Friday, April 1, 2011

Change within the IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist) Movement

Sometimes I think about old Rip Van Winkle. What an interesting story about a man who went to sleep for forty years, and then awoke to find things were completely different than they once were.

That got me to thinking. Imagine, if you will, what it would be like to really go to sleep for forty years and then awaken. How different things would be after forty years! Your speech would not be easily understood, and you would immediately be shunned and ridiculed for not changing with the times in your style of dress, your mannerisms, and your way of thinking. You just wouldn’t fit in. Nor would you be accepted.

Well, “Times they are a changing,” and we see much change (a modern Obama expression) all around us in our world today, especially in Christian circles, which are supposed to stand fast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58).

But what about those of us who refuse to change? We are called old, “Fuddy Duddies” and the like, and ridiculed for not desiring to change with the times. But shouldn’t we stand fast, no matter how much others change?

We who are Christians are supposed to be followers of God. What does God say about change. Oh, that’s right, he said, “For I am the Lord, I change not!” (Mal. 3:6). And, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Obviously, God is against change.

But my how quickly Christians have deviated from the things of God, and changed. And, oh how much Christianity has changed in the last 40 years. It’s baffling to me to see how quickly they have changed in just the last ten to 15 years (since I’ve been in the ministry).

Many preachers are now meeting in huge Bible Conferences and attacking our beloved King James Bible (and I’m just talking about so-called Fundamental Independent Baptists).

I’ve even heard of some changing the Gospel, claiming it needs to be updated so the world will accept it. I even heard one Fundamentalist Indp. Baptist Preacher say lately: “Times have changed, so we need to change the Gospel to keep up with the times! What would Jesus say about this?

Christian “counseling” has even changed, as Christian Psychology has replaced the old time way of going to the Pastor and asking him to show you from the Bible the verses that apply to your situation.

Christian music has changed, as upbeat, worldly rhythm has replaced the old-time Christian spiritual hymns. And, instead of focusing on the Biblical message of the words, people are more interested in the results of the melody (i.e. clapping, jumping, dancing, raising hands in the air, etc.)

Sadly, Christian standards have changed, as sanctification is no longer stressed, and churches are encouraged to dress as they wish and live any kind of lifestyle they desire with no restraints.

I often think to myself how interesting it would be to go back in time 40 years or so, and bring forward today an old time sin-hating preacher and ask him to visit some Independent Baptist Churches (my denomination) and tell me what he sees that has changed. How interesting it would be to hear him point out the differences between the IFB movement of his day and the one of today. I’d just bet what he saw would make his blood boil, to see how liberal modern Fundamentalism has become. All because they (as a majority, but not all, there is still a small minority) have changed.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how horribly the independent Baptists have so easily swallowed heresy. Very sad.
