twisted the scriptures to their own destruction. So though it's a beautiful scene to remind us of Christ's birth, it's also a great big LIE to show the three wise men there. It took them longer to reach Christ Jesus, maybe even up to two years later.
Now I'm going to look at the Christmass Tree. Why is it that people put up such a thing in their house? Who started it? And why do we exchange gifts? Well, if you listen to what many a "Christian" says about it, they say it's a wonderful example of Jesus, as it's an "evergreen" tree, and Jesus is ever alive, having resurrected from the dead. (Why then does the tree die a few months later???)
But where does the tree come from. If you study the Bible as well as pagan history, you find it has it's roots in the practice of the HEATHEN. Why, Jeremiah even tells us about it in chapter ten of his book:
" 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 10:3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 10:5 They are upright as the palm tree..."
Sounds a lot like the modern practice of erecting a Christ-mass tree, doesn't it? So why would a person who claims to be a Christian want to do something that the HEATHEN have done for thousands of years? Doesn't sound like it has much to do with Jesus, does it?
This lie is that of the teaching about a man named "SAINT NICK" or "SANTA CLAUS." Every year, we are told of a man who lives in the North Pole who dresses in Red, and who travels around the world on Christmass Eve to give presents to all the good little boys and girls. But do you really believe that story? I don't!
Yet it never ceases to amaze me how parents are so willing to LIE to their children and try to convince them that he really does exist. Just like the easter bunny and the tooth fairy, parents are willing to lie to their children and make them believe in something that is not real! Why is this? The thought of me lying to my children sickens me and makes me feel like a rotten person. So how could I feel good about lying to my children about Santa? (By the way, rearrange the letters of SANTA, and you get S-A-T-A-N. Could it be that he's the one behind this lie? Especially when Santa gets all the characteristics of Jesus, which are omiscient, omnipresence, and omnipotence.)
It's gotten so bad, that I even hate to go out around Christmas time. For people all the time ask my daughter, "Are you ready for Santa to come and visit you?" I get so angry. For how could they perpetuate the LIE that there a man named Santa?
The next lie about Christmas is most likely the worst. For we are told we need to have the Christmass "Spirit." (Which spirit is that?) We are also told that it's the time of year to give gifts, spread cheer, and "be jolly." (But, It's almost like they are saying, "Only do that during the Christmas season, the rest of the year you can do whatever you want). Are we only supposed to be nice during the end of the year? Shouldn't we be nice the rest of the year too?
Only being nice on CHristmas, but living like the devil or uncle scrooge the rest of the year is like telling a person that it's okay to do evil, as long as they do some good later to atone for it. This is WRONG!!!
I also greatly dislike people saying, "Jesus is the reason for the season." Although this is true, and I agree with the statement, I find that these same people often commemorate other things that have nothing to do with Jesus whatsoever! How can they say Jesus is the reason for the season, and then forget Jesus completely during the Christmas season?
Christmas should be all about celebrating the BIRTH of our Saviour, and to many Christians it is. But notice what this leaves out. What about his DEATH for our sins? This is completely overlooked and forgotten! Why do we remember his birth if we forget the reason he was born? Jesus was born to DIE. And, why do we remember Jesus just one day out of the year? Why can't we celebrate Christ's death, burial, and resurrection all year long? And why can't we remember his birth for what it was, MIRACULOUS!" He was born of a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit. That should be the only "Spirit" spoken about during Christmas. Instead, we are given this gas about having "Christmas spirit." What is that? Could it be an unclean spirit? Usually it is, as to most people, Christmas is only about greed, i.e. "getting presents for themselves."
I've heard people say, "It's un-American and un-Christian to not celebrate Christmas." And you've probably heard that too. But is it really? In light of history, that statement doesn't even make sense. For in England and America, Christ-Mass was outlawed for many a year by both Puritans and Protestants, (and even BAPTISTS) . It was because true "Bible-Believers" knew the pagan heritage and the catholic influence of that holiday. They chose not to celebrate it because they knew it was full of lies and errors.
In fact, the celebration of Christ-mass in America was outlawed until about 1840 something, when Alabama was the first state to allow the celebration of that holiday. (And when it did, there was a great outrage among Christians, who were very much against that CATHOLIC holiday). It wasn't really until the early 1900's that Christmas caught on nation-wide, and even protestants began adopting it.
So to say that not celebrating "Christmas" is un-American and un-Christian is not true at all. It's only really been the last 100 years that that holiday has even been celebrated in our country. For our founding fathers knew better.
So Christ-mass is a holiday full of lies. You are lied to about its true date, about its orgin, about its history, its practices, and especially about the old fat man in red. (In case you don't know, HE'S NOT REAL!!!). Yet, the world tries to pressure you into accepting it all whole-heartedly, especially when it comes to LYING to your children. But should you?
I'm an Independent Baptist. My denomination is known for their being, hmm, what's the word: DOGMATIC about their beliefs, and they are usually very vocal when someone believes something that isn't Biblical. They especially cry aloud against many a Catholic doctrine that doesn't line up with the Scriptures. However, they all seem to be suspiciously quiet when it comes to the celebration of Christmas. They are now even putting Christmas trees in their churches, and allowing men dressed up like Santa to come and distribute gifts to the children. Further they watch the world's movies about the "Christmas Spirit" and get caught up with the claptrap involved with the world's view of the holiday. But why? Why do they help propogate the lie? Especially when their forefathers were very much against the pagan, catholic, heathen practices involved with Christmas?
I don't know, and I don't have the answer. All I know is that to me, Christ-mass is not something I'm too crazy about. And it greatly vexes my spirit to see what modern "Christ-mass" has become. For us, we remember Christ being born, and that's it. We don't desire to practice nor partake of any of the other rituals of that holiday. And we don't.
Now, if you buy me a gift, I'm not going to send it back. I like gifts. It's always nice to get something from somebody. But I don't expect a lump of coal in my socks if I don't get someone something in return. In fact, I try to give gifts year round, not just on Christmas.
So, once again, let me reiterate. I'm not telling you to celebrate Christmas, nor am I telling you not to. I only hope you'll see through the many lies of that holiday and learn how in good conscience to stop LYING to your kids and family. For the entire holiday of "CHRIST-MASS" sits on a throne of lies. It's full of paganism and catholicsm. And if you truly want to celebrate Christ's birth, then you need to put HIM first. How? The best way is to simply read the scriptures together. Go through the passages which speak of Christ Jesus coming to earth to be born of a virgin. And remember what JESUS did for you here on earth, when he suffered, bleed, and died on the cross for your sins.
Note: Years ago I read a book entitled, "THE TWO BABYLONS." After having read that book, I could no longer celebrate "Christ-mass" in good conscience, as I learned more about its foundations, and origins of its pagan practices. I recommend this book to anyone who's interested in learning the TRUTH about this thing called CHRIST-MASS. But be warned. It will sicken you to see the pagan foundations of the modern Christmas practices. For they are rooted in paganism, heathenism, catholicsm, and even the occult. There really is a "spirit" of Christmass, but it's not God's spirit. It's the spirit of error.

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