Sunday, November 7, 2010


As I study history and I watch politics, I think I've finally figured out the main difference between Republicans and Democrats. (Aside from the fact, that is, that they are both corrupt!)
I used to not even pay attention to politics. As a matter of fact, a year ago, I didn't even know what GOP stood for. (I've since learned it stands for the Grand Old Party.)
I even remember a couple of elections ago wandering who the red ones were and who the blue ones are. Now I know that red is for Republican and blue is for Democrat.
I find this quite fitting, for red is the color of BLOOD, and the Republicans when they take power always seem to be the ones who start WARS, where there is much bloodshed. (How interesting too that Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN, and he's the one who started that whole War of Northern Agression thing).
Blue is not only the color of the Democrats, but is the color of heaven, and how fitting that it as that's what the Democrats want to make here on earth as they are busy trying to start their own "utopia" or "village" (see Hillary Clinton's book), with their Socialization of society. But they always RAISE TAXES to fund their plans and put them into effect, which usually give us ton of overpaid bueracrats who get paid to do nothing! That might be heaven to those who are on the government payroll, but not to us who have to foot the bill.
With this said, I believe the easist way to differenciate between Republican and Democrat, is the Republicans are the War Mongers, while the Democrats are the Tax raisers.
This means both of them are doing harm to our country and the American people. For the "Publicans" (uh, er, I mean "Re" publicans) bankrupt the country by running up the national debt to pay for their foreign wars. (What ever happened to the Monroe Doctrine?) While the Demoncrats (whoops, I mean Democ-Rats) destroy small businesses by taxing them to death, making it hard for people to find work, which eventually leads to much joblessness. (Like the almost 14 percent unemployment rate in our country.
Thus, both of them end up doing the same thing which is destroy our country and make our economy worse.
What do you think? Got any other differences between those two corrupt parties? I'd like to hear 'em. Please feel free to comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting thought about the Republicans always starting wars. I had never really thought about it that way.
