Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vaccinations a Good Thing?

How can anyone think that the idea of injecting a disease into somebody's body is a good idea? Yet they do, and it is still practiced all over the world today. What's worse is even newborn children are injected with multiple innoculations as soon as they are born in hospitals. Is this really a good thing? What's wrong with letting a child's immune system deal with each disease NATURALLY one-by-one as that child develops and grows? Why give him as much disease as you can when he is born? Sounds a little fishy to me.
Oh, brother Breaker, you are just a "conspiracy theorist" and you don't know anything. Vaccines are good and necessary, and anything but harmful!
Are they? Are they really? You know it's been my experience that everything man does, he messes up, and everything God does, he does well. So it's best to do things GOD'S WAY instead of MAN'S WAY! It's best to use herbs (which God made) instead of chemical medicines (which man makes) which often have harmful side effects. Even the modern commercials on T.V. for VIOX, ONGLYZA, YAZ, and other popular modern drugs give a long list of side effects for those who use their product. Who wants those side effects? Not I!
Years ago, my Dad (Who owned his own Health Food Store and was well knowledged in the importance of vitamins, herbs, minerals, and eathing healthy) began studying vaccinations, and he came across a book entitled, "The Poisoned Needle." I strongly recommend you get a copy if you can, as it's been long out of print since the 1970's. The book does an excellent job of showing the harmful "side effects" of vaccinations, which most doctors will not tell you. (Did you know for example that autism only shows up in children who have been vaccinated?)
It must be the spirit of this age, because people today only want to dwell on the "good" and pretend the "evil" doesn't exist. They want to focus only on the benefits and omit the potential hazards caused by their man made drugs, injections, and pharmaecutical concoxions. (By the way, did you know most big Pharacuetical companies were started by ex-Nazi's who practiced horrible experiments on Jews under Hitler's anti-semetic ideals?)
So, are vaccinations good? Maybe we should ask the opposite, "Are vaccinations bad?"
You know the standard story they tell you. Injections are only to "help" you. And, in order to help you, they actually give you a "weakened form" of the disease The idea is that your immune system will begin working against that disease and you'll build up an immunity to it when you do ever come in contact with that disease. But is that "weakened strain" all that's really in a vaccine? And, what do they use to "weaken" it?
As you study, you find that there is much more in the "poisoned needle" than just a weakened virus. You also find Formaldehyde (also known as formalin), which is a major ingredient in EMBALMING FLUID (Yep, you read that right!). Used on a live Human Being formaldehyde is known to cause damage to the liver, immune system, nerve and reproductive system, and can become a respiratory poison. Some studies have even linked it to leukemia, brain, colon, and lymphatic cancer. And, it's also known as a carcinogen!
And, that's only one of the ingredients in most vaccines! Let's look at some of the better known ones:
AMMONIUM SULFATE (Salt), which is suspected to cause gastronintestinal, liver, nerve, and respiratory problems.
BETA-PROPIOLACTONE, which is known to cause cancer!
LATEX RUBBER, which can cause life-threating allergic reactions.
MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE, which is being studied for mutagenic, teratogenic, and reproductive effects. It also can cause headaches, and even death in high doses.
ALUMINUM, which is the main cause of Alzheimers. But which also can cause brain damage, dementia, seizures and comas.
POLYSORBATE 80, which is known to cause cancer in animals.
TRI-(N) BUTYLPHOSPHATE, which is a suspected kidney and nerve poison.
GLUTARALDEHYDE, which is poisonous if ingested, and has caused birth defects in experimental animals.
GELATIN, from guess where, CATTLE SKINS, BONES, and even PORK SKINS! What? Why?
GENTAMICIN SULFATE and POLYMYXIN B, which are supposed to be Antibiotics, but which can cause allergic reactions which can be either mild or fatal.
MERCURY, which is one of the most poisonous substances known to man, and which causes massive damage to the body when ingested. It goes right to the brain, gut, liver, bone marrow, and kidneys, and does much damage to the body, causing similar symptoms as those of autism.
NEOMYCIN SULFATE, which interferes with the body's absorption of B6, and can cause epilepsy and mental retardation.
