Friday, July 30, 2010


I recently read a small treatise by King James the I of England (yes, that King James, who gave us our King James Bible), written in 1597 on the subject of "Demonology." Or to be fair, the title as written in Old English is: "Daemonologie, in form of a Dialogue, Diuided into three Bookes."
It was a very interesting booklet with very interesting subject matter, of which I will attempt to comment upon shortly. However, I most declare that those who reprinted the orignial booklet (The Book Tree in San Diego, California) did not seem to be very much into God, the Bible, or truth. In fact, I think they might even be a New Age book publishing company. Their summary of the book on the back page shows their bias to the fact that biblically demons do exist, and that witchraft is a very real system:
Although he did not know it at the time, the author of this book, King James, was to become one of the most influential people in mankind's religious history. King James the I of England was responsible for the widely accepted King James Bible, based in part on the beliefs he puts forth in this book...It seems that the beliefs of King James had a profound effect on the translation used for the King James Bible. This book is an important historical and religious study, written by King James' own hand. It allows one to study King James and his concerns at the time this book was written. He hated "witches" and believed that they had tried to kill him on at least three occasions. We know today that the witchcraft craze was nothing more than a delusion--in fact, historians refer to it as "the witchraft delusion." This book is important because it shows how the superstitions of leaders can translated into mass hysteria like the Inquisition's witch hunts and the reign of Bloody Mary. It also shows how new religious creations like the King James Bible can come about."
The book's Foreword, written by a Mr. Paul Tice, further slanders King James, and King James Bible readers, when he states, "This belief was only the beginning of Jame's dysfunctional weirdness. He preferred the company of young boys as opposed to mature woman. In fact, his homosexuality has been documented in numerous books and public records--to such a degree that there can be no argument on the subject. This is something to consider for those devot and pious Christians who oppose this type of activity yet swear by this man's bible.
From just this paragraph alone, one can see Mr. Tice's hatred towards King James and those who believe in and read the King James Bible. As the preface contiunues, it's hard to understand why they would even reprint King James' treatise on Demonology, as the writer of the Foreword does all he can to paint King James as superstitious, wicked, dysfunctional and ignorant.
Further, his stating "there can be no ARGUMENT," on the subject of King James being a Homosexual, shows his liberal bias. The truth is King James' critics and enemies wrote that he was homosexual, but history and public writings prove most certainly that he was not! (Get a book entitled, "King James: Unjustly Accused" for PROOF that King James was not a sodomite!)
So as I read the treatise, I did not allow the Foreword to sway my reading. Rather, I listened to what James had to say and compared it to scripture, and what I found was very enlightening.
The entire text is a narration between two men--Philomathes and Epistemon--who discuss demonology in a question and answer setting. As I read the dialogue between the two talking about what devils are, and how they are active in witchcraft, I learned a lot.
From studying the Bible, I already knew that demons (which the King James Bible calls devils) were real. And I knew from my reading my bible, that somehow they are connected with idols and idol worship, while being intertwined with pagan blood sacrifices. (The subject of Where Demons come from and what they are, I hope to write soon in another blog.) I futher knew that the Bible speaks of those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, but I never really seemed to put it all together until I read the book, as it really tied everything together for me.
Blatantly put, Witchcraft is the art of summoning devils to do one's bidding! And this book gave detailed examples of witches and warlocks practicing this evil art for gain, pain, and pleasure.
It still made me wonder. Why would demons want to work for human beings and do their bidding? I guess they just have nothing better to do. Or, I guess, since they are pure evil, they enjoy letting humans give them evil ideas to put into practice.
At any rate, King James talks about how three times evil men used witchcraft and devils to try to assassinate him. Is there a reason for this?
Interestingly enough, as I read the book, a friend of my called, and we talked about his time before he was saved. He told me he used to talk to demons, and he said from his understanding, there are two things that all devils hate:
1. The Blood of Jesus Christ!
2. The King James Bible!
No wonder in the preface of this book, they attacked the KJV! And no wonder it tried to make King James look supersticious!
As I read through the booklet, I noticed a ton of scripture and quite a few biblical illustrations. King James was not superstitious. He was a Bible Believer, and he used scripture to back up his treatise!
As I read certain passages of actual examples of things King James himself witnessed, I couldn't help but think of the demon-possed maniac of Gadera in Mark chapter five. Below are the words of King James himself discribing a story of a witch who bewitched a man (conjured up demons to afflict the man). The story is in old english, written the exact way King James wrote it, but I believe you'll be able to understand it:
"...He [one Dr. Fian, alias John Cunningham] confessed that by his witchcrafte he did bewitch a Gentleman dwelling neere to the Saltpans, where the said Doctor kept Schoole, onely for being enamoured of a Gentlewoman whome he loued himselfe: by meanes of which his Sorcerye, witchcraft and deuilish practises, he caused the said Gentleman that once in xxiiij. howres he fell into a lunacie and madnes, and so contiued one whole hower together, and for the veritie of the same, he caused the Gentleman to be brought before the Kinges Maiestie, which was upon the xxiiij. day of December last, and being in his Maiesties Chamber, suddenly he gaue a great scritch and fell into a madnes, sometime bending himselfe, and sometime capring so directly vp, that his head did touch the seeling of the Chamber, to the great admiration of his Maiestie and others then present: so that all the Gentlemen in the Chamber were not able to holde him, vntill they called in more helpe, who together bound him hand and foot: and suffering the said gentlemen to lye still vntill his furye were past, he within an hower came againe to himself, when being demaunded of the Kings Maiestie what he saw or did all that while, answered that he had been in a sound sleepe..."
Scary, huh? Oh, but wait! You are just supposed to believe that none of that really happened. According to the Foreword, King James is just "superstitious," as he lived in a time of..., oh, what was that called again by historians, oh yeah... "the witchcraft delusion." So, I guess King James just made all of this up!
If that be the case, then Mark chapter five must be superstition as well, and completely made up. How interesting that two examples of the same thing that historians can say are "not real" can sound so close!
Nope, that won't work. I believe it really did happen. I believe the King James Bible is the word of God, and I believe old King James himself was a very smart man, who wrote an interesting book about real witchcraft and real demons which he witnessed in his time. I further believe throughout history there have existed people who have the power to conjur up spirits, and that these people are still around today.
Thankfully, the blood of Jesus Christ is more powerful than they are!


