Thursday, February 17, 2011

Corrupting the Youth

The Devil has always worked the same way. He has always attacked the youth and tried to corrupt them. From Adam and Eve to Cain, the Devil has found the weakest link to be the youngest. If he can corrupt the yout and turn them against their parents and towards the way of wickedness, then he not only damns them, but their future children as well. Thus, his main thrust is the corrupting of the youth.

We find this clearly in the Bible. When the children of Israel were in bondage to Egypt, God choose Moses to liberate them. God gave Moses signs and wonders and he used them to prove to Pharoah that the God of the Israelites was the one and true God. As we read through Exodus, we find Pharoah's hardened heart not wanting to let God's people go. And we find him trying to get Israel to compromise four times in the following ways:

1. Exod. 8:25-26 Pharoah tells them to stay in Egypt, but sacrifice to their God.

2. Exod. 8:28 Pharoah tells them to leave Egypt, but not go far away.

3. Exod. 10:7-10 Pharoah tells them to go, but to leave their children behind.

4. Exod. 10:24 Pharoah tells them to go, but to leave their possessions behind.

Notice Pharoah wanted the Israelites under his complete control. First, he didn't want them to worship God. Next he didn't want them to separate themselves from the world. Then he desired to keep their children under bondage. And then finally, if he couldn't have them, then he wanted all they had--their possessions.

The Devil too is relentless in this way. If he can't get someone under his thumb, he'll do all he can to get what they have and to gain control of their offspring.

Is it then no wonder we see in these last days before the Lord returns that Satan is doing the very same thing in our day?

The Bible teaches after the Rapture there will be a time of tribulation of seven years in which the Anti-Christ rules. And who will he reign over? He will reign over those who are not saved.

Because he is bringing in his New World Order, the Devil is also working hard to set up his new world "Workers." Thus, he has educated the youth in secular schools on the importance of "globalism." He has taken the children of this world and taught them that "communism" and "globalism" are good, and their parents "outdated" beliefs are bad.

The Devil has prepared for himself a generation to rule over. And he continues to do the same.

This is nothing new. In Nazi Germany, Hitler had his "Hitler Youth." In Russia, Stalin took the young people and trained them. It was state sponsored "parenthood" of young people. And instead of their parents training them, the state endoctrinated them in the ways they wanted the children to perform under a state controlled governmental system.

Today we see the same thing world-wide as children are taught a "global collectivism" in which they are "global citizens." They are further taught to protect the earth and preserve it for future generations through the "Green movement." But little do they realize they are losing their freedoms given them by their forefathers, and becaming enslaved to the Global Satanic New World Order.

Satan not only has used governments to gain control of the youth politically, but he's also used teachers to loosed the morals of the children. In Hitler's day, the young people were mixed and encouraged to "fornicate" in order to populate the state with more German citizens to serve the Reich.

In Stalin's time, fornication was not preached against as sin, and yeah even encouraged, especially when soldiers were probably going to die soon anyway. Even the raping of innocent German women when the Red Soldiers went into Berlin was not criticized. Instead it was looked upon as "Social Justice" if you will, or the Russians dishing out to the Germans what they had received when the Germans took over their country.

Wars are horrible things. But one this war does is corrupt the youth. Young men who become soldiers get out from under the authority of their parents, and oftentimes endulge themselves in fornication, cussing, drinking, and all kinds of debauchery while in the service.

If they survive, they come home not as the nice, innocent, moral young men who joined the service, rather carousing, drunken, swearing devils who feel they have cheated death and must do more evil in order to get their thrills.

Yes, Satan has done a good job corrupting the youth. America in the 1800's was a moral country with Victorian style beliefs. But World War I ruined one generation, while World War II ruined another. Then Vietnam, Korea, and the Middle East ruined another. Not to mention the godless schools systems and universities which target the youth and try to turn them towards communism, socialism, revelry and humanism.

But thank God there still are some outstanding good, moral, and upright Christian people still around in the world today. Though they are few and far between, they do exist. They have always existed. They are just much fewer in number than in days gone by.

If you are one of them, and you have young children, why not do all you can to protect them? Satan is after them, and God gave them to you to take care of. Will you do it? For it's obvious this world isn't interested in keeping your children pure. Rather, they seek to corrupt them!

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