Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Four Main Regimes of the United States

I've never seen anyone write a book about or even touch on what I'm about to write here now. But it is a very important subject, and worthy of further study.

The idea for this subject just came to me a few years ago after I read a book entitled, "The Republic" by Plato. In his book, he describes four different distinct types of governments:

1. Timocracy

2. Oligarcy

3. Democracy

4. Tyranny

Plato states that each of these types of government supercedes the other in order and when Tyranny is complete it gives birth to Timocracy, which eventually turns into Oligarcy again, and then to Democracy, which will always fail and turn into Tyranny, and the circle eventually begins anew.

This was quite interesting, and as I thought about my country, the United States of America, I wondered to myself if we could see this cycle happening, as it did in ancient Greece, and in the Roman Empire.

What I found was four very different and distinct type of governments govering the United States of America, each of about 70 years length. And I'm afraid that Tyranny is not far away. (In fact, I often wonder if it's not already here!) Let's look at the four main regimes of the United States of America, and as we study them, we'll find each only lasted about 70 years each.

1. TIMOCRACY (definded by Plato as a government ruled by the PEOPLE who love honor and are selected according to the degree of honor they hold in society. Honor is often equated with wealth and possession so this kind of gilded government leads to the people valuing materialism above all things.)

When did America as a nation begin? If you said 1776, you are DEAD WRONG!!! 1776 was the declaration of Independence. We fought a long, hard war after that document was written, and there were quite a few years of unrest after the war was won, as the founding fathers tried to unite the colonies and set up a founding, governing document known as the Constitution. Many of the people refused it without a definition of man's rights. And this gave rise to the most beautiful of documents, the Bill of Rights! Eventually a new government was founded, a government of "We the people."

This American government as a republic actually started in the early 1790's, (George Washington began as president in 1789), as a unified governing body of INDEPENDENT STATES governing themselves with a representative body in Washington. But that form of government only lasted about 70 seventy years. For in 1861, the War Between the States broke out. When it did, the South tried to separate from what they saw as despotism, and the trampling of their "States rights." The War lasted four long years, and when it was over, a new form of government was born--a centralized governing body in Washington D.C. that called all the shots. As the old saying goes, "Before the war it was "The United States ARE, and after the war, it was the United States IS."
2. OLIGARCY (A system in which Plato says wealth is the criterion of merit and the wealthy are in control. This injustice usually divides the rich and the poor, thus creating an environment for criminals and beggars to emerge.)
After the Civil War, the United States entered a period called "Reconstruction" in which much injustice insued. "Carpet Baggers" were found far and wide using governmental policies for their own private and political gain. But the country united, as a whole, prospered in spite of the rampant corruption. That is for only about 70 years.
3. DEMOCRACY (Plato suggests under this rule, tensions between social classes arise, and from the conflicts democracy replaces the oligarchy preceding it. The poor overthrow the inexperienced oligarchs and soon grant liberties and freedoms to citizens. A visually appealing demagogue is soon lifted up to protect the interests of the lower class.)
In the 1930's president Roosevelt came on the scene and introduced many "Socialist" policies in America. (This is where we got the Social Security card from). Under the guise of the "New Deal," Roosevelt changed the face of the land and put people to work. He also took away their gold!
But during this time of "democratic rule" we see the increase of Civil Riots, er, I mean the Civil Rights movement, and the greatest increase of more wars than any other time period in our history!
4. TYRRANY (Plato spoke of this governmental system as a conflict between rich and poor in democracy, and the tyrant's rise as a popular champion, and his PRIVATE ARMY and the growth of oppression).
Seventy years or so after the "New Deal" we come to 2001, and the horrible disaster of 9-11. It was after this tragedy that we saw the introduction of the "Patriot Act," which is still in affect today. It gives almost dictatorial powers to the President of the United States.
So there you have it. America was founded a Republic, but only "if you can keep it," as Benjamin Franklin said. They could not keep it, so it fell into despotism, and a war took away much of the state's rights. As a centralized government, it eventually formed itself into Socialism, and now is close to becoming a tyranical, communistic system, to do away with rich and poor. All that's lacking is the right man to come and take it over.
So that's my outline. I hope to write a book about it some day, but if I don't, that's fine. I do think we should talk about these things though, and realize why America is in the shape she's in. It's because she is not the America that the founding fathers gave birth to. She's had four very distinct makeovers and is still changing. She might even be destroyed completely in the near future. God, I hope not! But I do see Plato's political system at work. It's almost as if those in charge read his work and are following his book play by play! No, that couldn't be, could it? That's CONSPIRACY, isn't it?
I often wonder if the Devil didn't use Plato and if his book wasn't to be the guide in which dictators were to use in order to come to power, for all throughout History, time and again, governments have followed Plato's order of governmental downfall play by play.
If only people would learn from history. But, as the saying goes, "The only thing men never learn from history, is that men never learn from history!"

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Liked how you broke it down. Sad to say, most people don't know even basic true history.
