Monday, September 27, 2010

Provoking Not your Children to Wrath

There are just some things in the Bible that don't make much sense to certain people. They find it hard to understand as it hasn't become personal to them. But once it does, and they understand it, boy does it make it much clearer!

For example, there's a verse in the Bible written to fathers. It states:

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Eph 6:4)

When I read this before, I used to think about my Dad, and how sometimes he'd make me angry. And I think I've even quoted it to him once or twice.

But I've never really thought of it as me being the father to my child. And you know what I've found out. My wife pointed out that this verse is written in the Bible because sometimes fathers do have a tendency to provoke their children to anger. And you know what's worse? I think sometimes they (or I should say "we") do it on purpose!

I've found that in each one of us is a little bit of an honery spirit. We like to tease and joke around with others. But sometimes, we can go too far!

I've found I do that with my daughter sometimes. I enjoy getting down on the floor and playing with her, but sometimes, I find I'm the more childish one, as I begin to tease her and sometimes even do exactly what God said not to: provoke her. But, I'm working on that.

And I've learned a lot about females too. You've got to treat them "delicately." Boy, I sure can't wait to have a baby boy, so I can play around and rough house with him. Because that's something you can't really do with a girl. Oh, I'm not saying I'm going to provoke him to wrath, I just want to play with him and teach him how to wrestle and the like. Maybe one day.

Until then, I'll try to continue to follow the word of God, and make sure I do my best not to provoke my little darling Emma. She's just too sweet!

My darling little Emma Lee

Monday, September 20, 2010

Soul hunting season?

I've been to a lot of churches which instead of putting the emphasis on PREACHING (where it should be), they have a lot of "DRAMAS" and "SKITS." It's easy to spot such churches, as they look more like secular country clubs then they do spirit-filled churches. The pastors of these churches know that in the last days in which we are in, they can't get a crowd with good, hard preaching against sin, so they instead have set up a type of Christian Entertainment, in their congregations and end up spending their time making the people chuckle, instead making them feel sorry for their sins.
In one church I visited years ago, (which of course was a gigantic big-name Fundamentalist mega church with a lot of well-known preachers often filling the pulpit), I sat down in the service hoping for a good message that would be encouraging, as well as hard on me and my sin. Instead, what I got was a lesson on "hunting."
What do I mean, you might ask? Exactly what I said. The preacher actually preached a message on, "How to go Hunting!" And, to make the crowd laugh, he called his son up onto the stage and had him act out what he was teaching. He had him put on the camo clothes, and gave him a rifle, and then had him check it for ammunition. He then brought out a fake deer, and showed him how to sight in on the right spot in order to kill it. During the service, the congregation was rolling on the floor with laughter, enjoying the pastor's antics, and his son's continual mess ups.
I, however, was not impressed. There was supposed to be some kind of spiritual lesson there about "hunting for souls" (the Pastor's words, and not mine), but I didn't get it. All I could think of was, "Oh, no! Now somebody's going to go out of here and start going postal on people and shooting them, and then saying the pastor said it was okay!" (I kind of think of the worst possible things that can happen. You know, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best!)
Anyway, that sermon did nothing for me. It was not instructive or edifying. It was a grown man making fun of his son in front of a congregration in order to get a laugh, and then trying to get serious in the end by trying to make a spiritual application. But it did not work.
As I told this story to my wife later, she said, "You know, there is such a thing as hunting season. I wonder if there is a hunting season on souls!" We later read in the Bible the following verses which made us think more about this:
2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word; be instant IN SEASON, OUT OF SEASON; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Tim 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
These verses talk about preaching the word of God, and how there is a preaching "season." And we are instructed whether in season or out to be busy preaching. How are we to do it? Is it by entertaining the congregation? A THOUSAND TIMES NO! The Bible says it's by REPROVING, by REBUKING, and by EXHORTING with longsuffering, and with doctrine!
The Bible further tells us why we should be faithful in doing so. It's because the time will come when people will not want to hear it, but will instead look for people they want to hear (i.e. Pastors who will give them what they want to hear, and not rebuke them for their sins).
Folks, it appears we are now in that season! It's call the season of apostasy! And the last thing we need are Christian Entertainers in the pulpits! We need men of God, filled to the brim with the Spirit of God, who will rear back and let 'er rip; preaching with boldness and authority the word of God, and not caring what anyone says about it. God never called a man to build a big work. He calls preachers to boisterously bark out his mighty word!
And if a man is not doing that, I don't care how big his church might be, HE'S NOT CALLED OF GOD! Or else, he's a low down sorry compromiser who cares more about money then he does doing what God's called him to do! He's a "heirling" who wants a crowd to listen to HIM, instead of focusing on instructing those who come to his congregation on what GOD says!
Our churches are full of such men! And no one seems to say anything about it. It's time someone stood up and said something, and men of God got back to preaching the word of God with POWER, so the Holy Spirit of God can begin convicting hearts. (Did you know it's hard to be convicted of your sin when you are laughing?)
Sadly, it's vastly upopular for a man to lamblast sin and preach against things anymore. It's "out of season," if you will, in the eyes of many a worldly person and liberal, who look at hard preaching as "intolerant" or "out-dated," and something which you aren't supposed to do anymore. But, didn't God tell us in His Holy word that that's exactly how people would believe in these last days of apostasy?
The SEASON for bold preaching and proper soul winning seems to be over. Now days, it's not "posh" to preach or teach with authority, and to stress man's need to turn to the blood of Jesus Christ for forgiveness. It's almost been "outlawed" by politicians and the clergy alike.
There just aren't many preachers left with enough backbone who'll do it anyway, whether it's popular or not, or it's in season or out of season. They would rather forget about doing it God's way, and do it the way they want to.
How about you, preacher? Let's make this personal. Are you entertaining your congregation, or are you edifying them with the word of God, instructing them on how they should live and grow as Christians, while reproving and rebuking them of their sin?
If you aren't, then you might as well just go to the country club and play golf (which many pastors do), or just go hunting (like a lot more do), and forget about the spiritual aspect of the ministry. And you might as well just keep on making them laugh with your jokes, antics, skits, and dramas. But just remember, one day you'll give account to God, and you most certainly won't be laughing then, neither will they! For your lack of reproving and rebuking has lead us to mess we are now in, the APOSTASY of our age. You are the reason it's "out of season!"
So, what are you going to do about it?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Christian Fundamentalist's Similarities with Fundamentalists Muslims

