Monday, August 30, 2010


I had a great time yesterday afternoon going out and fishing. I have a 10 foot cast-net, and I enjoy throwing it. Well, when I threw it yesterday off the neighbor's pier, I was blessed to pull it back in with about eight mullet in it. That's a personal record so far. Later, I caught a couple more, and I really enjoyed it. I also caught some minnows, which I put on my pole, and cast out.
While fishing for fish, I also thought about the whole spiritual aspect of fishing for men. And you know, I didn't catch anything on my pole, but I got a lot in my net.
As I thought about that, I looked at the pole as "one-on-one" dealing with souls and at the net as "world-wide evangelism." And I equated it with the "Internet," also known as the "world-wide web."
You know it's getting harder and harder nowdays to reach people one on one. Some people just don't want to hear it! At least that is in America. People here just don't seem to care about anything spiritual.
But when you put up a website, it seems like you get a lot more viewers, readers, and people who will read it. Technology is pressing forward and people are rejecting the old time ways in favor of the new. There is very little face-to-face communication nowdays, as people instead text each other, even when they are right next to each other!
I've found that God's used me with my spiritual pole (one on one with people) as well as with my net (my website). All I want is to reach as many people as I can with the truth in any way I can.
In closing, I want to tell you something else I learned yesterday. I had a bucket full of water, and I found as I poured it off the pier into the water, I saw the noise it made made the fish within about an 80 foot radius jump out of the water. I thought to myself, "Hey, maybe I can use this!"
And I did! I got my net ready, and then tipped the bucket over with my foot. When I did, I watched where they jumped and threw my net over on them. It was a great way to know where they were.
As I thought on that, I thought that's a type of preaching. The Bible is like water, and we should preach as hard as we can, for it will not only stir the water, but it'll make people jump out of their skins!

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