Saturday, December 22, 2012

Why Society is Falling Apart

A moral government breeds moral citizens, while an imoral government births corruption and immorality among its populace.  This is the problem with the United States of America.  As a whole it has become an immoral country.  Why?  Because it's immoral leaders have condoned much immorality.   
But this wasn't always the case.  In fact, America used to be known as a "Christian" nation.  That is, it was founded on the principles of the Bible by moral men who chose to live righteous and holy, not because they were forced to, but because they wanted to.  They wanted to follow the principles set forth in the Bible, as it was to them the key to a moral society.  Even George Washington, the first president of the United States said, "It's impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible."
To have a moral society is to have a safe and peaceful society.  For moral people seek to do good and not harm to others.  
Compare this to our world today, which is full of violence.  The recent shooting in Newtown, Connecticut hovers in the minds of the nation, a reminder that our society is so far gone, that at any time, any moment, any place, an armed gunman can come in and slaughter innocent people for no reason what so ever.
But it wasn't like this in the early America, at the founding of the nation.  Sure, the founding fathers used violence in propogating a Revolution and founding this nation.  However, they viewed their actions as SELF DEFENSE rather than as an act of agression, as the British crown was engaged in plundering its citizens and stealing their wealth while trying to enslave the populace.  The monarchy of Britain was immoral and it sought to abuse the American people.  For this, the founding fathers excercised their faith, picked up their arms and fought in the Revolution, and rightly so.  It was to be FREE!  But that freedom wasn't so they could set up a system of government in which the citizens were free to do evil, rather free to do good.
Freedom from tyranny, corruption, and enslavement was their goal.  But that freedom was based upon God and the Bible.  They looked at a free society as a moral society, and they knew that morals came from the word of God.  They followed God's laws, and desired others to do the same, for doing so harms no one.  While disregarding the word of God and engaging in immoral practices destroys the lives of others. 
This is why immediately after creating the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress of America voted to purchase and import 20,000 copies of the Bible for the people of this nation.  They wanted people to know God, for knowing God is knowing peace.  (I'm sure you've seen the church signs along the Highway with the catchy phrase: "Know God, Know Peace. No God, no peace!"  This is very true!)
The famous statesman Patrick Henry, (who is remembered for saying: "Give me liberty or give me death!"), said: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often, that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by CHRISTIANS; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded FREEDOM of worship here."
Freedom, therefore, according to the founding fathers and the history of our nation, comes from two things: Ownership of Guns and a strong belief in God.
Perhaps this is why Patric Henry also stated, "An appeal to ARMS and the GOD OF HOSTS is all that is left us.  Be we shall not fight our battle alone.  There is a just God that presides over the destines of nations.  The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone.  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY, or GIVE ME DEATH!"
He, like the founding fathers would rather DIE than LIVE a life enslaved to immoral men who force others to sin against God and their own conscience.  They wanted freedom, but they wanted that freedom to be freedom in Jesus Christ.  Thus, President Adams said on July 4, 1821, "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected in one the indissoluble bond the PRINCIPLES OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT with the PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIANITY."
James Madison, one of the primary authors of the Constitution said, "We have staked the whole future of all our politial constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the MORAL PRINCIPLES of the TEN COMMANDMENTS."
Even Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States affirmed that God and the Bible are a must for a moral society, when he stated, "The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on THE TEACHING OF THE BIBLE, that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings should cease to be practically universal in our country."
Notice, however, how different our current society is.  It's no longer based upon the Bible.  It is a society which is very much against God and his laws.  In Universities across our land, God and the Bible are ridiculed by college professors and mocked.  Many organizations exist today whose main thrust is attacking God and the Bible.  They despise Christmas and Easter and seek diligently to abolish them.  Through their constant bickering and fighting, the Ten Commandments have already been taken out of the Schools, courts, and governmental institutions.   And today, many people not only hate God, but are actively hostile towards any mention of Him and His holy word.  No wonder wicked and vile people are shooting our children in our schools!  Society has become blatantly immoral.  And it's all because they willfully ignore God and the Bible.  They, therefore, condone immorality, rather than endorse a moral lifestyle.
Now, the big push in America is against guns, as though they were the problem.  But guns don't kill people.  People kill people. Immoral people attack and slaughter the innocent. 
No, the problem isn't guns, the problem is a lack of moral fiber, and a lack of people trusting in God.  The problem is a godless society where everyone cares very little for others, and only care about themselves. 
The problem isn't God or Guns, the problem is not teaching morality to others.  God and the Bible have been cast aside, and because of this, immorality fills the vacuum. 
Benjamin Franklin gave us the answer, when he said, "I think...that nothing is of more importance for the public welfare, than to form and train youth in wisdom and virtue.  Wise and good men are the strength of a state far more than riches or arms."
A truer statement quite possibly has never been penned by human hand.  Children should be nurtured in the word of God, taught basic ethics and moral principles.  They should be full of virture and be wise.  For if they are, then they wouldn't go out and shoot the innocent. 
But our children are not taught the basic principles of morality.  Rather they are taught that even though there are some rules, that a child can decide for himself what's right and wrong, and as long as he doesn't get caught, then it's alright.  This is the modern teaching in our land.  It's: "Don't do what you know you should.  Do what you can get away with!"
Our children should not be taught by a godless society which offers them nothing but "self-esteem" and "self-gratification."  (The modern secular Gospel is not "self-sacrifice" and "do good to others," rather it's: "If it feels good do it, and don't worry about the consequences!"  Such an immoral teaching will only lead to a baser, more wicked, more violent, more perilous, and more harmful society.)
Our children should be taught like our fore-fathers were, that more moral you are, the better you are, and the more you are to be trusted. 
So we've established that there is a problem.  The problem is immorality which stems from the demonization of Christianity and expelling it from politics, higher education, and american culture.  Because of this, society as a whole is ungodly, hateful, and hurtful.  (Not only harmful to themselves, but also to others.) 
Yet, what is modern society's answer to the problem?  Do they desire to return to God and Bible?  Most certianly not!  Rather, they want to fix their problem their own way.  They want to run to those who caused the problem and beg them to fix it. 
Society today sees it is without hope so it wants to change the very government itself, which once was founded on guns, God, and religion. 
Many wish to move towards socialism and they want this new government to take away people's guns, thinking such a move would make them safer.  (Even Benjamin Franklin knew this wouldn't work, and that's why he said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.")  This is why our current president has been heard to speak so harsly against those in our country who desire to follow the constitution, and ridiculed them by saying they are "clinging onto their guns and their religion."  They, the moral ones, are viewed by society as the problem, when the real problem are those immoral ones who have kicked God out!
Socialism always leads to a Communistic form of Government.  And Communism always does two main things to enslave its populace.  One, it kicks out God and substitutes government in His place, and two, it takes away arms from its citizens so they can't defend themselves against an immoral government.  Thus, a Communistic/Socialistic form of government is of itself immoral!  It takes away God and the Bible and also takes away a person's basic right to defend himself.  
The problem then is never given a solution.  Rather, it only becomes worse, and a vicious cycle of immorality perpetuates itself.  
Communistic governments are known world-wide as the most immoral forms of governments, often times slaughtering its own citizenry by the millions, and empoverishing its own people.  It also encourages fornication, drinking liquor, adultery, and many other immoral practices.  Socialism, Communism, Facism, etc, are not the answer to the problem. 
Substituting Government for God will only make things worse.  For God is moral, while government is run by men who aren't.  
God is not the problem, nor is the Bible.  They are the solution.  They teach morality.  And, as we've already seen, a moral society is a free society.  
Thus, it stands to reason that an immoral society will always lead to the enslaving of its populace under an immoral government, a government which wants to play God and take away the citizens right to bear arms in order to keep them from defending themselves from its immoral practices.
Our modern day society is no longer moral.  Because of this, danger lurks at every corner.  Danger from our governing body, danger from our fellow citizens, danger from lunatics who shoot innocent children for no apparent reason.  In an immoral society, danger is everywhere!  And in our world today, we see immorality rampant the whole world over.  It's not jut in the ole U.S. of A.  It's everywhere over the entire planet.  2 Timothy 3:1-4 was correct when it prophecied of these last days:
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despirse of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

