Monday, July 26, 2010


It used to be that a person prided themself upon how moral he or she was. But those days are long gone!
People today don't use, much less think about the words "moral" and "morality." They are "outdated" principles, and therefore forgotten. But what are they, and what do they mean?
Webster's 1828 define them thusly,
The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics...The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motivfe of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality.
The practice of the duties of life; as a man of correct morals. Conduct, behavior; course of life, in regard to good and evil.
We see then, morals come from a healthy fear of God, which leads to a person wanting to do right and live right. A moral person looks at good and evil based upon God's divine law (the Bible), and not based upon their own opinion of what they think is right and wrong. And a person who is moral wishes to be free to practice his morality. While an immoral person wishes a more debased system which allows him to prosper by doing WRONG, instead of working hard and doing RIGHT in order to get ahead. This is just a simple basic truth. And if you'll think about it, you'll see immorality not only destroys the soul, but destroys society.
America as a nation was founded on God and the Bible. It therefore for the most part was very moral, and has even been called a "Christian Nation" for centuries because of this.
These Bible-based "morals" also led to the founding of its system of government, or to the belief in the FREEDOM of an individual to live and practice his good morals as he pleases. The founding documents speak of men's GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
But what about today? Are people really as moral as those of days gone by? I think you know the answer to that question. America is no longer a Christian nation, rather it has become a Pagan nation full of rampant IMMORALITY!
People today no longer desire to follow the morals of their parents who followed the morals of their parents who usually tried to live a good, MORAL LIFE, because their parents taught them the Bible.
Just a few examples of modern immorality will do:
My grandmother says that when she was a kid, the word "divorce" was a bad word, and you could get your mouth washed out with soap for saying it! Now, the national average is 8 out of 10 marriages end in divorce in America.
To have a child out of wedlock in America was a shame and a disgrace, and the child was branded a "bastard." Now it is common place, and no one says anything against it.
Fornication was preached against in our land, but now it is common practice and very few cry against it.
In the Bible, and even hundreds of years ago in this continent, adultery was punishable by death. Now it is so common, we hear talk of "key parties" in which men exchange keys to each others home so that each may willingly commit adultery with the others wife.
Why do these anti-biblical, IMMORAL practices flourish so much today with hardly a word spoken against them? The answer is that as a nation, our once great and moral country has departed from the BIBLE.
Thus, we see this pattern: Following the Bible leads to MORAL PRACTICES, departing from the Bible leads to IMMORAL acts.
With this in mind, let's put two and two together and discern why our country is headed the way it is, and so many of our liberties are being assaulted. For when IMMORALITY reigns, people are enslaved to sin and ultimately deceived, but when MORALITY rules people are freed from the chains of darkness to follow the way of truth. Better said, "Live right, expect righteousness and blessings; live wickedly, expect judgment and oppression!"
As I read through the Declaration of Independence again, I saw this principle in motion. The founding fathers, who strained to live a truly upright life, were the ones who gave us FREEDOM, and they did so because they honored GOD.
They even told us GOD himself is who gave them our freedom:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights..."
What I'm trying to say is: "Their morality dictated their policy!" Or as one old preacher put it, "A man's lifestyle affects his doctrine."
The Declaration of Indepence continues by denouncing the King of England as a TYRANT for his corruption and abuse of power (i.e. his immoral political practices).
This is why the first paragraph of the document says, "When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's GOD entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinon of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation."
The founding fathers were so moral, they wanted to SEPARATE THEMSELVES from IMMORAL MEN who practiced IMMORALITY! They were so adamant in their hatred towards evil trespasses and injustice, that they were willing to die if need be, and even go to war, by stating in the very same document: "We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War..."
They close the Declaration by appealing to God, whom they call, "The Supreme Judge of the World," and sware "their Lives...Fortunes...and Sacred Honor," to Him with, "a firm Reliance on the Protection of [his] divine Providence."
They not only believed in God, but they wanted to live for him, and live a good moral life. And if they couldn't, they'd rather die!
They did not want to be brought under the power of a tyrannical system that was immoral and would seek to make them immoral as well. So they fought the immoral "despot" and won their freedom to serve God as they pleased. And, what an awesome story it is. They gave us a system of government of "We the people." And it was a great government and it lasted a while, because the majority of the people were good, upstanding, moral citizens.
Now back to our day, over 200 years later. What we find now are very little MORALS left in society. Individuals are not only IMMORAL, but so are most politicians. Because of this, public schools and universities no longer teach the constitutution, and many times attack it. Why? Because they have become so immoral they no longer want to retain God in their memories. They no longer want to be in a system that was founded by good moral men who wanted to route out immorality. They earnestly want immorality, and injustice. They want to get something for nothing. They want to live wickedly. They want to do whatever they want without any biblical restraints! And their immorality has destroyed our once free society and system of a government.
Very plainly and simply stated, "Immorality destroys a free society."
The founding fathers have been branded "rebels" by modernistics re-writers of history. In a sense they were. They rebeled against immorality. But modern revolutionaries are rebelling against God and Bible-based morals. Their revolution is not against evil but is against good.
And their immorality has led them to hate the very God and the very principles that founded our once great nation.
Some Christians believe America will have revival and be great again. But this will never happen until people turn from their wicked ways. For how can a government "Of the people and by the people" be any good if all the people are bad?
All we can do is say, "Even so come, Lord Jesus!"

1 comment:

  1. "...We all agree on the obligation of the moral precepts of Jesus Christ". Thomas Jefferson to James Fishback. The Monument to the Pilgrims/Founding Fathers
