Wednesday, August 11, 2010


One thing I really hate is when people label others, or when people label themselves. To me, people are like snowflakes, and there aren't two that are exactly alike. They are individuals and they all think, act, and feel differently. That's why we can't just group them all together into a giant lump and then call that lump something (which by the way is what socialism and communism do). We need to look at each person we come in contact with in this life as very different and distinct individuals. And, we need to realize we can learn something from every person we met. (For, even a dummy can teach you something!)
Sadly, in our society (which by the way is nothing more than a "high school mentality" of staying in your "click" or in your own "social station"), people are not often thought of as individuals rather as the great mass of humanity. But what's wrong with just being yourself and not going with the crowd and doing things the same way everyone else does? And what's wrong with not wanting to identify with others, but just enjoy your own unique individual identity? (That is of couse as long as it's not devilish, devious, and disasterous to your health or that of others.)
People have asked me before, "What political party do you belong to?" and "What denomination are you? and "Are you conservative or liberal" and "What memberships do you have?" etc. and etc.
I believe people who ask questions like that are not really interested in knowing the real you. They only want to judge you based on who you identify with, so that if you label yourself with someone they don't like, they can shut you down, and not waste their time with you. But if you do identify with something they like, then they'll try to identify with you. It's like they only care about others who are like themselves.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with trying to make friends, and it's great to find things in common with others. However, it's awful how quickly people will leave you alone when they don't want to try to find common ground. Even worse is when they label you and then run from you because they hate to be connected with someone like you!
Some of the best conversations I've had in this life have been with people that were the complete opposite of me. It gave me insight into their thinking and why they thought that way.
When I speak with someone, I like to try to put myself in their shoes and understand why they think, act, and talk the way they do. I'm interested in what makes them tick. Sometimes this leads me to feeling sorry for the person, and other times it makes me sad that they are so egotiscial and full of themselves. And yet, even other times it makes me admire them because the lessons they've learned in life have helped them to grow and mature.
Some of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life are "unlabelable." They are unique individuals who just can't be labelled. They can only be called, "amazing" or "interesting" or admirable."
When people ask me who I am, I usually just like to say, "I'm just a NOBODY, who's trying to tell EVERYBODY about SOMEBODY who'll save ANYBODY!" (And that Somebody is the Lord Jesus Christ!)
When they ask my denominational affiliation, I'm not interested in labelling myself this or that to brag about a certain group over another. I just say, "I'm only just a born again, blood washed, child of God!"
When they ask me my political beliefs and to which party I lean to, I like to say, "I'm just a citizen who wants the best for his country, and loves freedom and wants to keep it!"
I'm so sick and tired of all the labelling. Why can't we spend time getting to know someone for who they really are?
Labels are so divisive, and even though someone might carry a certain label, doesn't mean they are what they claim to be. "Mis-labeling" is a common misjudgment in our age. I've seen people labelled a certain type, but then not even be close to what their tag implies. Just because you think you are something, doesn't mean you really are! And just because someone says you are something, doesn't mean you are that! That's just simple second grade logic!
Why can't people set aside the labels and just ask you what you believe? For that's the most important thing. It's not what you are that counts, it's only what you believe in that really matters.
Take the term "Christian" for example. There are countless millions of people in this world who would rapidly label themselves as "Christians." Yet, if you were to ask them what they really believed, you'd be flabberghasted how many different answers you'd receive! Many of them would probably tell you they were trusting in some element of works to receive their salvation. This would then make them not Christians at all! For a Christian is one who Believes and Receives salvation by FAITH, and not someone who thinks he can work his way to heaven.
See how easy it is to label yourself something, and yet not be that thing at all? It's not what you say you are that matters. It's what you believe!
Labels can be misleading. Labels can also be wrong!
Don't ask yourself, "Who am I?" But, rather ask yourself, "What do I believe and why?"
That just might lead you to cast off your label, and you just might "break the mold" and come out far better than you were before.

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