Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Truth About Islam

Islam claims to be a religion, but yet it appears to be more than anything else a Political System, which attemps to push itself on others through what is called Sharia Law.  And, as you study out that philosophical/political teaching, you'll find things that will greatly surprise you (or maybe even sicken you a little).
Islam means "submission."  And the overall goal of Islam is to make the entire world submit to it's teachings.  But what does it teach?  Where does it come from?  What is it all about?  And should we even be concerned?
If you listen to the daily news sources, you'll often hear that Islam is a "peaceful" or "peace-loving" religion.  But is this so?  Are they truly peaceful, especially when we so often hear about them engaging in "terrorist acts?"
If you study the truth about Islam you'll find out that the facts prove that Islam is not "peaceful."  Rather, you will find that Islam is a very hurtful and oppressive system.  One that not only hurts the body of it's followers but also their very souls!
Let's begin by looking at who exactly the "god" of Islam really is.  Islamists claim their god is named "Allah" and many say he's nothing more than the same God of Christianity.  But is this so?   If you read Chick Tracts, then you might have read "The Prophet," which tells of how Allah is really an ancient idol, a representation of the "Moon god" of the pagans of old. 
But further examination tells us that Allah is more than this.  By careful study we find he is an entity that's very old indeed.  In fact, if you will read the following, you will find that Allah is the god of VIOLENCE and  REVOLUTION!
This article does well to tell who Allah really is, and one can't help but think as they read this article of an entity named Lucifer otherwise known as Satan, who chose to use violence to try to start a revolution against the one and true God! 
Is Allah the Devil?  I'll let you decide that for yourself, but this is an interesting article that helps make that correlation.  And, as we shall see, the fruit of Allah isn't peace, but much evil, which makes one wonder if it isn't Satanic in origin.
Now that we've seen the oldest historical reference to "Allah," let's now turn our attention to what Islam (which worships Allah) really believes. 
So what does Islam teach?  To find out, you need to go to the "Koran" which they call their "holy book."  And as you read that book, you find some very startling things.  Time and again Islam condones murder, homosexuality, beating of women, prostitution, and more. 
If you don't believe me, watch the following video of a woman who reads DIRECTLY FROM THE KORAN, showing exactly what their book says...
The readings from the Islamic "holy" book shows that it isn't very holy at all!   Rather, it is full of hatred, anti-women ideals, pro-homosexual tendencies, child molestation, sex perversion, and much more. 
If you chose to disagree with this analysis, (even though she's done nothing more than just READ from that book itself), then help yourself.  But don't be critical and try to judge what others say about the Koran, unless you first read the Koran for yourself. For if you simply read the text, you can't help but see the blatant, in your face, anti-civilized, anti-Christian, teachings!  Many of which are things permitted by the Koran which are completely FORBIDDEN in the Bible. 
But if it's not enough for you to look at the "god" of Islam and judge it based upon its own "holy book," then let's look at the actual fruit of Islam itself.  What is it?  Is it peace, joy, happiness, love, purity?  Nope!  As you look at the fruits of Islam you see the exact opposite.  In fact, you find much agony, pain, perversion, even going so far as nothing more than MUTILATION of people's bodies!!!  (I refer to the Muslim practice of CIRCUMCISING WOMEN, which is cutting out their genital parts that give them sexual feeling and sewing up their private parts so they will not enjoy sex!) 
For a complete detail of this, I recommend you go to Youtube and watch Ann Barnhardt's videos about Islam, and their practices.  There are four parts.  They are as follows:
Video 1 on Islam and Sex Perversion: 
Video 2 on Islam and Sex Perversion:
Video 4 on Islam and Sex Perversion:
It's hard to watch these videos without crying, especially part three which deals with FEMALE CIRCUMCISION (better stated female mutilation).
 What you find, as you study Islam, is a system full of child molestation, bodily mutilation, pedophile actions, abuse of women, homosexual acts, and much, much more.  And, that barely scratches the surface!
Yet, you are constantly bombarded with propaganda telling you that Islam is a "peaceful religion" (as Ms. Barnhardt rightly states, it's neither peaceful or a religion!).  But if you get the facts, the TRUTH shows otherwise!
 This is why it's so important to educate yourself!  Study it out for yourself and come to your own conclusion! This is what I have done, and after careful study, I personally can't deny that much of what's done in Islam is very wicked and oppressive.  For lack of a better word, it's: SATANIC! 
There is no freedom in Islam to do as you wish, rather you have to submit to evil and wicked men who desire to abuse you!  How wants to live like this?
With all this stated, I simply ask you, "Have you done your homework about Islam?"  Have you studied out for yourself what Islam really is?  For if you do, you'll find the TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM is quite ugly!  And, it's most certainly not something that any free society should embrace or endorse.
It allows men to engage in the most outrageous atrocities, and then justify what they've done, claiming that god (Allah) permited them to do so.
My question then, is this to all those who read this and watch and read all the links given above: "Do you think Islam is a peaceful religion?"
I'd love to hear from you on my comments box.  Also, got any more links which show Islam as it truly is?  Please list them in the comments box!