Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Two Main Contrasting Teachings in the World Today

We live in a day and age of two very distinct and opposite religious teachings. One is the teaching that there is a Deity who is the Creator of all things, and he set up the entire universe His way. The other propagates the idea that all things came from nothing in a huge explosion (what some call "the big bang") and everything "evolved" its own way. These two theories are called Creationism and the Evolution Theory. One of these teaches that things were made in an orderly fashion, while the other seeks to demonstrate that all things came from complete disorder. That is, one belief teaches things were made right from the very beginning, but because of sin, they now deteriorate; while the other belief teaches that things began wrong, and therefore they must evolve into a new order. (The theory of Evolution is therefore the teaching that order comes from chaos). These two theories have absolutely nothing in common. And they both lead their followers to very different outcomes, for one is a doctrine of love, while the other is a dogma of hate. The main difference between the two is that Creationism teaches that GOD made all things for a specific purpose, (and the Bible teaches that purpose was to please Him), while Evolution teaches that man came from NOTHING, and therefore means very little, so he should strive only to please himself, for nothing really matters in the long run. (Which by the way is the teaching of the Church of SATAN. Thus, one of these is a teaching from God, while the other is a teaching of the Devil!) Creationism is the basis for Christianity, while Evolution is the perfect complement to Satanism, or Luciferianism. Christianity teaches sacrifice for others. That is its most basic theme. One cares for others because of love. Because God loved us, we should love others. Yet, Satanism teaches self-gratification and personal enjoyment. It does not stress serving others, rather devouring them, like the Evolution teaching of “survival of the fittest.” The easiest way to explain the difference between these two teachings is in the following terms: In Christianity man needs God, while in Satanism and Evolution, man is his own god (note the little “g.”) As we look at both of these teachings, one of which is God's and the other the Devil's, we find that both lead to very different societies, especially when it comes to the rule of law. For one is respectful of law, while the other is rebellious towards it. In Christianity, God is the Creator. That is, he made the entire universe. And, he set up certain laws in that universe that cannot be broken. For example, we have what the scientific community call the 1st and 2nd laws of Thermodynamics. We also have the law of gravity. Who created these laws? Someone must have, for they could not have come from nothing. These laws did not evolve over time. They must have been given by a law-giver. This Creator, who made things according to certain laws, also gave man some laws to follow in the Bible. It was not to be changed. It was to be followed to the letter. It was what God said, with many “Thou shalt nots…” scattered throughout. God then called Himself out a people to follow His law, and when they did, they were great. But when they disobeyed, they were punished. Punishment, therefore, is part of law. Law dictates what man must do, and when he doesn’t, the law dictates what chastisement a man should receive. When a society is lawful, it is good. When it deviates from following law, it is bad. Now let’s look at this from the eyes of the Evolutionist/Luciferian. They already hate God (even though some don’t believe in Him), therefore they already have a personal bias against Him and His law. They are rebellious from the start, rebelling against the Law-Giver, and desiring to usurp His authority. This is why most who adhere to the teachings of Luciferianism and Evolution don’t believe in following God’s law. They are not altogether lawless, however. They are happy to set up their own laws for themselves, and often do. But their law is not the same as God’s law. And because they believe in “evolving” they believe that laws should evolve as well as times change. Therefore, something that once was “wrong” (according to God and the Bible) they think should now be right, and vice versa. So they change laws as their morals change. Fornication used to be unlawful. (In fact, that’s where the word F-U-C-K comes from. It stands for “Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge, and in the middle ages it was unlawful to engage in such practice.) But now, fornication it is accepted as natural “promiscuous sex” that young people engage in as they “experiment” with each other. Adultery used to be wrong and unlawful, now it’s just a “mischievous behavior.” Homosexuality under God’s law is a sin, but under man’s law is now acceptable, and Evolutionists/Luciferians believe that laws should be passed to grant them rights to marry. Abortion under God’s law is murder, but under man’s law it is protected for the mother to carry out at her choosing. On and on the list goes. And it is interesting as one studies it to see just how often the laws passed by the Evolutionists and Luciferians go directly against the laws of God. Could there be a conspiracy? Could it be there’s something “spiritual” to all this? Could it be that in fact, Creationism is the teaching of GOD while Evolution is the dogma of the DEVIL? In a society lead by God’s laws verses a society led by man’s own “evolutionary laws” we see enormous contrast. Those who follow God’s laws have a peaceful society with good moral values and upstanding citizens. People help one another, and individuals desire to live a pure holy life. But in contrast, those who set up their own evolutionary laws in direct contrast to God’s law have a society full of immorality, crime, corruption, sexual perversion and diseases, and much instability within the minds of people themselves. Evolutionary theory produces a society full of rebels who do as they please with little regard to authority, and who often harm themselves and others. Under which of these two systems would you like to live? Well, history tells us that the United States of America was founded in a period of time in which most people were Bible readers, and thus God’s law permeated the land, and yea, even the entire world! Probably the most moral the world has ever been was during the Victorian period in which people prided themselves upon how moral they were and how strictly they adhered to moral values. What a great time in which to live, and what a peaceful and safe environment. But my how times have changed! We now live in what the Bible calls the “last days” in which it is a “perilous” time to live. And all around us we see much open rebellion, and people who pride themselves not upon their morality, but upon their immorality. Today, it’s common to hear men and women alike brag upon how many others they have fornicated and/or adulterated with. Many women proudly boast of their right to abort their babies, and encourage others to partake in that vile murderous practice. Homosexuals march in the streets in their “Gay Pride” parades. And on and on. But society is not safe. We read on a daily basis of things happening world-wide like: mass shootings, gang murders, genocides, political upheavals, rapes, muggings, kidnappings, wars and more. Society is full of violence and anger. Where does this come from? From the Evolution theory that teaches we are all just animals. And, if someone truly believes that, then it makes sense that they would live like an animal themselves. Clearly there are two teachings about where man comes from: Creation and Evolution. One desires to help man by encouraging him to live a clean life and to help his fellow man. The other persuades people to throw caution to the wind and give in to their most weak and basest desires with no restrains. But which is right? One rewards good behavior while the other rewards vile behavior. Does that sound right to you? The question then for all men is which teaching do you desire to follow? Do you want to follow God and be a decent, upstanding person and contribute to a peaceful, moral society? Or do you desire to follow Satan’s Evil-ution Theory and contribute to the delinquency of the world today. The choice is yours!