Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chivalry is not dead!

I had a great experience yesterday as my wife and daughter and I went to Lowe's. As I walked around the store looking for supplies, I happened upon a Preacher (more specifically an Indpendent Baptist Pastor) that I knew. He and I had written to each other in the past, and quite frankly I don't agree with the man, who preaches so hard on the subject of Repentance, without defining what it means Biblically, that he almost makes it a work of salvation that someone must do before they believe.
But even though we don't see eye to eye on everything, I was surprised the man walked right up to me and said, "Bro. Breaker, how are you?"
He then put out his hand to shake mine! We then talked for a few minutes, and had a great time of fellowship.
What a contrast to the other "Christian" the other day who just walked by and wouldn't even speak to me, much less shake my hand!
I guess that just goes to show you Chivalry is not dead! If only all Christians could be so cordial as this Pastor was. And although I don't agree with him in everything, I have a new found respect for the man for stopping to shake my hand and speak with me. This is how Christian love should be.

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