I'm sure modern American Christian Fundamentalists would be the first to tell you that they have absolutely nothing in common with Islam and Fundamentalist Muslims. But I beg to differ.
As I compare the two and look at the way the apostate Fundamentalists within the Independent Baptist Movement are going, I find quite a few similarities. And it scares me!
Let's just look at a few of the many similarities between ISLAM, and the modern FUNDAMENTALIST movement, which has greatly departed from the word of God and fallen headfirst into apostasy.
If you've ever dealt with a Muslim, you know they believe you can only get to "paradise" through their religion and their "prophet." They are so intolerant, they will not allow any other religion in any country where they have taken over the government. They truly believe their religion is the only one, and all others are apostate. And they like to brag about being right, while they believe everyone else who doesn't adhere to their religion is wrong.
Doesn't that sound a little like modern Fundamentalists, who brag that only they have the right denomination, and only they are those in the last days who have not gone apostate? They like to say only they have sound doctrine, and everyone else doesn't. But doesn't that sound like "bragging" on themselves instead of bragging on Jesus. Clearly, they have the same mentality as the Muslims in exalting their religion above all others.
If you've ever studied Islam, or talked with Muslims (like I have), then you'll find that they count a man or a woman a convert to their religion who simply utters the words, "Allah is God." The emphasis in Islam is to get people to say these words. The emphasis, then, is on the words spoken from the mouth, and not whether a person truly believes what he says from the heart.
Modern Fundamentalism is much the same. Oh, they once preached salvation by faith, and stressed the need for repentance and heartfelt faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning blood. But that was years ago. Now most of them today have adopted the "1,2,3, repeat after me," method of soul winning, in which they stress a sinner only to make a confession with the lips, instead of instructing a sinner of his need to trust completely in Christ Jesus from the heart.
By their shallow evangelism, many a soul winner has tried only to get a person to repeat a prayer instead of repent and trust the blood of God's propitiation. This leads to the same thing the Muslims have: converts who say it with the mouth, but don't really believe in it from the heart.
There are two kinds of Muslims: 1. Those who claim they are so, but don't follow that religion much, and 2. Those who believe in their religion enough to kill for it, and even die as a martyr for it!
In Christian Fundamentalism, there also are two classes: 1. Those who claim to be Christians, but don't practice what they preach, and usually don't even live for Jesus, as they continue on in the world, and 2. Those who love God enough to give Him their all, and yea, even die for him if need be.
In Islam, just as in Modern Fundamentalism, there are those who are viewed as "not dogmatic" enough, or just plum "apathetic" to the cause. But both religions have one thing in common: They both focus on trying to make converts by getting their converts to say something instead of believe something.
No doubt you've recently heard of the Mosque that Muslims want to build close to ground zero in New York City. Most Americans are against this, calling it "insensitive," especially since it was Muslim extremists that attacked the Twin Towers and killed so many people. But Muslims seem to not care about what others think. They are interested in building, and they desire as many Mosques as they can get in as many places as they can get them. To them, it's a sign of victory that they are taking over the world.
Now let's look at Modern Christian Fundamentalists. When we study them, we find they too have a desire to build many church buildings, which often times they are quick to call "Temples." (I thought that's what the Jews built). The more buildings they build, the more they can brag about building the "kingdom" and they can gain prestige as a denomination. I've seen it first hand as a missionary, as I saw other missionaries securing a large sum of money to build "buildings," often before they even had a congregation to fill that building!
Once again, we see the similarities between Muslims and Christians in their desire to build houses of worship. But in their haste, they forget the importance of building people.
Muslims believe that their deity is Allah. But they also believe that to follow Allah, a person must follow Mohammed, his prophet. In other words, Islam is a religion of following a man (Mohammed) instead of worshipping God. For in that religion, you must follow a man in order to get to God.
Further, there are several kinds of Muslims: Sunnites and Shiites. What's the difference? Each one follows a different MAN instead of following God.
Is Christian Fundamentalism much different? Sadly, it is not. Within the Fundamentalist movement there are many different groups or camps. And each one was founded by a man. You have your: Bob Jonesites, Jack Hylesites, Peter Ruckmanites, Chappelites, John R. Riceites, etc. In modern Fundamentalism, it's not about following God, it's about following a man, and you are known by which school you went to, or which group you belong to. See how closely this compares to Islam?
The word "Islam" means submission. And, Islam is a religion which tries to convert the world to its religous system, so that all the world might submit to it and its teachings (like Sharia law). A person who is a Muslim must submit to those in authority over him, and disobedience can and does lead to horrendous physical punishments. (Like stoning, hands cut off, beheading, etc.). Submission to others is key to this religion.
