Friday, October 22, 2010

A Nation Divided

And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. (Mark 3:24)
It's clear: A nation divided against itself shall not stand! And if ever there was a nation that was divided, it is the United States of America. The last two presidential elections really proved to me just how divided America and Americans really are. They are now almost half liberal and half conservative. And this division can clearly be seen in the elections of today, where almost 50% of Americans are in favor of Democrats, and 50% in favor of Republicans.
As I thought on this, I realized just in how many ways Americans are divided. They are...
I believe probably no other nation in the history of the world has ever been as divided as the USA is now. Let me rephrase that. I believe no other nation in the world has ever had two parties that are so extremely opposite. Liberals and Conservatives of today are as far apart from each other as they can be, and it appears they have absolutely no common ground in which to unite. They both want their own way or else, and they can never rest until their agendas are fulfilled. How can a country survive such opposite extremes, especially when neither side wants to give in? I just don't know.
The two opposite extremes in America appear to be opposite in their morals as well. In America you have those who are fully "liberated" and given over to their unsatiated sinful behaviours, and those who are upstanding citizens who are trying to live honest lives full of dignity and honor.
On the one side you have those who are full of wickedness and hatred who practice lying, slandering, libeling, and ridicule. While on the other, you have people who are decent, nice, and caring towards others. How can a nation continue with such a continental divide among its citizens?
I see in America two distinct kind of persons: CITY PEOPLE and COUNTRY PEOPLE. City people usually learn how to be cold towards others, not even saying, "Hello," as they pass others on the street. And growing up in the ghetto, and in the "hood" is without a doubt hard, because of the rampant crime, drugs, and robberies. Living in the city oftentimes produces people who are self-gratifying and uncaring towards others. Now, I'm not saying all city people are bad, but to live in a city nowadays is to live in a place closer to danger than the country.
Contrast this with country folk, who are usually down home, friendly, nice people who wave to you as they drive by, and are often quick to strike up a conversation with you. They are usually decent, clean, fun-loving individuals who work hard to make a living and enjoy having fun. And they are usually considerate, and ready to help others in need.
It wasn't always this way. People in the cities used to be just as nice as people in the country, but over population in places like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Detroit, etc., lead to the rise of gang members and violence in the inner cities. Further, we find more crime in cities, which leads to more distrust among the populace of those around them. How does a nation stand when others live in fear for their very lives from thugs and villans?
America was founded a constitutional republic with FREEDOM for its citizens as the main objective. It used to be the majority of Americans wanted this form of government and wanted LIBERTY for themselves and their children. But lately we've seen a rise in a system of governance that is uncompatible with these principles. That is SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM, and we see them taught in the colleges and universities throughout our land as viable systems of government. (Never mind that they have NEVER, EVER turned out good in any country they were instituted in, and they always ended in failure!). Yet, in America, we see more and more young people siding with Communism than with Constitutional freedom. And we see the rise of communism and socialists in America fighting for their ideals, yeah even openly speaking and writing of their desire to see revolution in the streets! How is this a good thing?
In America the governing parties are diameterically opposed to one another. Democrats hate Republicans and vice versa. The two are pitted against each other, and often times bitter words and heated rivalries ensue. Each has their own agenda. One wants big government and to control the people, while the other claims to want to make government smaller and give people more freedoms. Continually they fight for power, and what we find is usually they only care about themselves and not the American people. How does this two party system help the country? And what's wrong with a three or four party system? And why don't politicians do what's best for the country instead of what's best from themselves?
Americans don't want to work together. Or maybe I should say it this way: there are Americans who want to work, and get ahead and enjoy what they've earned. And then, there are those who don't want to work at all, but enjoy just as much as those who have worked hard to get ahead. Because of this the government has set up programs like WELFARE. Some Americans support this. Others think it unfair, and want it discontinued, because it's not right to let some people do nothing and get ahead while others have to work hard for what they earn.
Americans cannot get together and work out their differences. Nor does Congress do anything about this. Instead it lets the division continue so that the have nots hate those who have and those who have show contempt on those who have not and don't want to work to get it.
Finally, Americans are divided on how this country should continue. Some want to go back to the constitution just the way it used to be originally. Others want to do away with the Constitution completely, starting a new form of government. Yet no one has any idea how to fix the mess that is America and pay off the massive debt its government has incurred through needless wars, failed programs, and unfruitful stimulus' (plural).
In conclusion, it doesn't take a genius to see that America is divided. It is divided in every aspect. Its citizens have been pitted against each other and this is exactly what the enemy wants in order to come in and take it over. America can't even agree on who it is, where it came from, or in which direction it is headed. In short, its liberty and freedom has been its greatest blessing, but also its greatest curse, for it has allowed communism and socialism to breed in the minds of its youth, who will eventually try to implement those failed systems into the future of the country.
Jesus said it clearly, "...Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." (Mat 12:25)
I love my country and it saddens me greatly to write a blog like this. But its obvious that America is on the rocks. It's headed to hell in a handbasket unless its citizens can agree.
What's the answer? That's easy! It's the BIBLE! For the word of God, and the Creator are what helped to make America great to begin with, and for it to be great again, Americans must turn to their creator and His word, and repent of their sins.

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