We live in a godless society today.  And the only answer is Jesus Christ.  God and the Bible made America great and kept it safe for many years.  And, they can do it again, if only people will repent and come back to God and the Bible.
Guns are not the problem.  Guns do not kill people.  (Even Seneca the Younger around the time of Christ said, "A sword never kills anybody, it's a tool in the killer's hand.")  The problem is immoral men who use guns to slaugher unarmed and defenseless individuals. Right now these are individuals, but if you study history, you find that even immoral governments do the same.  So the more immoral the populace, the more immoral the government, which inevitably leads to mass slaughter of disarmed citizens.   
Guns, therefore, are the solution, especially if they are the hands of moral citizens.  Imagine if you will how many lives could have been saved at that terrible tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, had someone been there who was armed to DEFEND the innocent against the immoral gunman.
Guns don't cause evil, rather than keep it in check.  George Washington said it best with: "The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.
Children shouldn't be taught that guns are bad.  Rather, they should be taught a healthy respect of guns as a true tool of liberty, so that when they get older, they can carry them themselves to protect against the immoral and the wicked who would do them harm. 
Thomas Jefferson, in writing to his teenage nephew wrote something that is so true, especially today in our immoral society.  He stated: "As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives [only] moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion to your walks."
Notice, he tells that learning to use and respect guns is not only exercise to the body, but also to the mind.  He then speaks of how violent ball games are which appeal only to the flesh and not the mind.  For these make people want to be the more violent.
Freedom is taught and it usually comes only when one has fought.  We in America have a government that was once the greatest on earth.  Why?  Because MORAL men with GUNS and a faith in GOD fought to secure it for us.  However, unless children are taught the importance of living a moral life while learning how to defend themselves, rather than hoping the government will do it for them, then all is lost. 
Will you be truly free, or will you be enslaved?  Spiritual freedom is found only in Jesus Christ.  Physical freedom comes by having the right to defend yourself, and this entails the right to bear arms, something our constitution assured us should never be infringed upon.  Yet this is a threat to immoral men who seek to take away our freedoms and spit in the face of God.  They seek to become God themselves and rule over men as the most depolorable, immoral, and intolerant tyrants and dictators.  And, we are told in the Scriptures, such a man will inevitably come to power over the whole entire world.  This man the Bible calls "The Anti-Christ."  We are told he will come in the last days.  How does he come to power?  He convinces immoral men that they need him as their Saviour, and that only he can solve their problems.
Be careful of any one, who says you must trust them and them alone for your liberty, safety, security, and well-being.  Beware of anyone who seeks to convince you that you will be safer if you give up your guns.  Beware of anyone who says they rather than God is the answer to all your problems.   
The only one whom you can truly trust is God.  And you can trust His holy word, the King James Bible. 
I'll close with the words of Oliver Cromwell, who said, "Put your faith in God, but keep your powder dry!"