Friday, February 11, 2011

The Damnation of Education

The late Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. once said, "Education without Salvation is DAMNATION!"
What a profound statement! And how true.

In the United States of America we are undeniablly in a state of physical apathy and spiritual apostasy towards truth. But how did we get to this point? How did we get to such a crummy state in which no one seems to be doing right, nor standing for the truth?

I believe the answer to that question is "EDUCATION." People have been educated to be so stupid!

You see, the devil no longer walks the earth with hoven feeth and long horns with a forked tail. Instead, he's put on a long black robe over a suit and a tie and he has become "dignified" as he's taken his position in places of "higher education."

Is it no wonder that a poll done several years ago says that over 80% of college students that come from "Christian homes" lose their faith in God in the first two years of their university studies? And is it no wonder that "ministerial students" start Bible Schools with a strong belief in the King James Bible, but graduate ridiculing it and constantly correcting it with the "original Greek?"

Satan has taken over the education system in American and even in the World. But this should be no surprise, for as you study history, this has always been his practice. Way back in the time of the Greeks he chose a man named Socrates to go around "questioning everything" (Kinda sounds like your modern college professors, doesn't it?) Socrates never taught anything to anyone in his entire life! All he did was ask questions. (Wasn't that exactly what Satan did in Genesis three when he showed up and said, "Yeah, hath God said?")

His "Socratic method" questioned everything but explained nothing. It was not education, rather mis-education. As it does not instruct, it only causes doubt.

The people in Socrates day saw through him as the shallow scam-artist he was. They even accused him of "corrupting the youth" (by making them question everything themselves instead of teaching them something useful.) Eventually, Socrates saw the shallowness of his own life, and he commited suicide. If you ask me, he did the world a favor.

Yet in the eyes of "scholarship" for thousands of years he has been revered as a great man. Even Plato worshipped him, and so did Aristotle, and these men are looked upon today as some of the world's greatest and most learned men. But have you ever read these guys? They were C-R-A-Z-Y!!!

But they set up a system of "education" that has lasted centuries, but has made no one smarter.

Let me just give an example. I just finished reading a book from 1956 entitled, "Our Friend the Atom," by Heinz Haber, and he talks about how Democritus, a contemporary of Aristotle, was the first to come up with the theory that everything was made up of "atoms" which could not be seen by the naked eye. He explained everything consisted in forms of either solid, liquid, or gas. Aristotle, however, did not believe in the existence of the Atom. Instead he believed everything was made up of the basic elements: earth, water, wind, and fire, which he explained as: hot, cold, moist, and dry.

Now which one of those men was right? Today we know it was Democritus, not Aristotle.

But did you know that in the 1500's in Oxford University in England that a student was fined five shillings every time he made a statement or used an argument contrary to the teachings of Aristotle?

Notice how "secularized educational systems" can control education and can make truth a lie, or at least make it difficult to disperse. They can control the masses through "education" while leaving them stupid!

True education comes from experimentation and explaination. It is something that can be demonstrated to others to be true. But, the Modern World Educational System is not the teaching of facts and evidence, (which is a true education.) Instead, it is questioning everything with a critical spirit and theorizing the answer through philosophy (The Greeks were the Philosophers) and argumentation.

For example, take the Theory of Evolution which is taught world-wide in so-called institutions of higher learning. There has never been one piece of evidence that proves men came from monkeys. However, Scientists write libraries full of books about how they theorize that it happened. As you read their works, you'll find they can never tell you a straight answer that is provable by experimentation. Rather they say things like, "It's possible that..." or "Scientists theorize..." or "It is widely believed..." or "Perhaps..." or "It could have happened in the following manner," etc. and etc. If you don't believe me, pick up a science textbook and see for yourself! Science can never tell you what happened. In fact, they can't even agree when it happened. Was it billions of years ago or millions. Was it specifically 200 million years ago or 65 million years ago? Do they know that for sure, is that just their best guess?

Compare this with the Bible, which is the only book that claims to be the very words of the living God, the Creator of all things. Time and again we read, "Thus saith the Lord..." and "Verily I say unto you..." In the Bible we are given FACTS. It is not only the history of things that truly happened, but it is statements of absolute truth which cannot be denied. A true education, then, can only come from the Bible!

But let's look at modern Bible Schools today. They don't like that you can read a Bible and know something. If that's true then you can get an education all by yourself and you don't need them at all! So they have to cast doubt on whether the word of God is true or not, and make you think you have to go to them for the answers. Following "German Rationalism" and "Modern Textual Criticism" they sit in judgment of the Bible and want to seat themselves as the final authority and the only ones who can tell you what is true in the Bible and what isn't. But even they don't agree with themselves!

