Monday, October 4, 2010

The first, middle, and last word in the Bible

I don’t remember if I’ve ever stated this on my blog before. So if I haven’t, I’m going to do so for the first time. If I have, then I’ll do it again. : )
Have you ever gone through the Bible and looked at the very first word, the very middle word, and the very last word? In Sunday School, I'm sure you probably had a teacher who tried to tell you what those words are, or maybe you learned it in Bible School. But did they tell it to you right?
Usually, they only say there are three words. That is, there is only one word for each. But that's not so. There is no middle word in the Bible: there are TWO middle words in the Bible! (Because of how many words there are, you can't just get one word, you come up with two).
So what are the first, middle, and last words in the Bible? They are in all caps in their respective verses below:
IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
It is better to trust in THE LORD than to put confidence in princes. (Psalm 118:9)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. AMEN. (Revelation 22:21)
So the first, middle, and last words of the Bible make a sentence if put together:
"In the Lord, Amen!"
That about says it all, Amen? You are either in the Lord or you are not! You are either saved or lost. And, the Bible is written to tell us how to be in Him.


  1. I have a picture of God shining on me.

  2. I just thought about it a few seconds ago... what is the one word that is in the middle of the Bible? Thank you =)

  3. U are at zero understanding it's a firmanent that separates water from water that explains the 3 power levels apart and collided and before and after no new friends it's weighed up to heavy D

  4. D=4two wings .... Space=time.mass is the whole that's all solids that means cream

  5. If translated into original languages of Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic, would the middle word change? Same goes for different English translations.

    1. In the Lord amen. Glory be to Jesus

    2. In the Lord amen. Glory be to Jesus

    3. Glory to the names of Jesus Anthony james hebb the bearer of the light of heaven in a refection of the sun.

  6. Only "In The LORD," The Body Of CHRIST, "To The Praise Of The GLORY Of HIS GRACE!" Amen?

  7. In what sense is Psalm 118:9 the mid-point? There are approximately 413358 words before that verse and ~376257 words after it.
