Monday, June 4, 2012

The "Ministry"

There is a word that many Christians use today without thinking.  That word is "ministry."  Often it's used by preachers, pastors, evangelists, and missionaries, who use it in reference to what they do for Jesus.  They claim to be in "The Ministry."  But what do they mean by it?  And is what they practice "in the ministry"  really what the Bible says about it?
Before examining this possibility, let's first define the word "ministry."  According to the 1828 Webster's Dictionary, it means: 

1.  The office, duties or functions of a subordinate agent of any kind.
2.  Agency; service; aid; interposition; instrumentality.
3.  Ecclesiastical function; agency or service of a minister of the gospel or clergyman in the modern church, or of priests, apostles and evangelists in the action.
4.  Time of ministration; duration of the office of a minister, civil or ecclesiastical.
5.  Persons who compose the executive government or the council of a supreme magistrate; the body of ministers of state.
6.  Business, employment.

Notice that even though there might be different offices and functions, the defining element of the "ministry" is that of "SERVING" others.  And that service can be either secular or religious.
As we look at the term "minister" we find the following definition:

1.  To attend and serve; to perform service in any office, sacred or secular.
2.  To afford supplies; to give things needful; to supply the means of relief; to relieve.
3.  To give medicines.

Again notice the idea of "SERVING" others.  It's "helping" their needs whether they be spiritual or physical.
Why is this important?  The answer is that modern day "ministers" who brag about being in the "ministry" have seemed to forgotten this.  For many of them don't serve others, rather they use their offices and positions of power to serve themselves!  They are nothing short of modern day pharisees, who seek to enslave their congregations or their constituents to their own will, in order to prey upon them and enrich themselves.
This is a sad accusation, but it is exactly what's happening today in many denominations, churches, assemblies, governments, and medical systems.
Often "ministers" look at themselves as "ABOVE" the people, and worthy of praise, honor, glory, riches, and worship.  But this goes entirely against the very definition of the word which they use to try to identify themselves.  It's almost like they are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they claim to be.  And, there is a word for such people.  It's a Bible word.  And, it's a word that Jesus used quite frequently to expose such people. That word is: "HYPOCRITE!"
As an ordained minister of the gospel myself, I've had to struggle with such things.  When I started my "ministry" I wanted people to know who I was, and I wanted to make a name for myself like most other Missionaries do who travel and preach in many different places.  It's hard not to desire fame and a good pat on the back from other preachers.  But I soon found out that that is NOT what the ministry is about.  And I rejected all that, and focused on truly "ministering" to others.
The ministry is not about putting people down, abusing them, using them, browbeating them, and/or milking money out of them.  (Which many a modern day "Minister," and I use the term lightly, does on a regular basis.)  Rather, true ministering is getting to know the people, fellowshipping with them, praying with them and for them, loving them, and going out of your way to do anything for them.  And anyone who does this is a true Minister.
Sadly, we live in a day of religious men who are Ministers in name only.  I've met them, and I'm sure so have you.  These are men who don't know their congregations, don't want to be bothered by them, and don't want to met their spiritual and/or physical needs.  Instead, these are pulpit fillers who take positions in the church just for the money or the fame.  They aren't hard to spot.  In fact, it's easy to tell who such people are, for they continually preach only on "tithing" and the reason they do so is because they want more money for themselves, not for God and his work.
Such men don't understand the early church.  For as you read the scriptures, you find the Apostle Paul wasn't taking up offerings for himself, rather for the "poor saints."  It used to be the "Minister" would try to help those within his congregation who were struggling and in need, as true Christians help each other, and MINISTER to each other.  But today, a class system has arisen in which you have those in positions of authorithy and under them the "laymen," who are looked at as the do-nothings, who are unimportant to the plan of the Pastor, who usually lives only to build his own little "kingdom" rather than making sure those who are saved and part of the Kingdom of God are ministered unto within his own congregation.
I've seen it with Missionaries too.  They travel to many churches and gain much support and then they go to a field somewhere and rather than getting down to the level of those they are trying to reach, they build themselves a big mansion, and immediately separate themselves from those they desire to reach.  They aren't interested in "ministering" to the lost, rather in building their own little kingdom as well.  And because they have so much they live the good life, while people around them suffer in poverty.  How can a "minister" minister the gospel to others who look at them as rich hypocrites who don't care about them?
I'm not advocating giving away money to the lost.  No, ministering in the Bible is to the saints.  But what's wrong with reaching the lost by giving them Bibles, and inviting them over to your home to eat with you while you become their friends and give them the Gospel?  The sad truth is that many Missionaries look down upon those they are going to, and they would never invite them over to their own homes (better stated, "mansions").  I've seen this type of religious racism time and again.  I've even seen and heard Missionaries say things like, "Don't let those people in my house, they will tear the place up!"  These type of "ministers" (so called) only about themselves, and not about the people they are supposed to be "ministering" to.
In secular politics the elected officials are supposed to be subordinate to those who put them in office.  But my how seldom is this the case.  Politicians usually weld their power and use it to their advantage to make literally millions of dollars (either legally or illegally) and abuse their power for political gain.  Rather than helping their constituents, they usually rob them blind.  They are poor ministers.
And in the medical world, we find Doctors with their "Hypocritical Oath" (Did I spell that wrong?  Oh, sorry.  It's supposed to be the "Hypocratic Oath.") Using their positions only for financial gain.  They don't truly care about their patients, rather they only care about the money that either their patients or their insurance companies can pay them.  They are poor ministers, often times receiving kickbacks from Pharmecutical companies for perscribing their drugs to their patients.  (Drugs which oftentimes are years later found to be HARMFUL rather than HELPFUL).
Yes, anyway you look at it, those today who are supposed to be "ministering" to others seem to have become corrupted and have found they can use their position as a "minster" for themselves.  They are corrupt.  They are "apostasized" if you will.  And who suffers?  Those they claim to be ministering unto.
Would to God there were some true MINISTERS left in this country and in this world.  For truly there is very little real "ministering" going on in this world, either in the physical or spiritual realm. 
As for me, I desire to be a true minister.  For me, this entails giving people the truth, and spending time with them, listening to them, and getting to know them.  If they are Christians, then even helping them and exhorting them, encouraging them to live right and do right.  Sadly, there are very few ministers of the Gospel today who do this.  Rather, many are only focused on fighting amongst themselves.  And they often with words of anger, bitterly attack one another.  Thinking this is part of "The Ministry."  But where is this in the Bible?  Sadly, there are many today who truly think that their "ministry" is to attack, ridicule, and name call others.  And they do it on a regular basis.  Even sadder, there are those who follow them who think they are spiritual because they do so, and they follow in their footsteps, doing the same to others.  But this is not "The Ministry."  In fact, this isn't even found in the Bible.  Rather, we are commanded to "edify" on another, not "attempt to bring one another down."
Ephesians 4:29 clearly teaches, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
And this, I find, is my focus.  I truly desire to "minister" in the "Ministry."  I want to minister GRACE to others, not HATE, ANGER, or RIDICULE, as so many others do today, while weakly trying to call themselves "Ministers."