Sunday, May 29, 2011

College Education Makes You Dumber!

I've always viewed the world and it's way of doing things as "The System." It's a form of living set up by Satan to get people to think and act the way he pleases. It's not about doing right or living a godly life for Jesus Christ, while adhereing to his word. Rather, it's propogandizing kids and teach them how to fit in with the New World Order.

College fits into Satan's plan in several ways. First, it takes away all the morales a young person might have (i.e. everyone knows colleges now days are just "party schools" where children get away from their parents and sow their wild oats). Free love, parties, orgies, drunken revelry, etc. are all encouraged in College, especially in Fraternities and Sororities. Even homosexual organizations enjoy no opposition in recruiting the youth into their ranks, exhorting them to experiment with their bodies to see if they are straight or not. In short, College is a place Satan uses to debase the bodies of young people.

Second, college is a place in which the Devil destroys the minds of young people. In almost all colleges, God and the Bible are made fun of, while young people are instructed to "rebel" and "think for themselves." But rather than teaching young people how to think, colleges teach them what to think. Narrow-minded professors push Evolution, Revolution, Communism, and Eastern Mystism on the students, telling them that those are the best forms of spiritualism and government. But rather than comparing them with others, they teach those only while ridiculing everything else.

Further, they teach young people that there are no absolutes. Thus, everything is abstract, and that means you can never have any right or wrong. With this mentality, a child is ruined, never knowing what's good or bad, and they will usually live a life full of guilt from the many mistakes they make continually from day to day. Often this leads to heavy drinking, drug use, and suicide. College offers no hope, and because of this, students are hopeless in the world without the joy and peace that only Jesus Christ offers.

Finally, the outrageous college tuition fees lead most students to secure student loans which they most often NEVER find themselves able to repay. In debt they are pressured to find good jobs in order to pay off their loans. But with the failing economy, they struggle to make ends meet. Soon, they find they are working a 9 to 5 job not to get ahead, but just to keep from getting behind on their bills. They become nothing less than indentured servants working in the rat race for the sole purpose of paying the interest on their debts. Very seldom do they ever get ahead. So in debt they live rest of their lives never knowing the joy and happiness of having a savings account and being free from the burden of oweing so much to others.

Truly, colleges today make people worse off than better. They also teach them to be good robots working within The System. They become slaves which can't think outside the box. And rather than being taught truth, honor, and morality, they are left hopeless, with no one to rely upon but themselves, making them even more prideful and selfish.

I write this, because my wife was on Youtube today and watched a really great documentary about colleges and how they leave people poor and ignorant. You can watch the video yourself at:

After you click above, look for the video entitled "College Conspiracy." It is worth a watch!