Do you see how this works. Educational Systems tell you that you can only get an education their way in their schools. But when you go to them, the best they can give you is their opinion. The best they can do is tell you what they think about something. But they can't tell you the truth about it.

Thus, a Secular Education, or even a Bible School Education will leave you worse off then you were before, as neither one can point you to a source of finding absolute truth. All they can do is make you think you are smart because you listened to them (what Socrates was a Master of doing).

So what do they do? They turn to Satan and Socrates and start questioning things and tell you to "think for yourself." In other words, just believe what ever you want, just make sure you pay us your tution fees, cause that's all we care about!

But they can never give you the absolute truth. And after all, isn't that what a true education is? It's learning the TRUTH about something. Being educated on the knowledge of what a thing is.

A true education can only be found in the Bible. Even Jesus said, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is TRUTH. (John 17:17)

As we look at those who brag about their "education," we clearly find the reason why all they know how to do is "question" things, is because they don't know anything to begin with!

In the Bible, God says of those who claim to be learned, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Rom. 1:22).

They think they are smart, but the fact that they leave out God and his word as the final authority makes them stupid!

Even God states the following of those with higher educational titles in Psalm 62:, "Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity."

According to the word of God, there is such a thing as absolute TRUTH and a person can know it. Not only should he know it, but he should also defend it and preach it. The reason he should do so is because there will always be "teachers" (which is what Aristotle claimed to be) who desire to TURN OTHERS AWAY FROM IT! We see this clearly in 2 Tim. 4:24...

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Any higher institution of learning that just "questions" instead of "teaches" is not a learning center at all, rather a "recruiting" center for agnostics. (Isn't this really what our universities are today?)

This is why modern universities are cess pools of fornication, debauchery, drunkness, and lewd parties. It's not about the students learning truth, it's about them letting loose and opening their minds and bodies to new thoughts, ideas, and experiences. It's not about them excercising their minds and practicing thinking, rather it's to make them not think for themselves. In a nutshell, it's all about corrupting the youth. (Hey, isn't that what Socrates was accused of too?)

You probably already know that most college professors aren't Christians. Or in the case of "Christian universities" aren't "practicing Christians." Most teachers don't have the mindset that God is the Creator and the Redeemer and all truth must come from Him. Thus, they teach their students to be their own authorities. And instead of students learning truth which will help them be upstanding citizens, they are taught to believe there is no God, an all is relative. They are taught they are to be the judge of all things. This leads to foolishness. (That's why in Psalm 14:1, God says, "The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God!").

This brings us to the DAMNATION of education. For if you seek to be educated but you leave God out of the picture, you are always going to end up ignorant. Maybe this is why God wrote the following about those who love not the truth in 2 Thess. 2:10-12:

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Here we read that God will give a man a lie if he doesn't want to believe the truth. And we find the main reason men don't want the truth is because they want "pleasure." Could it be the old saying rings true when it says, "The Truth HURTS!"

What is the truth according to God and the Bible? The truth is there is a God (whether secular university professors believe it or not), and He wrote the Bible and it's inerrant and infallible (whether Bible Schools say it is or not). And according to Him and His word, unless you receive the forgiveness of sins He offers through the blood atonement of His son Jesus Christ, you will burn in Hell forever! That's the plain and simple truth!

Bob Jones words are just as true today as back in his day when he uttered them. Truly "Education without Salvation is Damnation!"

And we can see the fruit of that damnation in our country today, as educational facilities have birthed out God-hating, pleasure seeking, reprobate, self-concieted, bible-deniers for centuries. Their disciples are now in positions of power, and are teaching others how to live just like themselves. They've destroyed their own souls and now they are destroying society as well. (Is it no wonder there are so many suicides among publically educated teens today? They see how meaningless life is and they end up doing just what Aristotle did).

The thing I can't understand is why on earth people who call themselves "Christians" can pretend there is no problem, and how they can send their children off to diabolical schools for an education.

Like on preacher once said, "You can't send you children off to Philistine Schools and not expect them to come back with Egyptian ways!"

How can "Christians" let the world corrupt their children and not even let it bother them? Where is the love? (Oh, that's right, it's waxing cold. See Matt. 24:12)

If you really care about your kids, and you don't want to see them go to Hell. Why not give them a real education--A BIBLE EDUCATION! This is not only good for their mind, but for their body as well. It is to help them be moral amidst a world of immorality.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I didn't know that about Socrates, hadn't even thought about how he questioned everything. :/ Our world is so crazy.