In Christian Fundamentalism we see much the same thing. With the rise of "camps" that were founded by men, Christians are taught to submit to the authority and teachings of the founders of their group. Submission to God and His law (the Bible) is frowned upon, as people are told to submit to their religious leaders (like their pastor, their Bible School teacher, their bus captain, their Deacon Board, their Mission Board, etc. and etc.). People become "Sheepeople" who are instructed to obey without question, no matter what, under threat of ex-communication (just like the Catholics). Though many Fundamentalists preach "free-will," they do not practice it, as they try to enslave others under them (See my blog on Baptist Popes for an example). And by so doing, they becoming nothing better than Muslims who try to use their religion to enslave others to themselves.
Muslims are some of the angriest people I've ever met. Why? Because there is no love in their religion. It caters to the flesh instead of the Spirit. And because of this, we see many great atrocities practiced in Islam against others (like stoning, honor killings, suicidal bombings, etc.). Muslims are taught to hate "infidels." And instead of converting them, their writings make it easier just to kill them. That's what a "jihad" is: It is a war against anyone who won't conform to their way of life.
So, how do modern Christian Fundamentalists compare? How do they treat others? If you've been in the Fundamentalist movement for long, you'll see there too is a lot of anger and hatred. Instead of love, and the fruits of the Spirit, one usually finds Fundamentalist pastors writing dirty letters to each other in anger, and bitterly attacking others who don't go along with them and their doctrines. Internet webpages and disscussion groups are full of "Christian" Fundamentalists railing on each other, oftentimes cussing each other out and using words that aren't very becoming of those who name the name of Christ. Their anger is not directed towards the "infidels," but rather towards each other. They might not use physical violence as the Muslims, but they bite and devour one another with angry words.
If you have read the Koran (or what they now call in English the Qu'ran), then you'll know what Muslims think of women. They are looked down upon in their writings, and treated as second class citizens. In Islam, women are likened to animals, and even slaves, and are worth far less than a man according to their own writings. They are even made to dress in a certain way, and even hide their faces from others.
Now compare this to Modern Fundamentalism. Thankfully, most do not treat their women as bad as Muslims do. However, there are many Fundamentalists who do treat women very disrespectfully. So much so, many an Independent Baptist has received a bad reputation because of it. I personally time and again have seen and heard what people say about those "crazy fundamentalists" and their "outdated" and "dogmatic" ideals towards women. Because they chose to follow the Bible, the world brands them as extremists who try to "enslave" women under their own control and authority. (Of course, this is how the world views Fundamentalists.)
But the truth is, the Bible does not downgrade women. In the Bible: The Man is to sacrifice for his wife, while the wife is to submit to her husband. If both are doing that, then their marriage will be a wonderful thing!
The problem is that many a fundamentalist man adopts the Muslim attitude of "I'm better than she is and worth more," so he becomes a "dictator" in his own home, and as the Muslims try to enslave women, so does he try to do the same to his own wife, whom he puts "under his thumb." Instead of treating her with "love" and "respect," he treats her like a dog, and only uses her for what he can get out of her, making sure to use "discipline" often. And she, instead of serving him out of love and respect, serves him out of fear of reprisal. Is this not EXACTLY the way muslim women serve their male counterparts?
Truly, the Modern Fundamentalist Christian movement today has a lot in common with Islam, and Muslims. This cannot be denied. But why is this? What's the cause? I believe it's a lack of following the Bible. Instead of following what GOD SAYS, many a Fundamentalist is listening to man and popular preachers, and adopting what THEY SAY, without checking them out in the scriptures to see if what they say is right or not.
So how about you? Are you a MAN FOLLOWER, or a follower of CHRIST and the Bible. If you are Fundamentalist, and love bragging on being so, let me ask you this question, "How come you and your religion have so much in common with Islam?"
As for me, I'm just a Bible Believer, and I'm doing my best to follow God and His holy word. I don't brag on my religion, claiming it's the right one. In fact, I preach against RELIGION, and stress people their need for SALVATION instead. (Religion enslaves, but Jesus Saves!) I further try to make sure to stress a sinner's need to REPENT, that is turn from trusting their works or their religion, and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
I'm not interested in building buildings that will someday be destroyed, but rather build people, teaching them and instructing them in the ways of God.
I don't try to get people to submit to a man, and follow him. Instead, I try to tell people to submit to God, and His word, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ!
I further don't need to get angry and take out my frustrations on others. I want to show them Christ in me, and His love! And I don't believe in mistreating women, but rather respecting them.
Because of this, I've found that I'm not only disliked by Muslims, but Fundamentalists as well, and both of them want to stone me! Oh well! I'll just keep on preaching the truth, especially when no one else seems to want to.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Explanation of pictures

