Sunday, March 6, 2011


Many Independent Baptist preachers brag on being "Fundamentalists." Yet very few even know what that term means, nor where it came from. (And if you think about it, that's pretty dumb to brag on believing just the "Fundamentals" and nothing else).
As you study the word "Fundamentalist" you find it applies to three different distinct groups:
1. Muslim Extremists
2. The Eccumenicalists
3. The Independent Baptists
Let's look at each of these.
It's common to hear in the news today of extreme Muslim fundamentalist islamic factions. These usually consist of those who believe all of the Koran and all of the Hadith, and who are willing to practice it to the extreme, even killing themselves for their god Allah as a sacrifice by blowing themselves up. They believe in jihad and truly think that the quickest way to heaven is by killing Christians or Jews and dying in battle. This is not only extreme, but very wicked! God did not call us to KILL our Enemies, but to love them and pray for them.
In the early ninteen thirties in America the National Council of Churches got together and formed themselves a group. They invited all religions to join, and they worked up the basest "fundamentals" that any denomination had to believe in in order to join. Many joined and they called themselves "Fundamentalists." But as you look at what they truly believe, you find that many don't even believe those fundamentals literally. Many of them spiritualize them, or even look at them as "myths" or "campfire stories." In short, NCC fundamentalists are nothing more than modern day apostates who really don't believe in anything in the Bible, as many of them are really communists and/or social justice advocates. They are those who use religion as a means to an end. They want to claim the fundamentals to look Christian, while they use Christianity and the Bible to try to preach their own private interpretation of how they think things should be.
But then we come to the Independent Baptist "Fundamentalists." Years ago a man named J. Frank Norris saw how the Southern Baptist Church was going into apostasy, (specifically by allowing Evolution to be taught in their colleges) so he chose to preach against it on the radio. He even held debates against Evolutionists and cried against their ungodly philosophies. Eventually he left the Southern Baptist Convention and called himself an "Independent Baptist." Many other Southern Baptist pastors followed suit, and the Independent Baptist movement was formed. These ministers called themselves "Fundamentalists" claiming they believed in the fundamentals of the Christian faith while all other denominations did not!
For years, Independent Baptist "Fundamentalists" stood for the truth and claimed only they were the last denomination on earth that didn't compromise the truths of the Bible. And that only they were left with pure doctrine.
Their hey-day was back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, as they cried aloud against sin from the pulpits and preached hard on separating from the world. Not only were they labeled "bible thumpers" by their critics, but they were seen as those who not only had convictions, but lived by them. Unwaveringly they stood for what was right, while holding high the KING JAMES BIBLE as the authority and only pure word of God in the English language.
But now here we are in the year 2011, and my how times have changed, as many Independent Baptist "Fundamentalists" are practicing some of the very same things they used to preach against. They have changed from Fundamentalists to Funny-mentalists. For they too as a whole have apostasized in some areas.
It used to be they were all KJV only. Now many "Independent Baptists" use different versions (many of which take out whole verses of the Bible!).
It used to be they bragged upon being "Baptists" but now many have taken the name out of their church signs in order to appeal to the masses.
It used to be they preached the Gospel as the BLOOD ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ, stressing a sinner's need to trust Christ crucified. Now they pressure a sinner to repeat a prayer and make their decision to only "follow" Jesus.
It used to be they only sang hymns and spiritual songs, but now many have allowed drums, electric guitars, and rock music into their congregations. (Many holding both "traditional" and "contemporary" services on Sundays to appeal to two different kinds of people).
It used to be they preached hard on having dress standards, but now its common to see women in pants and men in shorts in their congregations.
It used to be offerings were given out of a willing heart, but now people are pressured to give with "faith promise" (a charismatic form of giving, started by Pentecostals).
It used to be they preached the importance of living a holy life and separating from the world, but now many preachers give illustrations about the latest hollywood movie that came out!
In short, most Fundamentalists have become Funny-mentalists!
Not all have gone bad, however. There are still some Independent Baptist Churches that have tarried by the stuff and continue to preach the truth, but they are often few and far between.
And of those that haven't wavered much, very few of those preach as hard against sin as their predecessors. In fact, they don't preach on or against it much anymore at all. In fact, one of their popular preachers once said, "There are only really 22 different things you can preach on, and nothing more."
As a missionary evangelist, I've traveled to many different Fundamentalists Independent Baptist churches, and I've seen a lot of things. And I've gotten to the point to where I know exactly what the preacher is about to say before he says it. It's because he has many times adopted Baptist tradition over Biblical teaching. This is bothersome, as oftentimes man-made programs are being taught and practiced in Fundamentalist circles instead of Bible doctrine. Men have risen within Fundamentalist groups and are worshipped. And, ministers who go to Fundamentalists schools are often taught these "giants of the faith" are to be followed instead of the Bible. This leads to man worship, which in turn leads to modern day "Phariseeism."
Sadly, most Fundamentalist Independent Baptists can't see this, or else deny it, thinking they are part of an elite group that is immune to apostasy. Thus, instead of taking a long look at themselves, their doctrine, and their traditions in light of the Bible, they have learned the easiest thing to do is just attack and ridicule others who point out their departure from sound Biblical truth.
But, truly we are in the last days, and the once great "Fundamentalist Independent Baptist Denomination" is falling head-long into apostasy. They have turned from Fundamentalism to Funny-mentalism--from truth to tradition.
But this doesn't have to be. It's not too late. If they'll just get back to the Bible, they can get right.
I believe the rapture is soon, for I don't see how much longer this can go on. It seems like it's just getting worse. But, until Jesus comes, I want to be faithful preaching the great Bible truths of old.
And, I pray others will awake to the fact that modern Fundamentalism is headed the wrong way and will get back to the Bible. If not, then it's between them and God. As for me, I choose the way of the cross, and will continue preaching the BLOOD, the BOOK, and the BLESSED HOPE!

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