  1. Interesting, I will be purchasing a copy of the book myself.

  2. You are really biased yourself. You cannot criticize one source for writing a biased preface then write a biased blog about it. Now which am i supposed to believe?

    1. Exactly.

      King James I....under research and unbiased not the man the "church" believes he was.

      I have no "opinion" of him excepts what has been found dead thru study.

      He was a paranoid

      And anyone that knows anything about English History and how they used Religion to further their "agenda" would not be as prone to use the "King James" anything. Whether that be his Bible or his book on Demonology that was used to kill thousands of innocent people for no other reason than paranoia.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Exactly.

      King James I....under research and unbiased not the man the "church" believes he was.

      I have no "opinion" of him excepts what has been found dead thru study.

      He was a paranoid

      And anyone that knows anything about English History and how they used Religion to further their "agenda" would not be as prone to use the "King James" anything. Whether that be his Bible or his book on Demonology that was used to kill thousands of innocent people for no other reason than paranoia.

    4. YOU ARE RIGHT! people are blind!

  3. You are really biased yourself. You cannot criticize one source for writing a biased preface then write a biased blog about it. Now which am i supposed to believe?

    1. How about you get the book, read it and come up with your own opinion.

    2. Good answer@ Mary O'Neill-Watson.

    3. Good answer@ Mary O'Neill-Watson.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Um king james had nothing to do with the creation of the king james bible

  6. Both books are complete and utter garbage. Save your money and time, buy a comic book instead. Your money will have been better spent.

