Friday, April 29, 2011

The Age of "Anti"

I seems like everyone in the world today is against something rather than for something. It's sad, but it appears people have been taught to be hostile rather than hospitable. And, instead of standing for something, the world as a whole is focused on tearing things down.

You don't have to look far to see all the movements against things. You have your:






Anti-Victorian Morales


And more.

They all are adamantly against something or someone and seek to destroy it or them. And if you are a Bible-believer, you can't help by see why, as the Bible clearly tells us that in the last days this will happen. It tells us we are in an age of apostasy, in which people turn away from the truth, and the Bible further states that after the rapture the "ANTI-Christ" will come on the scene and rule for seven years.

Maybe there is so much anti in the world today because people are just simply preparing for their leader, who is ANTI-Christ Jesus.

At any rate, it's strange how many people are against things instead of for things. And if you do find them for anything, it's usually something the Bible is very clearly against. Sound like a conspiracy to you???

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