Friday, February 11, 2011

The SIN of Adultery

In our day adultery is a common occurance. It has taken place so much that most people don't think anything about it. Even though they think infidelity is a good grounds for divorce, they wouldn't venture to call it a "sin." Especially since either they themselves or someone they know has commited this act at least once.

But God is very clear about the sin of Adultery. It is even one of the ten commandments found in Exodus chapter twenty:

"Thou shalt not commit adultery." (Exod. 20:14)

So dogmatic is God that men do not do this, that he even put the death penalty on this act in Leviticus 20:10:

And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

God hates adultery. He wants one man and one woman together in holy matrimony, period. He does not want "key-parties" and "wife-swapping" which are common occurances in our world today. Nor does God allow "orgies" and "lifestyle partnerships" in which people live with one mate for several years and then find another. God's institution of marrige is the joining of one man and one woman together for life. He wants it no other way.

Yet this horrible sin is not only rampant in the lost world today. It is also common in the church. And it is a problem that's getting worse, as it's not just those that sit in the pews partaking of this henious act, but it's those in the pulpits as well.

After I got saved and got into the ministry I saw the thing that bothered me the most--those who claimed to be Christians and even preachers committing adultery. How could this be? And why didn't they feel bad about it? And, weren't they concerned about what would happen to the church if they were found out?

To this day I still can't understand how a man can stand in the pulpit and preach against sin on Sunday while he's out committing it on Friday and Saturday night. How can he adulterate and yet feel no remorse? How can he claim to be a minister, much less a Christian, and do such as that?

Below I'm going to give some stories I've either seen first hand or heard of happening. All of these stories involve Independent Baptist Pastors and/or Missionaries. I'll not give any names. (I learned years ago if you name the person then it's gossip, but if you tell the story and make them anynomous, then it's an illustration).


I heard this tale about a Pastor who's wife fell ill and ended up in a wheelchair. Rather than follow through with his vows of "in sickness and in health, till DEATH do them part," he chose the easy way out claiming it was too much trouble to take care of his wife. So he put her in a nursing home, and found himself another woman. Eventually, he divorced his sick wife while she was in the nursing home and married the woman he was with.


This Pastor cheated on his wife and came down with an STD. Later, he gave it to his wife without knowing it. Both of them had to go and get a check-up and take medicine. Luckily, his wife stayed with him. But do you think she ever forgave him? This man is no longer a Pastor.


This Pastor was caught sleeping with over 20 women in his own church. And it was found out later that his wife was a porn star. What happened to the man? He stepped down. But how on earth could he stand in the pulpit looking out into the congregation of over 20 women that he'd committed adultery with? How does a man do that?


This pastor liked to frequent bars. He also like to frequent a whore who hung out there. When he was caught he lied about it three times. He is still pastoring today in his church.


This missionary went to the field and started a big work. He eventually began to become more like the natives there and became infatuated with a young native woman. After it had been discovered he had been sleeping with her, he divorced his American wife in order to marry the native and he continued on as pastor.


This Pastor slept around a lot. Eventually he was followed to a bar by members of his church which caught him there with two women. The Pastor had told the women he was a U.S. Marshal, and they couldn't believe he was a Pastor even when the church members explained it to them. This man never dealt with this subject to his church, instead getting up the next Sunday and piously proclaiming, "I feel God wants me to step down as Pastor and move somewhere else to start a work!" He then left, and his other Pastor buddies protected him and swept his sin under the rug. Why would they do that?


This Pastor fell into sin with another woman, a younger woman. This so devestated his wife that she divorced him and then went and joined the army. He had to step down as Pastor when his sin came to light.

I could go on and on with stories like these and you could probably give me some as well. It is a horrible and shameful thing when a man who claims to be a man of God is caught in the vile and wicked sin of adultery. Not only should he step down from his position, but he should also give a public apology not only to God, but to the Church, and to the lost world as well. He is guily of committing a sin that God at one time practiced capital punishment on. And, his sin is not only a reproach upon himself, but upon Christ as well. It reflects badly upon the church and upon the children of both parties.

Adultery is a horrible sin. So the question must be asked, "Why are so many committing it today?" And, "Why are so many who claim to be Christians committing it as well?"

I don't know the answer. It's hard for me to see a man who claims to be spirit-filled commiting such a carnal act. Maybe he's not spirit-filled at all. Possibly he's not even saved!

All I know is I have no desire to adulterate. I just don't want to sin again God and risk losing my family. I don't want to ruin what God's given me. I don't want to throw it all away for a cheap thrill. So, how is it that others who claim to be ministers of the Gospel are willing to take that chance?

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