    1. True true at least you will be entertained and see great artwork 🤣🤣

  7. The problem is people don't want truth only the lie because they feel like a fool but only if they knew, we who knows now once was fools too,the difference is we choose not to continue to be the fool because we want Truth and put down the pride THIS IS HARD FOR MOST PEOPLE TO DO,because they feel SHAME, look at it this way when you become a CHRISTIAN don't you have to go threw the SHAME walking to the front in front of all those people to accept him as lord and savior, the reason why is to break all PRIDE to RECEIVE ALL. No one seen the God of your bible and Jesus, no one came back from Hell and heaven, no one seen Moses on the sea, we're is the bodies at all this time, for any of those characters, we're the ORIGINAL TEXT there's is none but KEMET HAS ORIGINAL TEXT AND BODIES till this day you can see the BONES, but there isn't 1 bone from the Christian not 1 but there are many bones from KEMET, FACTS AND PROOF! Not Maybe attrural PROOF! Eye WITNESS PROOF!!

  8. The problem is people don't want truth only the lie because they feel like a fool but only if they knew, we who knows now once was fools too,the difference is we choose not to continue to be the fool because we want Truth and put down the pride THIS IS HARD FOR MOST PEOPLE TO DO,because they feel SHAME, look at it this way when you become a CHRISTIAN don't you have to go threw the SHAME walking to the front in front of all those people to accept him as lord and savior, the reason why is to break all PRIDE to RECEIVE ALL. No one seen the God of your bible and Jesus, no one came back from Hell and heaven, no one seen Moses on the sea, we're is the bodies at all this time, for any of those characters, we're the ORIGINAL TEXT there's is none but KEMET HAS ORIGINAL TEXT AND BODIES till this day you can see the BONES, but there isn't 1 bone from the Christian not 1 but there are many bones from KEMET, FACTS AND PROOF! Not Maybe attrural PROOF! Eye WITNESS PROOF!!

    1. When I said to receive all, meaning when you walk to front and go threw the embarrassment you then are BROKEN DOWN, Meaning your defense is down and now you are PREY ready to believe what is said to you, that why they say you are a born again child, basically it saying you are a baby all over again. EASY TARGET!!

    2. Why do pastors have to go to school to become a pastor hummmm🤔🤔🤔🤔 they also must go threw a system too just like us 12 grade class sessions a system for money, why you must suffer now then the after life you live happy 🤔🤔🤔🤔 basically long story short you a slave or employee the church is the employer not just the churches this method applies to business as well, friends and family too..

    3. Pastors need a license why🤔🤔🤔 if they so called chosen by God they don't need a license from the gov🤔🤔🤔

    4. Pastors need a license why🤔🤔🤔 if they so called chosen by God they don't need a license from the gov🤔🤔🤔

    5. Why do pastors have to go to school to become a pastor hummmm🤔🤔🤔🤔 they also must go threw a system too just like us 12 grade class sessions a system for money, why you must suffer now then the after life you live happy 🤔🤔🤔🤔 basically long story short you a slave or employee the church is the employer not just the churches this method applies to business as well, friends and family too..

    6. So if they are not chosen then it's a business. It's a job no different don't so many people take they work home with them, NO DIFFERENTS!! Wake up!!

    7. religion is a system! the bible say , don't let nobody teach you read for your self the bible!,, if the pastor don't understand you fell with him!

  9. The problem is people don't want truth only the lie because they feel like a fool but only if they knew, we who knows now once was fools too,the difference is we choose not to continue to be the fool because we want Truth and put down the pride THIS IS HARD FOR MOST PEOPLE TO DO,because they feel SHAME, look at it this way when you become a CHRISTIAN don't you have to go threw the SHAME walking to the front in front of all those people to accept him as lord and savior, the reason why is to break all PRIDE to RECEIVE ALL. No one seen the God of your bible and Jesus, no one came back from Hell and heaven, no one seen Moses on the sea, we're is the bodies at all this time, for any of those characters, we're the ORIGINAL TEXT there's is none but KEMET HAS ORIGINAL TEXT AND BODIES till this day you can see the BONES, but there isn't 1 bone from the Christian not 1 but there are many bones from KEMET, FACTS AND PROOF! Not Maybe attrural PROOF! Eye WITNESS PROOF!!

