Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Explanation of pictures

Hello again. It's been a while since I've been able to write on this. I've been working. I have finally finished a major project though. That's our deck on our house. Here's a picture...

So I'm keeping busy and trying to get things in order. Now on to another major project. (We only have about four or five more to go!)

Some people have asked me about the pictures on this blog and what they are and where they came from. I'm happy to explain them. They are a part of my rich heritage.

The Bible above is that of my third-great grandfather. His name was Jacob Manly Cantey Breaker, and he was a Baptist Minister (of course he used the KJV). He also said the opening prayer to the discussion of sucession in South Carolina when they met in his church in Columbia to discuss leaving the union! What a neat heritage!
The ship wreck painting above that was done by Lillian Trapp, my great-great-grandmother. She was an awesome artist. She also painted the man pointing at the piece of paper shown on the right side of this page.
To me the ship represents modern Christianity which is in apostasy and sinking into the world and it's wickedness. The man pointing to the piece of paper reminds me of the preacher's need to point people to the law of God (the Bible) and their need to follow HIM and His WILL!
For more about my ancestory, look up my webpage at:
I've enjoyed learning a lot more about my family history. If you've never studied where you came from, you should! It's very interesting to find out who we are and why we are what we are.
P.S. Oh, I forgot to tell about the picture on the left. Yep, the really little one under the words "About Me.
That's me in the pulpit of one of the churches my third-great-grandfather pastored in Missouri. It was cool to stand in the same spot where he once preached and hold up a King James Bible!

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