PHENOL/PHENOXYETHANOL, which is used in of all places, ANTIFREEZE! It is very toxic to all cells and is capable of disabling the immune system's primary response mechanism.
HUMAN AND ANIMAL CELLS, many from aborted fetal tissue, as well as substances from pig blood, horse blood, sheep blood, rabbit brain, guinea pig, dog, kidney, cow heart, monkey kidney, chick embryo, and more.
TITANIUM DIOXIDE, which is an ingredient in Sun Tan Lotion and is something many people are allergic to (my daughter by the way is very allergic to this).
This is just some of the many ingredients in vaccines. No wonder most educated mothers today don't want their children to get vaccinations:
Dr. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D. said it best when he said, "A major cause of the Roman Empire's decline, after six centuries of world dominance was its replacement of stone aqueducts by lead pipes for the transport and supply of drinking water. Roman engineers, the best in the world, turned their fellow citizens into neurological cripples. Today our own 'best and brightest' with the best of intentions, achieve the same end through childhood vaccination programs yielding the modern scourges of hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, appetite disorders, and impulsive violence."
But if the actual ingredients in vaccines aren't bad enough, and reason enough not to take them, we now have the government (and the W.H.O.) beggining to say they want you to take forced vaccinations, whether you want them or not! Isn't that an evasion of privacy? Isn't that taking away your right to choose, and abstain if you so desire, especially when many vaccines contain POISON and POISONOUS substances? Isn't this a conspiratorial poisoning of the human race?
I believe it is, and it's a CRIMINAL act, to force people against their will to be vaccinated. So what do we do about? What can we do? Is there really anything we can do at all?
Well, first we can fight the governmental mandates through proper political procedures, but with modern-day governments doing whatever they please, and "we the people" not being listened at all, it seems that way is a losing cause.
We then turn to another means, which is DETOXIFICATION. (A really good book to get about this is: "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry Rodgers.) There are many ways to get those harmful chemicals out of our bodies once we've been forcefully annoculated against our own will. One way is through fasting and eating right. Other ways are through sweating in saunas, and removing mercury based fillings in our teeth (These are those filling that look silver). But probably the easiest way is through using DETOXIFICANTS.
I've found a great one called "Sonne's No. 7 Detoxificant." It comes in a bottle and is available from SONNE'S ORGANIC FOODS, INC, P.O. BOX 34710, N. Kansas City, MO, 64116. This liquid detoxifying agent can absorb up to fifty times it's own weight, and is a great substance to use to try to purify your blood, and get rid of harmful chemical and deadly heavy metals in your system.
As for me. I'm going to continue to detoxify and stay as far away from vaccines as I can. If they force it on me, I guess I'll just fast and pray and do all I can to detoxify right afterwards, in order to get their poison out of my body. (I'll also take a ton of Vitamin C, which is necessary to help the body's immune system against any disease. Get a book entitled, "How to Get Well," by Paavo Airola, which give many natural ways to fight disease).
They are already trying to poison my mind with their anti-biblical propoganda, and now they want to poison my body with their harmful chemicals. I can only hope the Lord returns before they have their way. But the best thing to do is educate yourself and be ready and know what it is they are doing to you!
Your body is important, as it's the only one you've got. You wouldn't sign a piece of paper without reading it, would you? How then, would you allow someone to inject something into your body without first reading the list of ingredients? Think about it!


  1. People are starting to get a clue. I watched a PBS documentary last week that stated that 1/3 of American parents are choosing not to vaccinate. I know that since I had my oldest daughter (10 years ago) that now 5 other people in my family decided not to vaccinate, and are spreading the word. It pays to get the info out

  2. Hi Robert,
    So true what you are saying and you have said far more than I know about. It's so grievous to realize what has been pushed on us in society. The worse part is that most Christians will call the good evil and the evil good. Thanks for the info.