  10. You have the same mentality as those who tortured and killed innocent people. Ignorance is alive and well, and your spelling and grammar prove it.

  11. You have the same mentality as those who tortured and killed innocent people. Ignorance is alive and well, and your spelling and grammar prove it.

  12. King James did not author the kjv Bible. It is a TRANSLATION of the original text since English was not a language when it written. Comparison shows 98 percent accuracy to original text found. I do not have a kjv only mentally though and I prefer the NLT because I don't speak Old English and that TRANSLATION makes more since to me. Lastly idc what king James did in his life. It's irr

  13. Irrelevant and God has usedess than stellar people before! Paul murdered Christians, the disciples were crude fishermen, ect.

  14. Oh yeah and archaeology has uncovered many remains and artifacts from biblical figures lol. That guy is missing informed.

  15. People do good and evil things. Forgiveness is at the center of Jesus teachings but he also spoke of hating things himself and knowing of people "by the fryuit they bear". If you believe he was made up or it's just factual to you that's everyone' right and free will to choose. You have to admit there is social genius in the ideas and beliefs of Jesus Christ. Look where we are from wherr we have come in western civilization, we don't have to rationalize anything just be good to others and put in your fair share. Maybe commen sense tells you that, great so much easier to find out about Jesus without any hang ups. You don't need to believe an after life either to see that Jesus brought people together. If organized religion uses his name for foul purposes then shame on them. I don't have to like my govt for using my country they way they do some times for me to be a good American and its the same with Jesus. I've sen way too much personally to not believe and I have a higher education, in fact at this point the older I get the less I know but its now impossible for me to NOT to believe in God. My two cents anyway. I swear I have some sort of protection and there are many others like me. No God? Then no one ever forgives anything and the world is a much darker place. If your atheist and forgiveness comes to you naturally then forgive us for believing in a higher power. There is spirit in everything according to Krishna. If I have no higher authority then I'm just going to say I'm better and more deserving than anyone (kind of like some teenagers) because only another human can try to answer me and I can put a block on all that. That is what atherists do because they have no proof which is fine I get it I've been there. There is something deep in our survival genes that makes us need to help each other. That's what God is and I used to not be greatful for it but now I am and my life is always better with gratitude and forgiveness.

  16. Witches were not really witches as Hollywood has portrayed them. Witches were educated women that used their sex, their potions - usually consisting of hallucinogenic compounds to drug unsuspecting victims. These "witches" have even been reported to have used a wooden stick to insert the hallucinogenic potion inside of their vagina right before seducing someone (which is probably where the witch riding a broomstick originated. When they would then have sex, their target would then start tripping and your imagination can take it from there. These men were being drugged and then hallucinating thus believing they had been a victim of witchcraft, when in reality it was nothing more than an ancient Cosbypolitan.

  17. it was clear in the history that King James I's part in the translation of the bible was commissioning people to do so, he was not in any part a translator. Read King James Bible Online here, you might find something helpful. thanks

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Also, it is possible that mental illness or physical affliction can cause a seizure like the one described in the Daemonologie. Ask anyone who has ever experienced either a severe anxiety attack or an Epilepsy attack. In ye olde days people did not knoweth the physiological and mental aspects of humankind as we do todayeth. Oh and the word sodomite is so old fashioned, you might as well just use the term "People I have a deep hatred towards , in part because of my religion and in part because of my own refusal to see them as human beings with the same emotions and human rights that I have so I will just call them sodomites so that I can make my God seem like a douchebag instead of blatantly expressing my own hatred and homophobia as an individual" it just filters out a lot of confusion and latent ideologies that the world can really do without.
