Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why and What at the British Museum.

The other day I was in an antique shop somewhere and I came upon a little hardback book entitled, "Why? and What? at the British Museum," by Lettice Bell. It was printed in New York, and had no date at all but it looked to be around the turn of the last century (early 1900's). It was an easy read, with only 81 pages, but it was an amazing little book. It was written to children, and it was a guided tour of the British Museum, showing the many antiquities there and how they prove the Bible true.

It was also full of drawing of the many items in the British Museum, and it gave a Bible story connected with each of them, even quoting scriptures which mentioned either the people or the peoples involved.

As you read the book, you are supposed to have it in hand when you go to the British Museum, as it is a guide book to that institution, and it pointed out many of the exhibits.

It starts with a bust of the maniacal Roman leader Nero, and gives his dreadful history of debachery and murder. It also shows the Apostle Paul as a prisoner under Nero's reign.

Netx it mentions the bust of Tiberius Claudius, and points out that it was under his reign that all the world was taxed, and that this was when Joseph and Mary had to travel to their native places of birth to be counted. It continues with a bust of Julius Caesar and others.

I then gives a drawing of a statute of Diana, and tells the story of Paul in Ephesus who preached Christ Jesus, while the worshippers of Diana cried aloud against him. It even delves into Nimrod and how Diana really represents Semiramis and who idol worship started with them in Babylon.

It then lists the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. These include:

1. Diana's Temple at Ephesus

2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

3. The Pharos lighthouse of Alexandria

4. The Colossus of Rhodes

5. The Great Pyramid of Egypt

6. The Sphinx

7. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassos.

The book then turns it's attention towards a small little black obelisk numbered "98," which was found in the city of Calah, near Ninevah. The monument records the story of Israelite King Jehu kneeling before the conquering Assyrian King Shalmaneser.

On and on the book continues showing exhibit after exhibit tying them into the history given the the Bible. We find Sennacherib before King Lachish, a Moabite Stone which ties in to the book of 2 Kings, Sennacherib's Clay History Book, Nebuchadnezzar's Doorstep, and much more. And it's amazing how the exhibits in the British Museum do nothing more than PROVE the histories found in the Bible. Still, there are those who choose not to believe the word of God.

Yes, this was an interesting book. Too bad there aren't more like this simple children's book which seek to PROVE and not DISPROVE the Bible as the word of God.

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