Hello again. It's been a while since I've been able to write on this. I've been working. I have finally finished a major project though. That's our deck on our house. Here's a picture...

So I'm keeping busy and trying to get things in order. Now on to another major project. (We only have about four or five more to go!)

Some people have asked me about the pictures on this blog and what they are and where they came from. I'm happy to explain them. They are a part of my rich heritage.

The Bible above is that of my third-great grandfather. His name was Jacob Manly Cantey Breaker, and he was a Baptist Minister (of course he used the KJV). He also said the opening prayer to the discussion of sucession in South Carolina when they met in his church in Columbia to discuss leaving the union! What a neat heritage!
The ship wreck painting above that was done by Lillian Trapp, my great-great-grandmother. She was an awesome artist. She also painted the man pointing at the piece of paper shown on the right side of this page.
To me the ship represents modern Christianity which is in apostasy and sinking into the world and it's wickedness. The man pointing to the piece of paper reminds me of the preacher's need to point people to the law of God (the Bible) and their need to follow HIM and His WILL!
For more about my ancestory, look up my webpage at:
I've enjoyed learning a lot more about my family history. If you've never studied where you came from, you should! It's very interesting to find out who we are and why we are what we are.
P.S. Oh, I forgot to tell about the picture on the left. Yep, the really little one under the words "About Me.
That's me in the pulpit of one of the churches my third-great-grandfather pastored in Missouri. It was cool to stand in the same spot where he once preached and hold up a King James Bible!